Tuesday, September 12, 2017

A Response I Wrote Today, Under One of Your "U2 Yahweh" Videos that Shouldn't Be Up - Re: "Take this Heart, and Make it Break"

That's true, ______, on account of that a lot of people don't get out of a God-defiant, insolent, anti-grateful, spiritually FALSE-PRIDED (based on spiritual lies) and/or wicked mode until they "hit bottom" - end up with their heart broken, or with other huge, agonizing problems. 

HOWEVER, as the saying goes, it is not necessary to walk through mud, to know that its dirty....The sooner and the better people LISTEN to Jehovah/Yahweh - and take His scriptural teachings to heart, putting them into practice - the less likely they are to break their own hearts with poor, ungodly, and trouble-compounding decisions. 

This wicked world breaks everyone's hearts too much as it is - people can avoid adding their own pain to themselves by actually looking to the spirit-backed scriptural words of Jehovah/Yahweh; and then "taking the path of most resistance", yes, to actually follow them. 

In a spiritually honest-hearted wake of the aftermath of a broken heart, however, please understand that yes, the Only TRUE and LIVING God, Jehovah/Yahweh - our heavenly Father - IS REALLY THERE, TO REACH OUT TO - for true CONSOLATION, STEADYING, HOPE, STRENGTH, REASSURANCE, and DIVINE GUIDANCE and DIRECTION. People can honest-heartedly and humbly pray to Jehovah/Yahweh, in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, for help. Then people should absolutely open up a Bible and open up their hearts and minds - as to how Jehovah/Yahweh, the Creator and Universal Sovereign, does indeed largely answer people, through the power and truth of His own words. (John 17:17)


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