Thursday, September 04, 2008


You have REFUSED, for over 7 years, to learn and teach SCRIPTURAL TRUTH to your throngs. However, you STOLE the use of the holy name of God - you've blasphemed it to the world - by attaching ANTI-SCRIPTURAL SPIRITUAL LIES to his name; and by NOT RETRACTING your "U2 Yahweh" videos. (Your company DOES do that to OTHER videos whose issuance is not pleasing to you.) Those "U2 Yahweh" videos not only BLASPHEME God's name mightily, with an entire PARADE of spiritistic and pagan IDOL IMAGES; but, under those videos, YOUR FANS CONTINUE TO SPEW OUT ANTI-SCRIPTURAL RELIGIOUS LIE-comments.

For instance, as said before, there is a "new trend" FALSE religion that bases itself on using the Hebrew-only form of the Tetragrammaton, and by calling Jesus "Yeheshua." Other than that, it promotes many of THE SAME OLD LIES AS THE REST OF CHRISTENDOM - such as the pagan-[FALSE] "Christian"-hybrid trinity godhead dogma and misidentification of who Christ's "brothers" (those going to heaven to help him rule as priests and kings) are. The anti-scriptural teachings of that "new" form of worship render it UNACCEPTABLE to either God or Christ. It is yet another brand of Christendom, which blasphemes both God and Christ.

Your "Yahweh" song, with its video-comment opportunities, etc. has fueled and enabled some of that "new" religion of Christendom to preach intense falsehood towards and blasphemy of God's holy personal name. Yet, because of the new-ness (to many) of the name "Yahweh", and due to U2 making the NAME "Yahweh" more popular, "preachers" of that "new" form of Christendom are abusing it.

Use another widely-known form of the Tetragrammaton - Jehovah - and watch a lot of people run off though, huh. Why is that?

So MANY want the "USE" of God's holy name; but SO FEW ARE WILLING TO HONOR THAT NAME by RENOUNCING UNRIGHTEOUSNESS and OBEYING the God behind that name, correct?????!!!!!!

Pure and TRUE WORSHIP of the Creator involves MUCH MORE than merely writing or saying a form of his holy personal name.


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