Thursday, July 08, 2010

"The Gospel According to U2" - New IDOLATRY Cookie-Fodder

Oh, boys and girls, boys and girls!
Pay, pay, pay! - There's a new book for you to buy
To "salve" and serve your SICK, idolatrous consciences
That ache from the LIES
You try to house in your heads.
Yes, yes - a lay-"preacher" has laid a "fresh" batch
Of LIE cookies before you - so taste and chew
Chew as a group. What a "community!"

(Sarcasm) Why, why, U2, U2 are like the Hebrew PROPHETS, aren't they??!!
At the same time, however, somehow, their band is even an example
Of the way the (pagan/spiritism-origin-ed, apostate "Christianity"-adopted) Trinity godhead functions - yes! (SARCASM)
A U2-IDOLATER "lay-preacher" SAYS SO!

And a - wow - "DOCTOR" / "expert"
Who has written (gasp in awe) on the subject of U2 and "spirituality" - praising U2 for their
FINE contributions to the spirituality of humanity -
Recommends this author with his concepts.
Further, an advertiser of all the above is a blatant,
God-fighting, Bono/U2 IDOLATER,
Whose past JEZEBELLIAN WORKS have included
Mass-media declaring that true "Christianity" incorporates
Revelous aspects of BACCHUS worship.

What prophesied-type,
Self-pleasure-first serving IDOLATER
Would not LOVE such a form of "worship" ?!

"For there will be a period of time when
they will not put up with the healthful teaching,
they will accumulate teachers for themselves
to have their ears tickled;
and they will turn their ears away from the truth,
whereas they will be turned aside to false stories."
(2Timothy 4:3,4)

"My reason is that certain men have slipped in
who have long-ago been appointed by the Scriptures
to this judgment, ungodly men,
turning the undeserved kindness of our God
and PROVING FALSE to our only Owner
and Lord Jesus Christ."
(Jude 4)

It is hard to watch people eat, praise and market
Life-toxic now and Armageddon-deathful later cookies,
Ignoring bona-fide scriptural warnings
(Even mocking them)
As they smile about their "treats" together and swallow
Satan's lies all up.

Meanwhile, with the CONSENT of SILENCE
Does not the main subject of this book
AGAIN stand idle/idol-y by?

I wonder if it makes him fidget -
Perhaps causes him to adjust those recent, much-media-ed
Eyeglasses with the
Neo-pagan/Wiccan/witch/spiritism-Satan symbols on them?
(PLEASE trash those frames and get new ones. And get rid of the phallic symbol necklace while you're at it too, huh?)

Ah, but "social justice", "social justice", "social justice" -
"In the name of God", of course. (Sarcasm)
As A REPLACEMENT for loyalty and obedience
To God and the whole of
Makes everything just easy-going "fine"
and "HIP 'CHRISTIAN' COOL" for many,
Doesn't it.

"And many will say to me in that day,
'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name,
and expel demons in your name,
and perform many powerful works in your name?'
And yet I will confess to them:
(Matthew 7:22,23)

Will FALSE "Christian" U2 IDOLATERS TOTE THEIR "The Gospel According to U2" BOOKS ALONG TO THEIR

At those services, besides Bono and U2, the UN, with its "Goals", is also exalted to a "savior" position - rather than Jehovah/Yahweh with his own TRUE, SCRIPTURAL KINGDOM-COME arrangement; with Jesus Christ as God's appointed TRUE Savior to mankind and King of that Kingdom for all the earth. (It is GOD'S SON who will bring a TRUE END TO "EXTREME POVERTY" - NOT ANY ORGANIZATION OF MEN!!!!!!!!! Real simple: Psalm 72:12-14) At those "U2-Charists", sacrifices in the form of fund-support for that UN's Millenial Development Goals are also encouraged and facilitated (that fund-support having been promoted by Bono [god/guru] ads). Right there. In houses of so-called "Christian" "worship".


"Therefore, when you catch sight of the disgusting thing which causes desolation, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place (let the reader use discernment,) then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains.........for then there will occur great tribulation such has not occurred since the world's beginning until now, no, nor will occur again..." (Matthew 24:15,16,21)

Lots of times, if not always, such "worship" services are high-pointed by the singing of the "U2" song titled with God Almighty's own personal HOLY name, "Yahweh".


And what CONTINUED BLASPHEMY that Bono and U2 do not demand that BLASPHEMY TO GOD and JESUS CHRIST - in the name of Bono and in the name of U2, and as at least recently exemplified BY them TO their IDOLATROUS fans - BE HALTED, be stopped, be ended.

(Sarcasm) What chewy, "yummy" cookies of spiritual lies, idolatry, blasphemy, and crowd-pleasing FALSE "worship". Too bad so many people haven't cared about what's actually IN those cookies, though; or where they really came from; or what the intent of the mixer, baker, and distributor of them is......but, this remains true -

"You CANNOT be drinking the cup of Jehovah and the cup of demons;
***you CANNOT be partaking of 'the table of Jehovah' AND the table of demons."***
(1Corinthians 10:21)


Blogger Theresa1 said...

'Just thought I'd mention that I DO LIKE 2 eat cookies - the wholesome, physical kind though; NOT the negative metaphoric kind.

10:33 PM  

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