Monday, October 16, 2017

In Response to a Bono Idolater, Under One of the [Still Up] Blasphemous "U2 Yahweh" Videos

This is completely FALSE, but is a core philosophy of the idolatrous "church of Bono" and the Baha'i "faith", etc; as well as being the wish promoted by godless UN idolaters - so as to establish a prophesied FALSE "peace and security" based on idolatry and Satanism - and Satan. ("Near death experiences" are frequently hallucinations wrought by chemicals flooding the brain.) In total contrast to your statement, THIS GOD (the ONLY TRUE and Living God, the Creator and Universal Sovereign) Jehovah-Yahweh, REJECTS and has CONDEMNED (to permanent destruction) ALL FALSE, ANTI-SCRIPTURAL, blasphemous to Him, antichrist, DEMONISM-TEACHING, BLOOD GUILTY ("for all who have been slaughtered upon the earth"), and EVIL-PRACTICING, Satan-backed FALSE RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD, The FALSE RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD HAVE SLANDERED GOD, His scriptural truth, and those LOYAL and TRUE to HIM (TRUE Christians) PROFUSELY; HAVE ADULTERIZED THEMSELVES TO "THE KINGS OF THE EARTH"; SERVE SATAN and MEN, NOT GOD; HAVE MISLED THE NATIONS WITH SPIRITISM (Revelation 18:23,24); HAVE RUINED and/or MURDERED THE LIVES OF MILLIONS, with their SATANIC INJUSTICE, "IN THE NAME OF GOD", etc. JEHOVAH - SO VERY DIFFERENT from the world's FALSE gods (and the pagan and demonic triune godhead of most of Christendom [FALSE "Christianity"]) WARNS HUMANS NOT TO FALL FOR THE PREVALENT SATANIC PROPAGANDA of TURNING ONE'S BACK ON SCRIPTURAL TRUTH FROM JEHOVAH and LOYALTY to HIM and HIS SON ****TO SERVE OTHER gODS**** - FALSE, FRONT FOR SATAN, gODS - and their INJUSTICE and EVIL-BREEDING, Jehovah-DEFIANT, ANTI-SCRIPTURAL and ANTICHRIST SPIRITUAL LIES. SOON, this now very rightfully ANGRY God, Jehovah/Yahweh, will intervene in HUMAN AFFAIRS to destroy ALL of SATAN'S GLOBAL EMPIRE of PROVEN TO BE FALSE and EVIL-WORKING RELIGIONS IN DEFIANCE of Jehovah/Yahweh God Almighty's own scripturally, globally GIVEN TERMS OF WORSHIP and COMMANDS to MANKIND. (Revelation chapters 17 and 18) He will then soon follow that with Armageddon Day. (Revelation chapter 19) So, THIS GOD, JEHOVAH/YAHWEH, is CERTAINLY NOT the placid, apathetic, just let men and Satan take over everything and be gods anyway who cares LIE god common to FALSE and spiritually inebriated, sold-out to IDOLATRY, common Christendom (FALSE "Christianity") is He. SOON, ALL of humanity will be held accountable to HIS scriptural standards, whether they care to follow them, or ignore them. Those who ignore them are inexcusable, in their unrighteousness for doing so. Jehovah/Yahweh's promised and soon-coming new world Kingdom on earth here will be TRULY peaceful, because, at that time, the only people that God will allow to go on living here will be those who listen to and obey HIM. (Isaiah 11:9)


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