Monday, October 16, 2017

And Another Response I Wrote Under a [Blasphemous, Yet Still Up] "U2 Yahweh" Video

God's name, JHVH/ YHWH, represented by the Tetragrammaton, means, "HE CAUSES TO BECOME"; and the further explanation given to Moses was, "I SHALL PROVE TO BE WHAT I SHALL PROVE TO BE". This is vastly different from the stagnant statement of mere existence of God promoted by Christendom, which diminishes His very Godhood. Whereas even you or I or anyone can truthfully make the statement, "I am who I am"; ONLY JEHOVAH/YAHWEH God Almighty, Creator and Universal Sovereign can truly claim, by His Name, without reservation - and always with unstoppable fulfillment - that "HE CAUSES TO BECOME" . HE ALONE, as the Creator and Universal Sovereign, with infinite power, CAUSES TO BECOME and PROVES TO BE whatever is necessary, in order to fulfill His will and carry out His purposes. He has revealed His purposes for mankind in His words - but few listen to or cooperate with them.


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