Sunday, January 22, 2017

Edited: Tossing Bread Upon the Water: No Reason to Stumble, No Reason to Lose Heart

The ways of those being false can stumble
Jah warned wicked people would make trouble
Still none of that is a real excuse
To not listen to God's own words of truth. 

So among many of mankind
Satan has them swayed, deaf and blind
They DON'T WANT TO HEAR or SEE at all -
And to try to share is like talking to a wall.

Think though, what is the real complaint?
Are there things in God's own words you hate?
If so, won't you pray to understand -
Instead of hating the "messenger man"?

Jah won't fail to save those true to Him
Though there's mayhem now at this world's end
He will guard His loyal ones and see them through
He will show the honest-hearted what to do.

"My righteous one will live by reason of faith"
Will serve God with his whole heart, mind, 
soul and strength.

Jesus will not leave God's loyal ones
Will help them get the global preaching done
Will see that those who want to learn God's truth
Get a chance, SOON, before this world is through.

Jehovah gathers His righteous people for His  reasons
Out of false religions; out of every tongue, tribe and nation
To one faith, spirit, hope, love, one baptism
To one Lord, through whom there is salvation.

To do God's will, to call upon His name,
Teach everyone we can to do the same,
To be Jehovah's witnesses and friends,
Worship Him alone as through this world's end.

And among the true, as from Up Above 
Is the identifying mark - of godly love.
And together we'll stay, through this spiritual war -
And when its over, soon, 
We'll live forevermore.


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