Thursday, October 19, 2017

And There You Have It, Yet Again: BLASPHEMY, DESECRATION, and SALE of the Holy Name of Jehovah/Yahweh, by Those of the Dominatingly Satanic and Excessively IDOLATROUS and FALSE "Christian" Fan-Base of U2

It was only within 9 hours - between the time I posted the Wikipedia edit on the "U2 Yahweh" song, under "Reception" - and the time it was wiped-out, AS USUAL, BY THOSE WITH A SATANIC HATRED FOR THE TRUE GOD JEHOVAH/YAHWEH and His own SCRIPTURAL TRUTH and STANDARDS - a SATANIC HATRED FOR THE TRUTH that this GOD REQUIRES BE PROCLAIMED ALONG WITH HIS HOLY NAMED, so that it is not PROFANED/ BLASPHEMED - and FERVENT, GOD-CONDEMNED IDOLATRY, both of Bono/U2, and SELF-ILLICIT-DESIRE-SERVING FALSE RELIGIONS (especially FALSE "Christianity") and SPIRITUAL LIES.

For all of the INTENSE and GROTESQUELY HYPOCRITICAL ATTACKING, CENSORING, SLANDERING and BANNING that the fervently FALSE religious and idolatrous internet-writing "community" of such "fans" have done, especially since U2 put out the "Yahweh" song in 2004; a prevailing guilt before God Almighty fills the air of their so-called, most LOOSE "church"

Some may recall the video that accompanied U2's song, "Last Night on Earth." In that video, what seemed to be the wicked people found themselves with a clear goo upon them......

Heads up, Bono/ U2 - Many of your throng, who are so aggressive and feel so "empowered" (by FALSE pride and ANTI-scriptural, FALSE religious, FALSE "Christian" spiritual LIES - or else their PR-person jobs, etc.), to MAINTAIN GLOBAL MASS BLASPHEMY and DESECRATION of the PERSONAL, HOLY NAME OF JEHOVAH/YAHWEH God Almighty Himself; and to ATTACK, CENSOR, DELETE, and BAN SCRIPTURAL TRUTH and WARNINGS FROM THIS GOD JEHOVAH/YAHWEH, spoken/written/messaged BY HIS TRUE, SCRIPTURAL SERVANTS/MESSENGERS - well, by known scriptural standards, metaphorically, they are as if dripping, head to toe, in that above-mentioned "Last Night On Earth" GOO of THIS GOD JEHOVAH/YAHWEH'S CONDEMNATION. 

Armageddon is SOON. Jehovah/Yahweh's destruction of all FALSE religions - which blaspheme Him - will be even sooner.

The known scriptural truth-DISMISSING and DENYING; largely scriptural TRUTH-HATING; FALSE-religion-sectored; intensely IDOLATROUS; spiritism and immorality-incorporating, promoting, and condoning; CASUAL EXTREME BLASPHEMY SUPPORTING; and largely ANTI-Jehovah and actually ANTICHRIST "church of U2" IS FAILING - as seen by rotten "fruitage" such as this.

The Jehovah-DISRESPECTING, slanderous/debased, hateful and abusive person who deleted my Wikipedia edit made this comment in doing so (to ME, an actual scripturally TRUE worshiper, servant, and scriptural messenger of THIS GOD, Jehovah [Yahweh]:

"Please keep psychobabble off of Wikipedia".

Such is typical hate for Jehovah, His truth, and His scriptural messengers; as so often seen in the past 13 years, by fervent FALSE religious and/or atheistic and/or spiritistic (demonistic) U2 IDOLATORS.

The person submitting the above gutteral, God-attacking slander probably has no idea of just how blacked-out they have made their own future be. By known scriptural standards, Jehovah will soon make it so that such persons WILL EXIST NO MORE.

"Just a little while longer, and the wicked  one will be no more." (Psalm 37:10)

Jehovah/Yahweh has no toleration for persons stubbornly of this sort. Their time left before Armageddon, to make vital changes to their spiritual state, is scant.

Thankfully, Wikipedia has graciously and wisely figured a way to spare speakers of unpopular truth from having their work wiped-out completely by haters of it. Thankfully, they provide a permanent link for different revisions. Thank you for that, Wikipedia. Here is the permanent link for what I wrote; (although I also copied and pasted what I wrote in the previous post here from today) -

Ah, and in scrolling down the "history" of edits; I even found an old (much shorter) piece I wrote on the same page (under "Reception") - which, of course, someone wiped out. I thought it was gone forever, 'til now:


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