Friday, January 16, 2015

UPDATE to "Freedom of Speech in "The Blogosphere" vs. Moderated "Discussion" on a "Reputation-Managed", Giant Ad for Celebrities Website"

That didn't take long....

So, when I could no longer stand people's apathy, ignorance and laxness towards the issue of the name of Jehovah/Yahweh being ongoingly blasphemed by the un-retracted "U2 Yahweh" cartoon videos, I mentioned the problem of these in a conversation on U2's "new" fan forum discussion board of "Zootopia", and this is what I received back from one of their "higher-than-God" (feels free to threaten freedom of speech regarding His standards) "moderators":

"The key here would be not to push any personal point of view to anyone else. If you find that any particular U2 video, song or anything else doesn't accommodate any particular belief, you are free to discuss it, but please don't push for it. In any case, stop watching it if it offends you."

Here is my response, which I posted there, and I mean it:

"Define "push". In my experience, merely stating a truth that many people do not like has been most unjustly labeled as "pushing" or "forcing" one's beliefs on others. It is a mechanism by which the unwanted voice of the minority is censored, squelched, threatened, and banned. I've been down and witnessed this road before, on and off the internet. As to the "remedy" being for me to merely "stop watching the video" and be silent about the serious spiritual problems it has created and continues to make - including that it blasphemes MY God's name to the masses - sorry, but I won't be able to comply with that, as I worship the God of that name, not men. So I obey God as Ruler, not men. Perhaps I've said enough here though; and I can go back to taking my messages about this elsewhere. Is there to be actual freedom of speech, or merely listening to/singing songs about it and pretending to support human rights - including freedom of speech? I choose to live with and use freedom to speech. I'll take my writing and freedom of expression elsewhere. I see that neither "the U2 community" nor the world that it is a microcosm of has improved. Ciao. Awaiting your "warning point" for hated truth."


Blogger Theresa1 said...


3:33 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

Indeed - this whole business of intentionally and unjustly "labeling" mere speech of scriptural, spiritual TRUTH as being "pushing" or "forcing" one's beliefs on others is a product of BRAINWASHING propaganda, and is for the very purpose of trying to silence vital truth.

I encountered this same bad phenomenon when I went back to college in 2004/2005. There, I came face-to-face with this scam via "higher education". I was told at the beginning of one (suddenly, oddly "required"-type) class of so-called "Inter-cultural Communication" that if I held any "beliefs" (about anything, with spiritual-moral issues clearly being focused-on for attack) that I was not willing to change, that I was to rate myself as being "low" in my skills for "Intercultural Communication". What a sorid joke. I voiced my difference, and immediately had my spiritual beliefs outlandishly attacked by the "teacher" in front of the class. I walked out of the door while the "teacher" continued to mock both me and my God. I went to the dean's office; and after investigation, that "teacher" lost their job. Good.

Next, I tried to take a speech class at another school to fulfill this new "requirement". Immediately, the very first day, a vainglorious-type "professor", stalking the floor, informed the class that in our speeches, we could talk about any issue we wanted to, about that which was important to us personally - including about our religious/spiritual beliefs - but, he threatened, "the moment you try to PERSUADE with your speech...." To "persuade" - to try to convince others of the value of what we viewed as being important - was being forbidden. Immediately, I raised my hand, and said before all, "THEN WHAT IS FREEDOM OF SPEECH GOOD FOR?!" The "professor" - who had also been advertising "his book" that would soon be for sale, while "teaching" his class - was pre-decidedly unruffled, aka, he didn't give a darn at all. He was so disrespectful, he even spoke over me. He continued with his BRAINWASHING of the more gullible and unaware as I walked out that door too. As I mentioned to the first "teacher", I think this sort of "educational task" [brainwashing] being worked on students can be attributed to the "Goals 2000" plan by the United Nations.

And now see the outcome of this kind of brainwashing, unrighteous propaganda and its spread: Crops of people (and even their offspring) who are failing to value spiritual truth; but who are instead exhibiting a HAUGHTY, "elitist" DERISION for it.

More precisely though, such projects of brainwashing against spiritual truth can be trace-attributed to the mastermind of deceit and enemy of Jah and his saving truth and speech of it - Satan the Devil.

When ANYTHING BUT spiritual truth is freely welcomed (no matter how immoral, false, etc.) know that in such situations, Satan's "spirit of the authority of the air" (Ephesians 2:2) is clearly operative.

The Devil and his "seed" continue to war against God's "woman" and her "seed", just as prophesied. (See Revelation 12:17)

Why some people stubbornly refuse to heed scriptural warnings and acknowledge already-fulfilled scriptural prophesies - and fail to use the simple logic that since these things have occurred, as predicted; then the rest of what is being warned about, from the same source, is due to happen also - is beyond me.

You would think that they would care more about their lives and well-being and those of others than to be so un-naturally and ingratefully reckless. That is NOT love - "love rejoices with the truth". Instead, it is base unrighteousness. And it's pretty foolish as well.

God will not allow these injustices against Him and His loyal servants to continue though. He Himself will soon intervene to fix these problems. Amen.

