Friday, January 13, 2017

Will I Even Flip a Quarter Towards this Tour? No - I Don't Think So - What Has Changed?

A repost from July, 2015 - 

The Ticket Company Asked for A Review - This was My Answer

Spiritually Offensive - Refused to Go - Ripped Off

U2 iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE Tour 2015 @ 

United Center @ 

 - Chicago @ 

, IL @ 

 - Mon, Jun 29, 2015 @ 

Favorite moment: NONE - The spiritual offensiveness far outweighs any of the "happy", fun moments. It would have been IMPOSSIBLE to enjoy or dance to the songs anymore. @ 

Your Seats: Section - GA , Row - GA4, Start Seat 55, End Seat 55 @ 

Posted 07/02/2015

by Theresamarie1

I bought 5 tickets for this tour - 4 of which were pre-arranged by U2 and ticketmaster to be NON-resaleable. It was AFTER I purchased the tickets that I realized that the situation with U2 - the fansite they run, the concert pieces I saw via video, and what I read of them saying had become SO SPIRITUALLY OFFENSIVE that I could no longer consider even going to their concerts as an observer. It was very unfair - the bait and switch that was pulled-off; and it was UNFAIR that I have not been allowed a REFUND on 4 UN-USEABLE tickets, plus that I LOST an additional $104 dollars on the resale of a ticket I had bought through this site as a resale ticket. Total losses due to the bait-and-switch and non-re-saleable ticket scam to go along with that: Approximately $436 ripped-off from me for tickets alone. I lost hundreds of dollars more on accommodation cancel and change fees, airline change fees, and a bus ticket. It was also more than disappointing.

U2 iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE Tour 2015 @ 

United Center @ 

 - Chicago @ 

, IL @ 

 - Mon, Jun 29, 2015 @ 

Favorite moment: NONE - The spiritual offensiveness far outweighs any of the "happy", fun moments. It would have been IMPOSSIBLE to enjoy or dance to the songs anymore.


And yes, I HAD contacted "customer service", the outfit having to do with U2 fan tickets, and "membership services".  They told me that the man who had censored me from the website was "very high up in the U2 organization", and that they didn't even have "access" to him. 

Three times - twice as the "Yahweh" song was coming out, at the end of 2004/ beginning of 2005; and then again in 2015 (I should check - maybe it was twice in 2014, just so I could get back on to write...) I was BANNED and ripped off for membership fees by u2 dot com. No one cared. (And I contacted their fan club services regarding this too. There was never any refund.) Apparently, the membership fees you pay there are only good for services if you sell your soul/ keep it sold-out; acquiesce spiritual truth; submit to community dumbing-down; and agree to accept, consent-to, and/or and speak ANYTHING BUT [hated] scriptural, spiritual truth - plus never, ever CONTEST the spiritual teachings to the masses by the men of U2/ Bono (or their many tag-on, idolatrous, profiteering/ fame-iteering false religious leader-fans or other fervent false religionists, spiritists, etc.) with any corrective whole-scriptural truth from God Himself. That is the worst thing you can do in the mainly idolatrous and bent-on false religion and/or spiritism and/or atheism U two "community". 

It is hilarious, too, that U II decided to completely incorporate one of THE most spiritually corrupt and rancid - utterly HOSTILE to scriptural truth from Jehovah - "other" fan sites right on into their own, thus further glorifying and rewarding them for their God-fighting idolatry. That other fansite had previously "housed" a false religious "leader" so disgustingly idolatrous and false-"Christian" Scripture-warping/twisting/exploiting - while being lividly hateful towards actual, corrective words of truth from God on the same subjects (and against idolatry) - that the concept of being Jezebellian fit completely. 

Anyway...Paid the money, got beat up and re-beat up, and lost the money  - 3 times. Further, there's a word of God-hating (as demonstrated in his "chastising", attempt to control/ kill freedom of speech as regards messages of God's scriptural truth [anything that is against what the gods u 2 sing, teach, or promote, anyways]) person still in charge of their website, probably. (At least, after he unjustly censored/ BANNED ME [which is THE TRUE EFFECT of "CENSORING" SOMEONE], he was not only KEPT in his role there, but further praised and exalted/glorified.) I haven't checked back to see lately, but then again, I don't really feel like getting that, "I feel like throwing-up", nausea in my soul either. 

Here's that "moderator's" message, set to my face, again, barring me from participation - down to where even my brief "status" updates via my own profile page (which I was marginalized to) - a brief statement of what I considered to be significant and worth sharing/ mentioning was shown HOSTILITY to the point of being FALSELY LABELED as "spamming", and used as the [FALSE] "reason" for CENSORING/ BANNING me - scriptural, spiritual truth (especially anything corrective of U2 or what they were promoting) was shown that much HATE  :

Acknowledge Warning

You have been issued a warning by a moderator. Before you can post again, you must acknowledge the warning.

