Saturday, July 18, 2015

Faith and Conscience Undermined by the Rich, "Powerful", and godless [Puppet Men to the Devil]

It was 1995, as I recall,
That the well-admired, glibly-spoken,
Media-powered rich man
Called together FALSE religious leaders,
And easily talked them into
Signing their "faith" - and any conscience or
leaning at all they had towards scriptural truth - 
AWAY, on an ink line - 

Hot dogs! hot dogs! 
Get your 666, mark-of-the-beast 
Hot dogs right here! And bring some 
Back home, on the planes and trains,
For all of your "flock" to nibble-on
And likewise die from the rat poison of.

I went to the rock museum's display of a band.

Hand-written, by a rock star, 
on a page of a song that became very famous, were the words...
"And Ted T[_rn_r] is the king of America" - 
The same mogul that pulled off the above fiasco,
Of using his clout - his being a "shining one" -
To undermine and cause those 
Claiming to worship God and honor Christ
To publicly kill and destroy their own "faith" themselves- 
To proclaim it to be of no distinct value,
Stating that theirs "is not the only truth."

Years later, in the name of "social justice" as being
"True religion" [mass-media-ed the rock star], 
Conglomerations was formed,
Which kept on claiming they - along with the "oneness" of people-power-
could do
What only God's own heaven-based government
Is capable of doing [and will do].
Within a main sector of that conglomeration,
Nested himself, a man - another rich, idolized as being higher-than-God "shining star" type 
- who's message to the world
Is that there is no [spiritual] truth.

What did the rock star, who wanted funding 
And clout back-up for his "social justice" [as religion] causes 
Keep teaching at his mass-media-ed,
International stadium shows then?
Oh - in essence, and in variously crafted wordings,
The same actually 100%  ANTI-GOD LIE
Of that supposedly clouted and "wise" [must be (sarcasm), for all of his
FINANCIAL "success"] rich man - 
That "ideas" about God - 
with scriptural truth being specifically targeted [in actuality, by Satan] 
- are the bane of society.

The rock star, likewise, went on to keep on doing his
"Just one act"of worship to Satan the Devil,
again and again,
for perhaps then he would be delivered
"all the kingdoms of the world and their glory"- 
Their dollars and back up, for "social justice"".
As being [idolized and only FALSELY] "true religion."[It is not: True religion, according to God Himself, is MUCH MORE than that.]

And so went the song, over and over again, and still today:

"All of this, all of this can be yours/ All of this, all of this can be yours/ All of this, all of this can be yours - Just give me what I want, and no one gets hurt." [From U2's song, "Vertigo".](Compare Satan words tempting Jesus, as found at Matthew 4:8,9. SO TOO BAD that Bono/U2 FAILED TO RESPOND, to that same alive temptation, as did Jesus Christ, which was to say:


Opposite to Jesus Christ, Bono, also, at one point, earlier on, publicly proclaimed that he would "have lunch with the Devil" - if that's what it would take to achieve his "social justice" goals.

The rock star and his band and people with him 
Copied the other foolish "shining one",
And voiced out to the stadium that the problem,
The REASON that people blow one another up over religion

Along with that, the very famous singer also had mass-media-ed his message that people should "be very wary of people who believe that theirs is the only way" - who believe that their ideas about God are the only true ones.

The rock star, like the other most poorly-advising "shining ones"
negligently towards God, 
and negligently towards all of his admirers/followers
he was mass-teaching,
To make any DISTINCTION between WHICH "IDEAS" about God
the anti-scriptural,
LIE "IDEAS" men have adopted from Satan 
- or - 

Like the negligent other rich men "shining ones",
the rock star FAILED to exercise CONSCIENCE,
In FAILING to make that GOD-OWED
Between bad, and HOLY.

The rock star ALSO left conscience and God
To hail and praise, by copying and MASS-PROMOTING
More Jehovah-Yahweh and Christ BLASPHEMING lies,
Put out by another man - who wrote "a book" [wow!],
Which were also much, much further promoted by
A woman who left off from being a nun - 
And so considered herself, therefore, to be 
"A religious expert"
In fact, Satan took the opportunity to use her for 
Propaganda purposes also.
He had the "United Nations" deem her, yes, to 
be considered part of an "expert", "high level group" - 
To "advise" the United Nations [which (blasphemously) claims to be
the supreme authority over all of the affairs of mankind],
And also, the world in general.

That woman's "findings", which were mass-media-ed 
And highly revered, by those looking for "alternatives" to
Scriptural truth and the ONLY TRUE GOD - 
Jehovah/Yahweh [or other naturalized variations of the Tetragrammaton] - 
were that the god of today's "Christians", Jews, and Muslims is all THE SAME "ONE" gOD, so that there is no purpose in fighting, everyone should get along. [Also a scam and slander to the Only TRUE God, Jehovah, because His standard for HIS worshipers is THAT THEY DO NOT LIFT UP ARMS/"SWORDS" AGAINST THEIR NEIGHBOR, ANYWAY!!!]

