Saturday, January 10, 2015

Freedom of Speech in "The Blogosphere" vs. Moderated "Discussion" on a "Reputation-Managed", Giant Ad for Celebrities Website

As a former victim of having my freedom of speech and freedom of religion immorally, grossly, and most disrespectfully long-term violated on a couple of earlier versions of your band's "Zootopia" discussion forums before - I choose freedom of speech ELSEWHERE, such as in "the Blogosphere."

(I've also been similarly mistreated on and banned from writing on at least 11 other music discussion boards by fervent idolator-fans of yours.)

For speaking out truth, even on the very same kinds of subjects and themes being otherwise very freely discussed by others; for my unpopular, voice of the minority, sometimes unflattering (warning of spiritual disaster) remarks - even by way of poetry - I was expunged by your website, banned a few times, shown the prophesied hate. At the same time, gang-attacks, hounding, slander, etc. were freely allowed to be carried on against me - without repercussion - by those with a shared hatred against the minority opinion of truth that I spoke of, and against my religion. (And, yes, it was said that even back in those days, "the band" had a keen interest in what was going on on their website.)

However, you still did collect that "Ambassadors of Conscience" award from Amnesty International....

Since not everyone has the human-world protective resources that rich celebrities often do - allowing those with money to speak out and mass-media whatever they wish to, no matter how offensive, no matter how bad the advise is, with relative impunity - there is good reason for those without such resources to speak out the truths they feel are very important in a more low-profile way. Therefore, even with all of the invasive anti-privacy contraptions of our cell phones, computers, and the internet now, for as much as it can have even a semblance of being maintained, anonymity is of high value.

Using a pseudonym does not mean the I "hide" WHAT I am, but means that I wish to hide, in my writing sometimes, WHO I am. (Again though, with all of the data mining, etc., anonymity has basically been robbed from us - it has become a joke.)

This was wisely stated by Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens -

"Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority. It thus exemplifies the purpose behind the Bill of Rights, and of the First Amendment in particular: to protect unpopular individuals from retaliation — and their ideas from suppression — at the hand of an intolerant society. The right to remain anonymous may be abused when it shields fraudulent conduct. But political speech by its nature will sometimes have unpalatable consequences, and, in general, our society accords greater weight to the value of free speech than to the dangers of its misuse."
Speech regarding scriptural spiritual truth - harmless and anti-violent though it is - is even far more "unpalatable" to the many than "political speech". However, freedom to speak God-purposed, scriptural messages from Him to one's fellow man, as per God's own will itself -  IS THE HIGHEST HUMAN RIGHT THERE IS, a right already ensured by the Universal Sovereign Jehovah Himself. Hate against scriptural truth and messengers of it was repeatably prophesied by both God and His Son, but persons who enact hate or oppression towards that truth or genuine messengers of it - or who are party to this - stand as being culpable for such to the Creator Himself. The scriptural messages are HIS - and it is HE who has expressly commissioned His TRUE worshipers to speak them out - with freeness of speech already granted by HIM. It is no human being's place to presume to interfere with that freedom. The Authority to speak God's truth comes from heaven, NOT men. 

Why would anyone even bother to try to write anything of the greatest importance or most vital truth on your discussion boards now? I look at my "profile" now, and see where there is a box to the upper left to show how many "WARNING POINTS" a person has received!! Along with that, is a title-description over a person's "profile pic" and "name". If they've only contributed a few posts, they are demarcated on your site as being "NUMB". 

Bono, can we please review the words of yours and Edge's own song? I know the words. This is all far too ironic, and, in fact, is into the range of being excruciatingly hypocritical.

Let's see: In the lyrics for "Numb" there is, with sarcasm, the line "Don't preach, don't teach, don't reach."

Yet, it has been, in previous times, that  I was banned from your site for doing just that - preaching, teaching, and reaching (at least a few persons anyway - but a low "listener" rate was prophesied).

Now though, while demeaning persons with the title of "NUMB" if they do not write much on your message boards, you also have a crew of persons - who are NOT God - standing by, ready to shoot, as it were, "warning points" onto any who would dare speak out (with sufficient strength, rather than silence-which-renders-consent or watered-down-to-inanity) unwanted known Divine scriptural truths (including FROM God) about any subjects at hand or at large (as with the state of the world, current events, etc., etc.)

This is the second time I have heard you deride those who write in "the blogosphere" - but really, those who write with the greater amount of freedom of speech they are allowed to in "the blogosphere." 

There is far, far too much of persons trying to CONTROL others these days - especially when it comes to trying to squelch-out or silence those who speak unpopular warning and judgment messages of scriptural truth from the Creator Jehovah Himself. Even though such violations towards freedom of speech of the highest order were prophesied; the persons choosing to enact these spiritual-moral crimes are still in-the-wrong, and are still guilty of serious injustice. Nevertheless, EVERYONE faces an accounting from the Most High over what they do regarding all issues such as these.

And, as always, it's so ultra-ironic - that for all of the hoopla about wanting to "save the world" - or at least help some of the dire situations of people in it - persons so boldly voice and foment continued derision against the very so-called "extreme ideology" [carelessly or intentionally and slanderously left grouped with demonistic, evil-enacting, killer religions] and so-called "legalism" of the scriptural mandates of the Maker of man Himself - the very instructions that can prevent or alleviate SO many problems (even now) for persons that follow them, and can cause those persons to also make life better for those around them. (God's own intervention of Armageddon; followed by His establishment of His own earth-wide, heaven-based Kingdom headed by His Son, Jesus Christ, as Earth's only Ruling entity, will make sure all problems are truly and permanently ended for everyone then here.)


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