Friday, March 20, 2015

U2-"Zootopia's" Values: Hail Satan, Hail U2, Quick-Squash Any Corrective/Warning Scriptural Truth from Jehovah [Yahweh's] Own Words

I was just reviewing, again, a couple of the pieces of the sorid, [ultimately] U2-authorized/allowed (and absolutely never yet apologized-for or corrected), grotesque injustices that Jehovah God Almighty, Jesus Christ  (and I, as one of Jehovah's faithful human servants, loyally speaking out His truth) were delivered by their fan forum message board, "Zootopia". Looking at it again, it seems almost unbelievable that any persons so consciencelessly stand ready to attack and expunge scriptural warning words, spoken for the good of all - but, that is exactly what has happened, yet again.

Sure, it was so profoundly prophesied, again and again - the kind of hate and intolerance that many people would manifest - against corrective, disciplinary, or warning words from God; against scriptural messages and messengers of such words - but it is always surprising and disappointing, still. It seems unfathomable to me that so many people do indeed, as prophesied, choose to stop up their ears to Divine, scriptural truth that even has a warning from the Creator against their very own lives and eternal futures attached to it, should persons continue to dismiss God's requirements - but yet, they do not want to hear, they do not want to see, they do not want to change (they want what they want instead - even if its something their very own Maker has said "No" to).

There's much tolerance for that which is light and happy - but there is no tolerance for calling-out something that is spiritually, truly, gravely wrong (especially as regards the speech, lyrics or actions of those being idolized). There is, as prophesied, a wanting of pseudo-spiritual "teachers", to [falsely] satisfy or placate people's inborn need for worship; but who will not preach anything corrective against such persons' sinful practices or desires. Also as prophesied, there is an intolerance (yes, a hate) for messages of [spiritually] "healthful words"  from Jehovah that do address such matters.

"Anything but the truth." That should be a song. U2 wouldn't make any waves by writing such a song, so why don't I. Okay, I will - later.

But right now, let us talk about blasphemy hem-hawing and defending; putting Bono and U2 on high, above God Almighty Himself; and letting witches and born-again "Christians" speak, freely - YET SQUASHING-OUT HATED, scriptural, corrective or warning words from the Universal Sovereign Himself and true messages and messengers of these things: Those are U2-"Zootopia's" repeated, long-term, demonstrated standards (since I was first banned from an older u2-Zootopia site back in late 2004, right after U2 first put "Yahweh's" personal holy name up for what - predictably - turned out to be exploitation, sale, and blasphemy.)

Borrow Scripture bits and allusions, put them in songs, gain fame and make many millions of dollars off of those songs (even use the holy, personal name of God Almighty for one of those songs) - BUT TURN AROUND AND EXERCISE/ALLOW A RABID INTOLERANCE FOR THE WHOLE OF THE REST OF GOD'S WORDS - ESPECIALLY THE CORRECTIVE, WARNING ONES THAT AREN'T SO POPULAR, and so AREN'T SO GOOD FOR $ALES, HUH (STILL?!) U2 and TEAM??!!

How can YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT? Are YOU ALL just going to "SLEEP LIKE A BABY TONIGHT"???!!!! How ironic indeed.

Let us check out the scripturally-spiritually-illiterate, amoral/immoral yet definitely at least conscience-impaired, demonstration of intolerance for warning, scriptural truth from Jehovah/Yahweh - even as regards the serious issue that the "U2 Yahweh" cartoon videos (still up, un-retracted, and running on the major video-sharing sites, as they have been for 10 years) wildly mass-blaspheme the holy personal name of God Almighty (and have encouraged more blasphemy of Jehovah/Yahweh among U2 idolaters/ fervent false religious U2 fans also). At the same time, note the illegitimately-contrived "excuse" and "defense" being "authoritively" put forth to me as regards THE U2 AND "ZOOTOPIA" STANDARD ABOUT HOW JEHOVAH/YAHWEH's PERSONAL HOLY NAME IS GOING TO BE REGARDED AND TREATED - and BASICALLY, IF, AS A SERVANT OF JEHOVAH/YAHWEH GOD, I DON'T LIKE IT, I SHOULD SHUT-UP ABOUT IT AND PRETEND THAT THIS PROBLEM OF MASS-MEDIA-ED BLASPHEMY DOESN'T EXIST:

"please have in mind that the U2 fan community is completely diverse... so, there are many people who don't take the Yahweh video as blasphemous, but actually they might find it to go perfectly to their personal beliefs... You can also find people that find that it goes completely against their beliefs. And there is also a group that doesn't have any belief at all so they probably don't care any way about the video in question.

The key here would be not to push any personal point of view* to anyone else. If you find that any particular U2 video, song or anything else doesn't accommodate any particular belief, you are free to discuss it, but please don't push for it. In any case, stop watching it if it offends you.

So, in other words, by the U2 -"Zootopia" standard, WHAT GOD ALMIGHTY'S OWN SCRIPTURAL STANDARDS ARE ABOUT THE USE OF HIS OWN MOST HOLY, PERSONAL NAME SIMPLY DOESN'T MATTER - that the various personal opinions from and "beliefs' of humans utilizing U2's "Zootopia" message board SUPERSEDE whatever God Almighty has to say - EVEN ABOUT HIS OWN NAME; and that I should basically, shut-up and deal with that - and/or leave - or accept being squelched into being merely an idolatrous, faithless, hem-hawer, so as to remain social and "fun", with persons angering God to no end and placing/keeping themselves in a spiritual condition for which they will likely be killed dead forever by God Almighty on His Day of Armageddon, soon.

There was, however, this much more worse bit - from another "moderator" - 

"Acknowledge Warning

You have been issued a warning by a moderator. Before you can post again, you must acknowledge the warning.

Hello, please note the Zoo forums are a friendly, moderated place for U2 fans to share their love of the band, NOT a place to promote religious rants and beliefs, or to throw out accusations so with this in mind your account is now, on pre-moderated content only

 Yet again, though, it can be readily seen that witches and spiritists are quite free to blather on and on about their spiritually demented and poisonous lie-teachings of demons on Zootopia, and are not rushed-after and "chastised" by the "moderators" for doing so. [And, as has been frequent over the years, the very places such persons have chosen to do this intensely at has been at the very places where talk involving Yahweh [Jehovah's] holy name has come up! There, they work an evil compulsion to desecrate/blaspheme Jehovah/Yahweh's holy name all the further.] Born again "Christians" [FALSE, anti-whole scriptural, and so counterfeit "Christians"] are likewise allowed to spout-off freely. But corrective, scriptural truth from Jehovah, spoken with the boldness called for - especially if it is corrective of the "spiritual" teachings of idolized U2? Well now, that just CAN'T BE "ALLOWED" on U2's "Zootopia" - so it is chastised, warned against, driven-out, and censored/banned [same effect].
Atrocious, is it not. 

"Dirty days, days, days, run away" - like lemmings, over a hill.....!!!!!!

Nevertheless, Jehovah/Yahweh IS, indeed, bringing His Day of Armageddon, soon - and the main reason for His doing that IS to rid the earth of blasphemy of His holy name.

So sad - for all those whose "opinion" or standard is that blasphemy of Jehovah/Yahweh's personal holy name is inconsequential, is of no matter, or shouldn't be warned against. So very, very pathetically sad - because people HAVE BEEN and ARE being served their warning about such things, whether they like it or heed it or not, as per God's will, all around this earth at this time of the end - just as also prophesied.

WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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