The rock star jumped on this,
as it dismisses the TRUE God,
Jehovah/Yahweh, and also His Son, 
along with the Creator's  bothersome anti-spiritistic 
and scriptural moral standards.

This new, FALSE IDOL, NON-REAL conglomeration of completely divergent gods - different in history, purpose, character, standards, and offered hopes for the future
Could serve to be more confusing and actually God-alienating 
than even Christendom [FALSE "Christianity's"] anti-scriptural "trinity" godhead!

So those "looking for" an alternative to having to abide by the standards of the Creator, the God of the Bible,

GOT THEMSELVES A NEW [and likewise FALSE "godhead"] "TRINITY" (Boy, if THIS wouldn't "SELL", too, what would?!):

"Jesus, Jew, Muhammad, it's true - all sons of Abraham" - chanted, temper-tantrum drum-pounded, false religious symbol headband pointed, and sky-high jumbo-screen, in effect, LIED and BLASPHEMED the rock star, his band, and his supporters who helped him and cheered him in this endeavor.

"COEXIST"!! appeared the big screen message (even ultra-blasphemously, as the holy name of God himself was invoked and sung to) at the stadium shows, over mass media, on T-shirts, fan signs, bumper stickers, in the New York Times (in Bono's editorial), ETC.

"COEXIST", FALSE religions - NONE of which, portrayed by the symbols, are even true to God to begin with.

"COEXIST" - be perpetuated, FALSE religions - was the message of both the so-called religious "experts" and the rock star, along with his band and people.

The whole while though, the message of Jehovah/Yahweh was entirely DIFFERENT: His own, scriptural message has been for people TO GET THEMSELVES OUT of the world's anti-scriptural FALSE religions, because He is getting set to cause their permanent destruction Himself - for all of the God-affronting spiritism they have misled the nations with, and for their bloodguilt for "all those who have been slaughtered on the earth", for all of the wars, murders, and other life-robbing and damaging injustices they have caused, with their spiritual lies and evil practices in the world of mankind. (Revelation 18:4,5,8,23,24)  God's will for the FALSE religions of the world is for them to NOT EXIST, rather than regarding a mere "COEXIST"ence of them towards each other (which has never even happened yet) as being okay enough.

Also, during that tour - the rock star, his band. and his people (who included a false preacher of Christendom, who "blessed" the rock band's work, with prayers),
DIRECTLY MASS-BLASPHEMED Jehovah-Yahweh's own holy name (in all but the last 11 shows of that tour), by jumbo-screen streaming an entire barrage of SPIRITISTIC IDOL IMAGES and FALSE RELIGIOUS SYMBOLS (28 or so different ones), WHILE the rock star SANG a song ENTITLED WITH and REPEATING THE PERSONAL, HOLY NAME OF GOD ALMIGHTY (the Hebrew form), "YAHWEH". The rock star and his band, until the last, IGNORED ALL WARNINGS GIVEN, that God's own scriptural words decree punishment for any who dare associate HIS HOLY NAME with ANY IDOL IMAGE, SPIRITUAL LIE, or anything EVIL.

How horrific - and how certainly wicked and false.

But the band did not stop, with their wickedness run-amok.

They used the same blasphemous stream of spiritistic, idol, and FALSE religious symbolism to accompany their song "Yahweh", and used it for the trailer of their internationally-shown "U2 3D"movie.

They took no warning, they exercised no conscience.

Also, in the same way, DESPITE PROTEST, U2 has permitted the same intensely blasphemous and spiritual damage-doing so-called "U2 Yahweh" - with their streamed blasphemous cartoon images - videos to continue to be aired, to the world, on major video-sharing networks - FOR THE PAST TEN YEARS.

There, they have been left as open fodder, for the most intensely evil sorts of persons, as opportunities for them to compulsively desecrate Jehovah's name and purposes. The blaspheming speech under those videos, over the years, has included conscienceless statements so shockingly affronting to God, that persons making them surely have been party to demonism itself.

It has been requested of U2, for that same amount of time, that those videos be removed, trashed - as U2 has readily done with other videos not to their liking, over the years.

U2 has FAILED to do that.

U2 could have made a scriptural song to Yahweh, cleaned up their act of anything that would make their singing of such a song hypocritical or blasphemous, and made a fine and beautiful video - but they have NOT.

They have preferred to keep the Satan-serving, trash and blasphemous, God-violating videos up instead - and their idolatrous fans, especially those "looking for" spiritual lies, and to rebelliously mock and displace the True God also, have no problem with that.

