Wednesday, January 04, 2017

"Suppressing the Truth in an Unrighteous Way" (Edited)

Read Romans 1:18 - 32.


I wondered, exactly why, one of the last noble website places where I got to write scriptural truth - regarding harmful spiritual falsehoods being mass-promoted by and associated with U2 music, performances, speeches, etc., and tag-along persons (such as idolatrous false religious leaders and other fervent idolaters/ false religionists/spiritists, etc.) - erased the lyric discussion area. *

Then, I noticed, while on u tube, a DMCA complaint at the bottom of the page - the reason why some videos had been removed.

The complaint came from universell musick.   

Their complaint consisted of a LONG list of websites, INCLUDING SONG LYRIC WITH SONG LYRIC DISCUSSION websites.

Apparently, according to the actions of the complainers, the music of their artists is to simply be pumped-out onto the public, and in the case of disturbing and spiritually offensive songs, performances, etc. - like so much "air" pollution to the heart, mind, and soul - the public is not to have the means of recourse or defense of themselves and others, of being allowed to discuss these issues together, or express their disagreement or dislike of these mass-media-ed messages/ works of spiritual propaganda.

Highly notable, too, though, is that 4 of the lyric discussion sites dominated by anti-Jehovah/Yahweh, antichrist, anti-whole-scriptural, spiritual LIE-spewing, FALSE religionist, spiritistic, fervent U2 idolaters, etc. persons - ones where I was BANNED, for daring to speak out SCRIPTURAL TRUTH on the same matters being discussed - were NOT scathed or effected by the "complaint." That is because "the powers that be" at those sites had already worked to show public hate for and expunge/ censor/ ban scriptural, spiritual truth that was against holding the words and teachings of Bono and U2 above those of God Almighty, UNIVERSAL Sovereign, Himself. 

Defense of God, His Name, and His scriptural truth, spoken with needed and appropriate strength, against popular spiritual falsehoods (especially against any falsehoods being promoted by Bono/U2) is not allowed; however, persons are free (so they figure, anyway) to fervently verbally attack, slander, ridicule, show hate for, censor, and ban any scriptural truth from Jehovah and true messenger of it. The blasphemy of God and His holy name that is spiritually-dementedly worked at such sites is of no concern to the business-people - 

or, "Businessmen, they drink my wine
Plowmen dig my earth
None of them along the line
Know what any of this is worth"

(From "All Along the Watchtower", by Bob Dylan.)
These spiritually corrupt sites continue on; with false religionists, spiritists, atheists, witches, sexual perverts, idolaters, etc. - in short, basicially, (at least by default) Satanists - utilizing celebrity "power" to blather-out anti-God, deceptive, sin-"excusing", life-and-future-harmful, Jehovah/Yahweh- OFFENDING and VIOLATING spiritual LIES and blasphemies.

This "serves" the artists involved, because it ADULATES them, AT ANY COST (especially the spiritual well-being and future eternal lives of persons being spiritually MISLEAD, or having their spiritual falsehoods being reinforced).   That's SO GOOD FOR $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ SALES, isn't it.

Who would have thought such would ever happen? That persons would act to crush FREEDOM OF SPEECH, as regards spiritual TRUTH; as opposed to craved, wickedness-condoning, spiritual falsehoods? Well, God/ Jehovah/ Yahweh did - more than 2000 years ago. His response to such can be read, by the world, in the cited Scriptures above. (Romans 1:18-32) More prophesy, for the time of the end of this world system, come true. Yes, for these reasons too,

WHEN I LOOK AT THE WORLD (which we're all free to do),

it does indeed seem that Armageddon is not far off - at all.

* That, in itself, involved more than 3 years of writing for me (I should check how many years.) I saved files and prints.


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