Friday, October 13, 2017

Something I Wrote this Morning Under One of the "U2 Yahweh" Videos; Re: Some Person's Ripping Down the Holy Name of God, FALSELY Claiming He is a [Pagan] Duo-god Named "Yashua"

Totally FALSE. "Yahshua" is the name of a FALSE, PAGANISM-templated, non-existent DUO-god, akin to the likewise PAGAN "TRINITY" godhead. It is NOT the God of the Bible, and also blasphemes His Son, Jesus Christ. Like false "Christianity's" mystery god of the trinity, this likewise ANTI-whole scriptural, truth-evasive and contrived mystery god also MISREPRESENTS the given scriptural identities, purposes, and roles of Jehovah/Yahweh God Almighty (Creator and Universal Sovereign) and His Son, Jesus Christ, as separate beings. Like the trinity godhead, the duo, so-called Yahshua god is a "god of confusion", which keeps persons ALIENATED from their heavenly Father, and not in a position to receive the blessings of eternal life, based on knowing and acting upon the scriptural truth Jehovah has provided about Him, His Son, and God's requirements. (John 17:3; 4:24) The so-called "Yahshua" religion has proven to be yet another scriptural truth-denying and evasive entity of Christendom (false "Christianity") - one maintaining the same basic anti-whole scriptural doctrines, errors, and God-defiant practices (including nationalism, the celebration of pagan holidays, etc.) It is largely based on EMOTIONALISM, and is centered upon the featured use of the term "Yahshua" - not the scriptural name or person of God, or the whole of the scriptural words and standards of God. IN CONTRAST, the words of God give us THE DISTINCT, HOLY, PERSONAL NAME OF THE GOD OF THE BIBLE, THE CREATOR, and the UNIVERSAL SOVEREIGN - the NAME THAT BELONGS TO HIM ALONE and REPRESENTS HIM ALONE. THAT NAME OF GOD IS REPRESENTED BY THE FOUR HEBREW LETTERS OF THE TETRAGRAMMATON. It was originally used in the Bible more than 7000 times, before humans foolishly altered that, daring to replace the holy NAME of God with the mere TITLES of "Lord" and "God" instead - TITLES also used to represent FALSE gods, and even humans. The consonants represented by the Tetragrammaton transliterate as being YHWH or JHVH. Both are correct. For any to argue "Y" or "J", "W" or "V" is to argue a moot and useless point; as the Tetragrammaton has been rightly transliterated, made speakable (as is the will of God) by the insertion of vowels, and NATURALIZED INTO THE TONGUES OF ALL PEOPLES, INTO THE MANY VARIOUS LANGUAGES OF MAN. Thus, all persons have a DISTINCT, scriptural name by which to CALL UPON THE HOLY NAME OF GOD BY (AS ALL PERSONS ARE REQUIRED BY GOD TO DO - JOEL 2:32; Romans 10:13.) They all bear similarity to the pattern of the Tetragrammaton, also. So, GEOVA, IHUA, YEKOVAH, IEOVA, EXHOBA, ZOOVA, and MANY MORE NATURALIZATIONS OF THE TETRAGRAMMATON ARE USED BY PEOPLE, WORLD-OVER, TO REPRESENT THE UNIQUE and DISTINCT CREATOR GOD ALMIGHTY OF THE BIBLE. Moreover, God's holy name, as represented by the Tetragrammaton, in the various languages, MEANS THE SAME THING, and CLEARLY IDENTIFIES THE CREATOR GOD and UNIVERSAL SOVEREIGN ALONE. IT MEANS, "HE CAUSES TO BECOME." God's further explanation of the meaning of His name to Moses was, "I SHALL PROVE TO BE WHAT I SHALL PROVE TO BE." God's holy a statement of UNIQUE POWER and ABILITY, which only HE ALONE, as CREATOR and UNIVERSAL SOVEREIGN can RIGHTLY CLAIM: Jehovah/Yahweh (etc.) ALONE can actively CAUSE or BECOME whatever it is He wants to, in order to carry out His will and purposes. (This is NOT the contrived [to "support" a false trinity godhead], wrongful, belittling, and stagnant "meaning" of mere existence that false "Christianity" gives to God's name, teaching that it stands for "I AM"/ "I AM THAT I AM".) So, the "Yahshua" religion is misrepresenting the names, identities, and persons of God and Jesus Christ (who intentionally has his own distinct name); and is failing to represent the scriptural truth of God (Jehovah/Yahweh) that is required by God to accompany the preaching of His holy name. 

The Scriptures are clear: "I AM JEHOVAH [Yahweh]. THAT IS MY NAME; and TO NO ONE ELSE SHALL I GIVE MY OWN GLORY, neither my praise to graven images." (Isaiah 42:8)


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