10:20 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

And really, Bono, isn't your recent song, "Raised by Wolves" strongly promoting and reinforcing that very same philosophy - with it's recommendations of "I don't believe anymore", and "The worst things in the world are justified by belief".

Yes - it seems to be of the very same stuff, as you failed to specify WHAT it is that you don't believe in anymore. If it was merely false religions that you said you didn't believe in anymore, that would be justified - but you left that general.

Therefore, this song, like those aforementioned-type brainwashing attempts - this time by smoothly sung lyrics and intriguing music mass-media-ed by the most prevalent pop/rock singer and band in the world - again works to undermine and erode/destroy/dumb-down and break-down to ineffectiveness any actual strong faith and allegiance (loyalty, obedience) to Jehovah [Yahweh] the Creator and Universal Sovereign; or acts as a deterrent against persons whose consciences are just waking up to naturally move them to seek, find, and obey their Maker (out of natural, rightful gratitude).

I know you said, in the past, Bono, that you "would have lunch with the Devil" if that's what it would take for you to help the poor [in material ways]. But Satan and his forces are manslayers, Bono - and they don't care for humanity, Bono. They have no true love - just a guise of it, to entrap humans, even to their deaths. They only have one goal: Turn people against God, deter them from Him. You know [it would be Satan saying]: "Just give me what I want" [and then the LIE], "and no one gets hurt." (Continued)

12:40 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

(Continued) -
I can imagine that some who consider themselves to be superiorly-wise (more wise than the Creator Himself), "rightful" power-lords over their fellow human beings might indeed highly desire a playing field for the rest of humanity that has been, in effect, cleared of God. That way, THEY can be god - and the people they have brainwashed to idolize them won't have the wherewithal to say "no" to or take a stand against any evil they purport!

There are some such "power-monger" people (that you've been having "lunch" with) that are very big on the idea of "POPULATION CONTROL", and/or who see this planet with the population reduced by 90% as being "an answer" for solving some crises.

I suppose, if enough persons had their faith in the True God - and obedience to His standards and principles - made defunct by satanic brainwashing -

THEN SUCH CULT LEADERS, like Jim Jones, could, underhandedly, in time, get throngs of people to drink their poison soft-drink mix, in various forms.

Further - and it can be seen already - those whose faith has been destroyed or deterred can and do put pressure on and/or persecute and cause hardships and more for the minority of persons in this world who hold onto faith based on Divine, scriptural truth - and who obey God, including that they preach His life-bettering and life-saving truth to their fellow human beings.

What total, destructive foolishness "godlessness" and other false [anti-scriptural] religion and likewise false spiritual philosophies (including atheism) are. They are forms of Satan worship, by "default". What fodder for evil they are. Man's history and also the most hideous atrocities now going on all come FROM SUCH "gODLESSNESS" and other false religious LIE philosophies.

The godless - and many of those with dumbed-down, made-defunct, and/or feeble false religious/spiritual philosophies - are only considering "what they see", or what their human "leader" "experts" put forth as "solutions" to the major crisis problems now affecting (hurting and/or killing) millions; and which threaten the existence of mankind as a whole.

What they are failing to pay attention to and acknowledge though - among so many other truths that would be entirely helpful to humanity - is that the very Maker of this Earth and the family of man upon it, will be completely sustaining everyone here on this planet (and even people brought back from the dead), and that everyone here will thrive - AFTER He Himself rids this planet of what is really ruining this world: Satan and his forces and hordes - including humans who have come to be remorselessly and stubbornly God-defiant, despite having been served warning of God's scriptural judgments.

Why not stop having "lunch" with FOOLS - including false religious leaders who blood-guiltily preach foolish, blasphemous and spiritistic lies about God to their throngs; and who FAIL to teach known, whole-scriptural, life-bettering and life-saving truth. And why not just even chew on some mint leaves rather than "eat" with unrighteous persons whose ideas include that some humans should get rid of other humans so that there is "more" for "the strong".

"PLEASE, PLEASE" - WHERE are "your lessons in" [TRUE] "history"?!

12:47 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

So, its like "Raised by Wolves", with its faulty generality of what NOT to "BELIEVE" in is, ironically, adding to the problem of the "raising" of people, young and old, to have wolf-like attitudes themselves - "stronger than fear" - to have no rightful, healthy "fear of God", that is, to govern their actions.

"Am I part of the cure/ or am I part of the disease?" (Coldplay)

This song, as is, is part "of the disease". You fix songs all the time. Why not do what you can to fix this one - and other such messages - also.

1:07 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

And the above mentioned "moderator" and any others like him are the minions YOU CHOOSE to ALLOW to VIOLATE people's HUMAN RIGHT of freedom of speech ON YOUR OWN WEBSITE, fan message "discussion" board, BONO and U2?! STILL?! NO LESSON WAS LEARNED BY YOU SINCE "LAST TIME"?! And NO, you do not get to hide behind any cloak, "umbrella", or other false "we're not responsible" guise: You most certainly, morally ARE responsible for what you LET go on with the administration of YOUR site in these ways. I'm SO glad I've got a God who sees though justice with these things.

11:12 PM  

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