Apparently, though, Satan and wicked men choosing to keep on doing his will, NOT God's - despite "lip service", a guise, to the contrary - have not been satisfied with the spiritual damage, the undermining of any leaning towards conscience and scriptural truth, done to the masses thus far though. They have not been satisfied with the rebellion against and pain they caused to the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ yet. They have continued to mass-concert and mass media promote lies of spiritism; slander and blame - for mankind's problems - against God Almighty and His own scriptural standards; atheism; idolatry of men/institutions of men for the leadership of humanity - displacing and not caring about the displacement of (in foolish person's minds) the Creator and Universal Sovereign (and Life-Giver [or Taker]); His appointed and now-reigning in the heavens King-Son and Ransomer of Mankind, Jesus Christ; or Jehovah's own incoming Kingdom for earth, as its sole Rulership - with the already active heavenly Kingdom, with it's perfect King, being extended down to here, soon.

The continual featured presentation of Bono and U2 for this tour is the God-defiant song-chant of

"I DON'T BELIEVE ANYMORE"- with BELIEF in WHAT LEFT INTENTIONALLY UNSPECIFIED, SO THAT IT, IN TRUE EFFECT, SERVES TO COVER AS MASS, IDOL-TAUGHT DERISION FOR ALL SPIRITUAL BELIEFS - especially those tied to being spread by (likewise left unspecified, to nearly all persons) spiritual literature [which would mark THE ONE TRUE, SCRIPTURAL RELIGION, more than any other]- which is angrily ripped, torn, kicked, and/or thrown  by Bono during these highly attended and further hugely mass-media-ed shows.

To carry on another massive public display and taught example of rebellion against God and hatred for scriptural truth from him (and true messengers of such truth) - except for a tiny, token bits of  scriptures, as convenient (though perhaps just even to nearly mock it/them) RENDERS ALL OTHER SHOW-USE OF ANY BIT OF OR ALLUSION TO GOD ALMIGHTY'S OWN WORDS TO BE BLASPHEMOUS.
So, even  to sing "I believe in the kingdom come" - while also continuing to hock and not recant other massively put-out anti-scriptural spiritual lies - is just more blasphemy. It becomes NOISE, and not good noise either - not to God, and not to anyone TRUE to Him, who is aware of these goings-on of yours - either.

   Signed, Lady who Bought 
   a Ticket for tonight's Concert, 
   but who Chose to Lose 
   Hundreds of 
   Hard-to-Afford Dollars 
   and NOT GO,
   Rather than be Present 
   with You at your Show,
   With the Spiritual Lies 
   and Rebellion Against God
   You Have Decided 
   to Incorporate in Them 

P.S. ~ 


And P.P.S. - 

Wouldn't you say that person - hand-written noted about, on your song page, from the Rock and Roll Museum display - has been in the role of what is like the high-priest to the "image of the beast", being a public interface, as it were, to it?

How are that person's "ten voluntary initiatives" as a so-called "alternative" to Jehovah/Yahweh's "Ten Commandments" doing these days?

How's that "population control" been going?

Have any more forced abortions taken place lately, wherein, just for more demonic thrill, to accompany the child murder, even terroristicly and torturously, from the womb of his or her own mother, the murdered baby has been purposely placed beside his or her butchered mother, for her to look upon, grieve and mourn (so that she can LEARN HER LESSON OF HOW TO BE A MORE PROPER ATHEIST???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##############)

DEMONISM, at large.

SO MUCH FOR THE REAL NATURE OF so-called "humanistic" "wisdom" and "SPIRITUALITY" WHICH FIGHTS the TRUE GOD. [Won't it be something, when Jehovah turns such murderous "population control" right back around onto persons party-to or responsible for it (or trying to attempt it), just like He did with His tenth plague upon the Egyptians, back in ancient times? God will bring His Day of Wrath and vengeance - His own warned-of Day of Armageddon soon.

(Just prior to that, people will be as if throwing all of their money out onto the streets, finally recognizing it as being completely worthless for the saving of their lives - and wicked people will realize they must now face their All-Seeing Maker and His hard judgment. See Ezekiel 7:19 )]

Quite the company you've chosen to keep - with the projects they've worked and backed, and with the effects of the influence they've worked, Mr. Bono. 

See the people so intensely anti-God (anti-the REAL One, with His scriptural standards), but so willing to worship, serve, and promote demon-pagan gods - with all of their effects of God-alienation, death, and harm.

That's some GAIA, "mother earth" worship (the likes and same-mentality of which has, ironically, produced deathful and horrible injustices, such as the above described demonic forced abortion) you keep on blasphemously publicizing, via "her" repeated cartoon portrayal in your internationally air-ed  [demonically BLASPHEMOUS] "U2 Yahweh" video.


Suggestion? GET YOURSELVES CLEAN; REMOVE THE BLASPHEMOUS "U2 Yahweh" idol image cartoon videos (and others where the same images are used for your light show/stage drop);  and QUIT "HAV[ING] LUNCH WITH THE DEVIL"(S).


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