Saturday, September 13, 2014

And Then There's THIS: Fodder for the Father of the Lie, and the Fakers Who Want to Follow Him

3.) What is the FOCUS of your lyrics to the song, "Raised by Wolves"? Is it not the chorus of, "I don't believe anymore/ I don't believe anymore"?

And its left negligently general - again - so that even what is GOOD and TRUE, LIFE-BETTERING, HOPE-GIVING, and LIFE-SAVING - SPIRITUAL TRUTH, according to purposed words of Jehovah the Creator and Universal Sovereign Himself; living loyally and obediently to God's words and spirit (practicing true religion and pure worship on God's own given terms, according to His own standards); and even the Heavenly Father and His Son (mankind's Ransomer) - IN EFFECT, ONCE AGAIN GET TRASHED and PUBLICLY DEFAMED TO THE MASSES as THINGS and PERSONS WHICH MERELY SHARE THE BLAME (for horrible things that go on in this world) WITH DEMONISM-BASED FALSE RELIGIONS/PHILOSOPHIES; and the false-religious, spiritually dishonest/excuse-to-do-bad-seeking, demon-influenced-but-loving-it and/or apostate SPIRITUAL HYPOCRITES and FALSE gODS of the world.

STOP doing Satan's work of publicly MALIGNING - EVEN BY NEGLIGENCE -  (this time to potentially 1/2 of a BILLION people in one shot) the Only True and Living God; pure and loyal worship according to His own words; the Jehovah-purposed and life-saving preaching of His words of truth to the world in this time of the end; and those who loyally uphold the one true global religion thereof.

"The worst things in the world are justified by belief" - that's ONLY true when the beliefs are LIES; or when the application of what is true is wickedly or mistakenly TWISTED to be harmfully FALSE; or when someone desires and believes in evil itself. Thus the need for the teaching of spiritual TRUTH - though many people, as prophesied, don't even want to listen.

*the BAD in the WORLD is JUSTIFIED by FALSE belief* (Try that one.)

"Raised by wolves, Stronger than fear....I open my eyes, you disappear"

WHY? True - "the sons of disobedience", and "the ruler of the authority of the air" [Satan] - whose spirit effects them [Ephesians 2:2] - are prevalent in this currently demon-run and propagandized world system; but the Creator (the One who will be thoroughly correcting this more-than-tragic situation of evil beings and fools causing harm, suffering, and injustice, etc. to others) does NOT deserve this treatment, or to have this sung towards Him or in alluded reference to Him over what HIS ENEMY (SATAN) HAS SLANDEROUSLY PULLED OFF (with the help of willingly demon-compliant human hordes) "in the name of God."

Raised by wolves 
What is the hope
I close my eyes
And pray You'll come near


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