Hello, please note the Zoo forums are a friendly, moderated place for U2 fans to share their love of the band, NOT a place to promote religious rants and beliefs, or to throw out accusations so with this in mind your account is now, on pre-moderated content only -

Issued by xxxxxxx - for spamming in profile.

The truth is, that everyone was free to spew out as much hate for God, hate for his words (especially anything corrective); and anything of FALSE religion, FALSE/apostate "Christianity", atheism, paganism, idolatry of men, spiritism/demonism, etc. as they wanted to. In contrast, needed, corrective scriptural truth was shown the hate prophesied that it would receive, especially during the last of the pre-Armageddon days, and was BANNED.

So, if nothing's changed, a pit can stay a pit. I've got  much better things to do than throw time or money at it.   

2015 - what a year, huh?  (A set-up for the nose-dive of 2016!) The UN report on religion for that time era even referred to "post 2015". Sigh. Does it have anything to do with ancient Sodom and Gomorrah being raised-up again in spirit and made to go global almost instantly, being "sanctified" by the largely demon-controlled/ manipulated governments of this Satanic world system (after being globally promoted through mass media - and, so notably, by U 2)? With so many people turning their backs straight against God, in at least known conscience-defiance of Him? Guess some people certainly wouldn't want the words of the Creator getting in the way of that movement/ smog. "No worries", though, because [SARCASM], as a band-promoted atheist scientist wants people to "know", hey - that, eternal life stuff?? Well, yeah, yeah yeah - we can achieve that, without "God", yes we can! You know how?? Oh - by TIME TRAVEL. Really. It's so scientific. Fret no more - grieve no more. We don't need God - we're all we got, boys and girls! So, forget all about that bogus "resurrection" and "ransom" paid by Christ stuff [and forget about the scriptural Kingdom of God as being the promised solution to all of mankind's problems], and cast your heart, soul, and spiritual drive into being "a global citizen" [instead of a citizen of Jehovah's Kingdom], and that someday, men might invent time travel!! In the meantime though, forget the starving people on earth, and let billions be invested in "looking for aliens." Don't listen to the extra-terrestrial who provided His Bible to all of mankind - that Creator - because HE's not real, He doesn't exist. (Same thing with His Son.) (Yeah - the design we see in the natural world is all just a bunch of accidents, combined. Seems "scientific" to me! ) But, maybe, if we can just hurry up with another space device, we can find some alien(s) somewhere to talk to. And if they won't place any moral restrictions upon us, well then maybe we can make them our new leaders and gods, to "save" planet earth. Tra la la la la. Hail [in-demand] truth-evading and trashing pseudo-science and population-increase-sparing-though-God-forbidden-homosexual fornication-"marriage". [SARCASM, back to where it says SARCASM.] What "convenient" deception as to what is in the best interest of humanity - or individuals.

P.S. If you ever do want to pay me back  - for lost cash, anyway - please throw in $$ for a new laptop (a stand-alone keyboard is obsolete now), as I wear-down/ break these things by pounding on them. Thnx.

P.P.S. Are you going to head out on tour and get your massive audiences to sing back to you, in antiphony,  and for video-"posterity", that they don't know what truth from God/Jehovah/Yahweh (or His Son) is because you don't? (As in song #2 of the "Joshua Tree" album?) Again, it's in His spirit-backed, spirit-alive words, in the Holy Scriptures/ the Bible - in that Book I thought I saw  you (in a video) rip apart and angrily toss to your audience (as a demonstration) during your last tour. 

I [actually DO] believe in the [heaven-based, to be extended down to earth, scriptural] Kingdom come.


In contrast, I hope that it is now crystal-clear that this world's political system is one bad joke.

Any conglomeration of that, such as by way of a "UN", would not be good either - in the way that you cannot make a good stir-fry out of bad ingredients.

The populace is mostly rebellious towards God and His own true, scriptural requirements. That has led many to insanity, for their denial of reality; and preferences to lies, which are not of reality. And with that, many are wielding guns. How long 'til - as "Magog" - they turn to using them on each other. There's oppression and terrorism too - the ruination of lives being worked, by unchecked and conscienceless evil, too - by those abusing "power" and authority, by those acting as human hordes for the current invisible ruler of the authority of the "air" of this world, Satan. (Ephesians 2:2)

The world has tanked; Satan dominates; people are submitting  to their own ruin and doom; others are being oppressed, harmed, persecuted and/ or destroyed; and others are too spiritually lost, disillusioned, stumbled, disheartened, weak, and/ or confused to know which way to go.

So put your hands together and pray. Hard.

The only One who can truly save individuals and mankind is the One you fought; and taught masses of people to disrespect and trash the words of, as is "convenient" to whatever they desire (in a Satanic, subtly-lethal propaganda-filled world).


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