Sunday, September 14, 2014

Mostly Okay - "You're Gonna Sleep Like a Baby Tonight" [Now with More (and More) Metaphors]

For the most part, I appreciate this smoothly melodic, cynical and sarcastic slam upon war-mongering Babylon the Great (the world empire of FALSE religions); and the kind of spiritually asleep, dis-concerned (as to evil and injustice that doesn't affect them - especially that which they are party to), self-satisfied, self-centered, forgiveness-presuming (no matter what they do) attitudes many false religionists sadly manifest. [That is the opposite of the mentality of biblical examples of righteous persons, such as Enoch, Lot, Elijah, Jeremiah...and Jesus Christ.]

(Musically, I like how there are fitting transitions into anger/"monster music" at 3:49; followed by sheer irritation; and finishing-off in disappointment - but with choral winds calling one away to something better; and light-sprinkles of chimes that are like glimmers of hope.....If one will just follow that to get out of God-condemned "Babylon the Great" - quickly now. [Revelation 18:4,5])

This song makes use of various trappings of false religions as metaphors to symbolize them, such as:
  • Christmas 
  • "The colours of forgiveness" - that which is not real
  • Purple robes - like a priest's vestments; or as symbolizing a spiritually complacent wealth, or royalty which confers with false religion; or as reminiscent of Babylon the Great's being arrayed in purple and scarlet, as found at Revelation 17:4
  • "Dirty business"
  • "Silence" - over evil which goes on
  • "Screaming" - as caused by the violence, terrorism, suffering and more that have been wrought and spiritually fueled and supported by the false-to-God religions of the world
  • "No daylight", "no healing"- There's spiritual darkness instead, due to anti-scriptural and spiritistic lies being taught and upheld instead of God's own scriptural truth. And, of course, Jehovah's holy spirit and blessings are not with or upon any form of false religion/"worship".
  • SUICIDE is mentioned 3 times (emphasizing the truth that the evil workings of Satan's hope-killing, lie-feeding, and destruction-delivering FALSE religions/religionists surely have resulted in many suicides over the centuries)...
  • [And then this song is topped-off with] "St. Francis, covered in light". St. Francis statues are a common garden idol beloved by many of Christendom. Here, it appears to be bathed in light - as if the false religious sector it is tied to is holy (it isn't), or truely peaceful (it's not), or has Jehovah's approval at all - but of course, it does not.

More pointedly, yet in quiet, (not-the-usual) high-pitched voice, for attention/emphasis, a good urging is given:

"Hope is where the door is
When the church is where the war is"
[And then]

"Where no one can feel no one else’s pain"

So much as this does refer to the war-promotion and spiritual support of wars carried on by the false-to-God religions of the world (which spiritually adulterize themselves to "the kings of the earth", to do their will, rather than be loyal and obedient to God, whom they only claim to serve); and for so much as this condemns spiritual indifference as to injustice and the suffering of others, it is similar in thought to the scriptural urging, the warning- especially for our day - found in Revelation Chapter 18:4,5 [in reference to "Babylon the Great" (Satan's world empire of all false religions)] - 

"Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues. For her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice to mind."

The spiritual war of the good vs. the evil goes on fiercely everywhere though these days. Even among true and loyal worshipers of Jehovah, just as prophesied (especially for this time of the end), there have come to be the few (but trouble-making and/or disturbing) scripturally warned-against-in-type false brothers/false friends; traitors; practicers and condoners of what is hurtful and unjust; persons neglecting to uphold the standards and supreme Authority of God's own spirit-backed words of truth - His Holy Scriptures - themselves (including as regards "exclusive devotion" and pure worship to Jehovah alone - without dilution - as being God [and His Son alone as being the one Mediator between God and man]); hypocrites; apostates, persons who would deal treacherously with the wife of their youth, etc.  All this kind of thing has been foretold though; and scriptural warning examples have been purposely recorded and preserved for our day. Conditions can indeed parallel, for example, the kind of trying situations that faithful Jeremiah found himself in with some of his contemporaries. In such cases though, rather than "hope" being "where the door is", the hope (and it is always fulfilled) is for Jehovah to rescue those loyal, obedient, and true to Him (even though we humans are all imperfect now); and to sort out any wicked ones Himself, as He promises He will do - at Armageddon; if not earlier, by his spirit and his angels.

In other words, nobody, anywhere, will be allowed by God to keep on practicing any sort of spiritual badness or falseness indefinitely; and everyone, no matter who they are, has to answer to their Maker as to whether they are obedient and loyal to Him (even in private) or not. (That still does mean that persons do need to "get out of" the false religions of the world, and leave off from the spiritistic beliefs and practices of those false religions too though - and repent and turn around to worshiping Jehovah "with spirit and truth" (John 4:24), according to His own words....)

Knowing - and also sharing with others - that someday, starting soon, God Himself will only let persons who practice His (scripturally-described) righteousness (which includes honoring and obeying his Son, Jesus Christ) continue to live on this planet might help people to have hope for actually living in a peaceful New World here, starting in the near-future....And that might help some people sleep, rightfully, much more peacefully, even tonight.

Please don't sleep too tight until you take the blasphemy videos down though.....


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