Saturday, July 11, 2015

"Shine Like Stars" is Just More Blasphemy

NO: Persons DO NOT get to flagrantly violate and deny Jehovah/Yahweh's own scriptural words, by teaching and reinforcing to the masses what is directly against God-Almighty's own stated will - AND THEN DARE USE THE SAME SOURCE THEY KEEP ON VIOLATING (the Universal Sovereign's own Holy Bible) TO GLORIFY THEMSELVES as being in a fine position with Jehovah/Yahweh! By His own known, scriptural standards, they are NOT!!

The "Shine Like Stars" add-on to "With or Without You" used to be one I enjoyed, for its clear scriptural allusions, as I thrilled to the spiritual hope and possibilities for persons to be as those described in Daniel 12:3 -

“And the ones having insight will shine like the brightness of the expanse; and those who are bringing the many to righteousness, like the stars to time indefinite, even forever."

This Scripture applies primarily to Jehovah's "holy ones", as also described in the Bible.

This verse DOES NOT, IN ANY WAY, however, refer to those who are or who are party-to "bringing the many" to UNRIGHTEOUSNESS  - such as those who have been mass-media-promoting homosexual sex/gay "marriage" to the masses; or mass-media-ing spiritual lies against what God's own words teach; or continuing to let works of theirs blaspheme God's holy name; or who repeatedly make large-scale public displays of disbelief  (as "convenient", for the moment) in God, His Son, the WHOLE of God's own words [instead of just a chosen bit of a Psalm], TRUE religion/TRUE worship that is based on Jehovah/Yahweh's own words, printed Bible study aids (which have helped millions to learn God's scriptural truth), or scripturally-described  TRUE [human] messengers of God, who offer such literature (and Bible study help) to others.

After observing, since 2001, the spiritual problems of idolatrous U2 fandom - especially in combination with fervent [anti-whole-scriptural] FALSE religionism - I feel confident in saying that the bulk of U2's fan-base is of Christendom (scripturally-deemed as counterfeit, FALSE-to-God"Christianity".)

It is typical, of such idolaters/FALSE religionists, to CHEER/stand by/rationalize [make disloyal false "excuses" for]  ANYTHING said by one of their heroes which NAME-DROPS "God" or "Jesus Christ"/"the Lord" -  or even bit-references or alludes-to anything scriptural (or pseudo-scriptural).

But, along with those they LET be their "teachers"/"preachers"/"spiritual guides" and or spiritual "heroes"/idols/gods, who are teaching even the masses what is spiritually FALSE  - according to God Almighty's own known words - all of these persons, too, mark themselves as being COMPLETELY  DISQUALIFIED from being those who would "SHINE...LIKE... STARS", according to God Jehovah's own known scriptural words and standards.

That will remain TRUE, despite how loudly, passionately, en-mass-ed-ly, etc. this song/coda is sung - it will only be regarded by God (and anyone actually TRUE to Him) as being JUST MORE BLASPHEMY; being mass-promoted, mass-engaged-in, and mass-media-ed by U2 and their FALSE religious and idolatrous fans.

No: I think parts of your own song go like this:

"From the brightest..."
 .....wannabe [but not according to 
God's scriptural standards].....
"star, comes the blackest hole".........

"You speak, of signs and wonders *
But I need, something other"

I don't believe, no I'm not able -
Can't eat from both God AND Satan's table ***

* Re: Why "social justice" and accomplishments thereof are  IN NO WAY A REPLACEMENT for LOYALTY and OBEDIENCE to the WHOLE of Jesus Christ's (and so also Jehovah's) words; or for pure worship, on God's own scripturally-given terms: 

“Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?’ And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew YOU! Get away from me, YOU workers of lawlessness" (Matthew 7:21-23)

***"YOU cannot be drinking the cup of Jehovah and the cup of demons; YOU cannot be partaking of “the table of Jehovah” and the table of demons." (1Corinthians 10:21)

ADDITIONALLY, these bits:


as pulled and/or alluding to and/or paraphrased from Ephesians  4:1-6,

ONLY PROVE TO BE LIES WHEN MIS-APPLIED to any other global, spiritual group of people on earth other than Jehovah's own TRUE and loyal worshipers. WE are the possessors of TRUE "one-ness", by way of our personal relationships with our heavenly Father, Jehovah - which unites us as ONE TRUE group of spiritual brothers and sisters.

In contrast, this scriptural description does NOT fit any grouping of any false religious/"spiritual" teachers and/or any hodge-podge group(s) of FALSE religious/FALSE "spiritual" philosophy fans/idolaters/"believers"/"worshipers".

And as far as "[We'll shine like stars] and be alright" goes, pray hard - obey Jehovah and pray real hard: At this point, EVERYONE true to God or HONEST-HEARTEDLY seeking Him (so as to DO His will) needs a rescue from Jah above.


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