Friday, July 03, 2015

Exploiting and Blaspheming Psalm 40, etc. - You Have NO RIGHT to Do So

You just went through a whole series of international and mass-media-promoting homosexual sex and gay marriage - things which Jehovah DETESTS. He even recorded, for a permanent warning example, that He wiped out two ancient cities for such practices, pelting them with fire and brimstone, in a rage.

You have now also made a public, mass-media-ed example, to the millions, of having "I DON'T BELIEVE ANYMORE" and "THE WORST THINGS IN THE WORLD ARE JUSTIFIED BY BELIEF"  become their mantra too - with NO EXCEPTION, likewise being voiced, for Jehovah's one TRUE religion, based on His own given words, with His name upon it.

With that, also in Judas mode - as demonstrated during "Raised by Wolves" and "Until the end of the World - you made a public, mass demonstration of how books and literature on spiritual topics should be treated according to you, beloved hero, idol and icon to so many, such literature should be angrily ripped apart, thrown, and destroyed. This was even more particularly offensive and attacking towards those of Jehovah's one true religion though, because no one else on earth publically and globally offers people more Bible study aid literature than this one. And your concerts made it seem like you were, yes, picking up and destroying offered spiritual literature. Even if you actually did not rip apart such literature in particular - you taught the same lesson, that this is how such literature and messengers offering it should be treated: Again, for lack of specifying any exception, the public could absolutely and easily take your mass-media-ed example to be that people should destroy Jehovah's Witness literature offered to them.

I read that two books you ripped and tossed that were not of that sort included one by C.S. Lewis. That would have been fine, and I'm sure that Jehovah likewise wants to destroy books teaching spiritual lies too (and He will, soon). But no clear distinction was made to any but the closest of all in-person observers, as to what literature you were destroying - and you yourselves have chosen not to specify what books and magazines, etc,. they were - so the effect, to more than 99% of all observers of your performances, is what is described in the previous paragraph - and God would charge you for THAT damaging and dangerous example and recommendation.

You have promoted atheism and making a god out of self and so-called "science" via your featuring a (then mass-media-ed) concert clip of a Steven Hawking speech. Don't believe in God, with His inconvenient moral standards, anyone; but believe in non-imposing little aliens running around in space ships - that's okay. [Sarcasm] 

Along with that, you have prophesied-trend-promoted so-called "global citizenship" of the godless type - ever-looking to men as rulers [sooner or later, idolizing the UN]; with the idea of God-Rule (by way of His extending His heaven-based kingdom down to Earth, to be its only Rulership) as being merely the mock-able and disdain-able idea of the unintelligent and backward "problem" people of the world.

You have promoted spiritism in your show - with your "ghosts" of your "Crystal Ballroom" song; and the anti-scriptural pre-human existence/"immortality of the soul" teaching in your "Iris" song.

You are wrongly using scriptural metaphors to describe start-up punk bands as having been moved by God's holy spirit, and are teaching that people were as if "born again", baptized, and "[saw] the light", due to their sounds.Whereas this reiterates what many FALSE religionists of your "audience" have said about YOUR music; performances; and social justice projects and causes amp-ed and soundtracked by your music, NONE OF THIS IS TRUE or GOD-ACCEPTABLE WORSHIP.

And, you've still got your cartoon and cartoon stage backdrop "U2 Yahweh" BLASPHEMY videos up and running on the major video sharing sites!!!

So, while carrying on any of the above crimes against God and humanity, not even bothering to try to likewise publicly RETRACT your spiritually-scripturally FALSE, anti-God, antichrist, and pro-demonism teachings; when you then ALSO dare to perform "40" (containing your paraphrase of part of God's Psalm 40) to your audiences, you are just exploiting His words and people's spiritual drive [yeah - make sure to do SOMETHING to try to keep that "Christian" audience (sarcasm)] - and are blaspheming God - again. 

The same goes for getting down on one's knees - after repeating "I don't believe anymore!" and "The worst things in the world are justified by belief"; and spiritually-irresponsibly ripping up and throwing intentionally-unspecified spiritual literature before the masses - and quoting a bit of Psalm 23; and then yelling to God to "Comfort me!" God's NOT listening - and what a bad example. (The first part of that actual same Psalm portrays a man who was willing to LET God guide Him in His truth, to that he could choose to do His will, and so by means of that, and Jah's blessing, he COULD find and have COMFORT from God!)

No, Jehovah/Yahweh has NOT set your feet upon a rock, nor made your footsteps firm  - you are NOT standing up for, practicing, or teaching His rock-like, spirit and purpose-backed scriptural truth.

"Many will see, many will see and hear"

MANY WILL SEE AND HEAR WHAT, BONO and U2??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's NOT God's scriptural truth you have been teaching and reinforcing to the masses. It's been OTHER things - including spiritual teachings IN OPPOSITION to His stated scriptural will.

THAT IS THE SHAMEFUL, GOD (and people) - HURTING STUFF YOU HAVE BEEN CAUSING MANY TO "SEE" and "HEAR". (Also, quite a few people openly speak about going to your concerts as being "church" for them.)

So, unless you change the anti-scriptural, anti-God things you have been mass-media teaching the public,



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