Monday, February 04, 2013


Please do yourselves and a LOT of other people a favor, and SPEAK OUT AGAINST the spiritually idiotic disease lust that is U2/ Bono IDOLATRY (which is usually [blasphemously] promoted by many of your fans "in the name of Jesus Christ", of course).

You've got a little bit of time: Some fans of yours are holding another convention again, this coming April, largely for the purpose of  promoting and reinforcing "spiritual" "intellectualization" of your songs and mass media-ed "spiritual" and "spiritual"-"social justice" teachings as being "true religion"/"Christianity"/ a desired form of "acceptable" "worship".

Is this not just plain GROTESQUE???!!!

("The U2 Conference meets April 26-27, 2013") [Registration Fee:$249/ $299 a person.]

Talks include:

“Transgressing Theology: Locating Jesus in a ‘F—ed-Up World.’”

“A Communion of Transcendence: U2 and The Eucharist.”

The last time such a "spiritual"-"academic" [epidemic] conference was held during your tour, you GAVE IT [that idolatry, and spreading of anti-whole-scriptural spiritual-death-disease] KUDOS, during one of your performances - the news of which also spread... What a delight that must have been to Jezebellian FALSE "Christian" religious "leaders" and their bevvies.

Again, HOWEVER, IT WAS WRITTEN - the WARNING and EXAMPLE STORY [by the will of Jehovah/Yahweh Himself] of how THE ONLY RIGHT THING TO DO IS TO PUT THE FOOT DOWN AGAINST BEING IDOLIZED and promoted in relation to FALSE (anti-whole-scriptural) religions and spiritual LIES:

PAUL and Barnabus - what did they [RIGHTLY] do when the crowds tried to IDOLIZE them as being incarnations of Hermes and Zeus? As a scriptural example, WHAT DID THEY DO their best to try to TEACH THE CROWDS as to WHOM ALONE THEY SHOULD UPHOLD and WORSHIP AS GOD?  Again, please study Acts 14:11-18.

(Also, by the words of the Maker of heaven and earth and mankind, over and over again, TRUE worship means LISTENING to and OBEYING what God has said, as being His own terms of worship and standards - and what spiritual truth is.)

Seriously, figure: In this zippy lightning-flash info-spreading globalized world, "announcement" opportunities are cheap. And easy. And a simple choice - your simple choice. And responsibility. To God (and to your fan-"neighbors").

Armageddon by the Creator is SOON. Surely you know that.

P.S. Saying (and not retracting) things during massive and mass-media-ed concert performances such as, "This is church!" and "Take us to church!" (like before the big crescendo of [the then made blasphemous] "I believe in the kingdom come" of "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For") has both promoted and reinforced "the religion of Bono/U2ism" - the "church of Bono/U2" -  as being the ANTI-whole-scriptural and therefore ANTI-Jehovah/Yahweh; ANTIChrist; idolatrous; 2Timothy 4:3,4 prophesied-type (ungodly desire-supporting/sin "permissive") loose form of God-disobedient and defiant FALSE  WORSHIP/"spiritual" philosophy that IT IS - for so many "fans" (especially those of Christendom/counterfeit "Christianity").

And, albeit starkly: Don't believe for a second any preacher/"minister"/reverend/pastor/priest's adulating, BLASPHEMOUS proclamation that the "blessing" of the True God would ever be upon ANY of your performances that have BLASPHEMED Jehovah/Yahweh God Almighty Himself, by His OWN PERSONAL HOLY NAME, TO HIS FACE - attaching anti-whole-scriptural spiritual LIES to His HOLY name (OR to His own words, or distinct allusions or paraphrases of them, either).

And TAKE DOWN THE WORSE THAN GOLDEN CALF,  BLASPHEMOUS "U2 YAHWEH" videos from off of the major video sharing sites ALREADY - you have facilitated wild MASS-BLASPHEMY of God's Holy Name for YEARS now via them also. 

IF you REALLY cared about the well-being and futures of people, you would do that.

Or, you could look for $$; applause from false religious leaders and other idolaters; and "all the kingdoms of the world and their glory". (Matthew 4:8,9) Hello, hello.

I don't exactly understand: Why the focus of effort on calling on the big commercial, false religious, and political elements of Satan's world system to make "changes" to better life for people, when the track record is that Satan's world system altogether leans so much more towards killing people?

In contrast, though, there is power from Jehovah that can, does, and absolutely will help change life for the better on this planet - and God Himself and Son will fix the rest.

Individually, a person starts by learning Jehovah's scriptural will; and doing it, obeying it (John 17:3; 3:36) - making "changes" that way (Acts 3:19) - and then urging others to do the same. (Matthew 28:19,20) What we do, what we choose, IS IN THE POWER OF OUR OWN HAND. If we act in accord with God himself, he'll back us up with His power [his "holy spirit"] to do his will - for us each to do our part to enact real, lasting change, by imploring our fellow human beings to CHANGE their HEARTS and MINDS to meet their Creator's own wise, loving, and righteous scriptural standards. When people's actions follow that motivation, the world is that much bettered.

After the whole world's had their chance to learn and choose though (Matthew 24:14), with righteous persons thus gathered together and readied, as above, [ANY TIME NOW] Jehovah [Yahweh] the Creator and Universal Sovereign Himself (along with His Son, Jesus Christ) will suddenly sweep through this Earth to remove stubbornly God-defiant and disobedient persons; and will replace all of Satan's corrupt world system with His own perfect, heaven-based sole global Rule - His own, TRUE Kingdom government. (Daniel 2:44). The citizens of that earthwide Kingdom will be those that changed their hearts and minds to meet God's known standards.

Only the Creator is able to change the world from the state it is in now to the peaceful paradise it was meant to be, with humankind happily thriving in it - with no more sickness, war, crime, hunger, poverty, death, violence, injustice, or other tragedies that cause pain, suffering, and sadness. He PROMISES He will.

We, for our part, are SUPPOSED TO DO OUR PART, however; according to God's own words though, powerfully, with His backing.

You had it backwards, Bono: Its NOT Jesus Christ whose "hands aren't free" - he does his Father's will willingly, all the time. Instead, its this world of mankind, in general, that is not free - its generally all tied-up so much that God describes human society in general as having a web woven around it, like an envelope, all tied-up (and suffering, and perishing); imprisoned; and under the control and inter-workings of the wicked one, the Devil. (Isaiah 25:7; 61:1; 1John 5:19)

Satan's chief aim is to work ruin towards God, His name, and his purposes. He's had a lot of success - most people are currently sided with him, by at least default.

It makes sense then, doesn't it, to fight the core problems of this world system, which are spiritual ones, with what is also spiritual - to do our part, according to Jehovah, to work, spiritually, towards and along with the changes that are and will be happening? (Ephesians 6:12-18)

This planet IS going to end up under God-rule, from heaven down, starting SOON. Life on earth then will be wonderful, for every inhabitant, and can last forever - for every person who heart-and-soul rightfully submits to God-rule in their life.

That's the KNOWN, near-future outcome of things. Why not wisely figure from there, on back to this moment - and make needed, scripturally right choices NOW.


Blogger Theresa1 said...

It's good that the above two titled talks do not show up on this conference's program (anyway)...but what of THIS:

SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 2013

9:00 — 10:00 a.m.: (Extra Event) U2charist Service at Trinity Cathedral, followed by a U2charist Discussion with Rev....Details at our Extra Events Guide 2013.

How can ANYONE who CLAIMS to be a "reverend" (etc.), or "Christian", or Bible student, or even honest-hearted seeker of truth from God himself not have their conscience DISTURBED by even considering attending or supporting anything as idolatrous and blasphemous as a "U2 Charist".

8:02 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

I have friends named George and Sally. So, for starters, should I gather people together for a George-Charist, or a Sally-Charist - as a form of a "worship" service to God? Why or why not - and according to the spiritual Authority of the whole of the holy Scriptures themselves, please.
(That's a rhetorical question for you to consider.)

The scripturally-described (yearly) "last supper"/ the Lord's evening meal/ the memorial of Christ's death (Nisan 14) was the evening of this past March 26th. If you missed taking part in that scripturally mandated - and global memorial of Christ's death, then you missed it for this year. (Maybe you can come next year.) However, you will NOT find any whole-scripturally described - you will NOT find any God-acceptable - "Lord's evening meal" going on in ANY of the houses of Christendom, NOR in any of the places into which the clergy of Christendom extend their anti-scriptural sermonizing, "in the name of God, the Lord Jesus Christ", [and u2].

8:40 PM  

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