Monday, September 18, 2017

Here's to Hoping You Re-do/CHANGE The Currently Blasphemous "U2 Yahweh" Videos (into NOT Being Blasphemous)

Please forgive me for not emphasizing this before: In ITSELF, the "Yahweh" song is not so bad. It's THE INFAMOUS BLASPHEMOUS CARTOON VIDEO - and the same used idol and spiritistic/ false religious images in that video (and also some fan-made ones, with the crosses/crucifixtions, false churches, etc.); and also the SETTINGS (concerts that also included some unholy song performances and speeches; [and also the unfitting Vatican performance by Edge]) that have made it blasphemous.

The phrase, "stranded in some skin and bones" - although reminiscent of a line in Job - would be more "safe"/ less given to death-wielding false religious (anti-scriptural and spiritistic) beliefs, if it was tweeked to something different. People do NOT have souls - spirit beings of themselves within their bodies - that live on, despite the death of the body. Instead, people ARE "souls": Everything about an individual that makes them who they uniquely are - their living body; their mind; heart; personality; driving forces; spirtuality; conscience; thoughts; memories; likes; dislikes; passions; hopes; plans; tastes; loves; hates; emotions; outlooks; quirks; ways of walking, talking, expressing themselves; skills; talents - everything about themselves that makes them the unique being that they are - THAT is what the "SOUL" of a person IS.

And still today, so sadly, "souls" are subject to death. At that time, no wisp/ghost/spirit copy of a person leaves their body, to go on living. Instead, their life-force goes back to Jehovah; and He keeps EVERYTHING about individuals SAFE in His PERFECT MEMORY; so that when it is time for the RESURRECTION; He can absolutely, PERFECTLY BRING PEOPLE BACK TO LIFE - as the EXACT PERSON, through and through, that they were when they died. That is how COMPLETELY Jehovah knows and values individuals - He even KNOWS our hearts, thoughts, minds, voices, ways of laughing, etc., etc......

THAT WILL BE A GREAT DAY. It will come AFTER the END of this largely STUPID and WICKED world system. After Jehovah soon intervenes in human affairs, to rid the earth of all of the FALSE religions of Satan's world empire of them, "Babylon the Great" (Revelation chapters 17 and 18); He will then bring. His Armageddon Day, to rid the earth of all blasphemy, last vestiges of evil, and stubbornly evil persons. AFTER THAT, He will extend His TRUE, Heaven-based Kingdom of God down onto this earth, as its ONLY Ruling entity. (Jesus Christ himself is Jehovah's perfect, appointed King of that Kingdom.) The earth will begin transforming back into a PARADISE. That's when the RESURRECTION back to life, of dead loved ones will occur. Jehovah will bring them back to life as THE WHOLE-SOUL THEY WERE (just without any terrible, painful, or disturbing memories). 

(Isaiah 65:17) - "For here I am creating new heavens and a new earth; and the former things will not be called to mind, neither will they come up into the heart."

There will be NO MORE wars, crime, violence, pain, tears of pain, grief, hunger, poverty, sickness, or hurtful injustices then. People will grow back to perfection, "...Death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away." (Revelation 21:3,4)

Before "the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah" comes though, most people on earth need to make vital changes. There simply can't be any works of ongoing blasphemy. It just won't pass.

YES, people DO need to be found obeying Jehovah/Yahweh's scriptural commands, principles, and terms of worship. In that way, when they CALL UPON THE NAME OF JEHOVAH [YAHWEH], as God says is necessary (Joel 2:32)* , they can do so "WITH SPIRIT and TRUTH" (John 4:24), as is also necessary. In obeying Jehovah/Yahweh, by proclaiming His holy name to the world; people ALSO NEED TO PROCLAIM /PREACH/TEACH THE SCRIPTURAL-SPIRITUAL TRUTH ABOUT THE GOD BEHIND THAT HOLY NAME. To preach/ teach/ associate/ demonstrate/ display/ recommend anything spiritually false or evil along with proclaiming His name PROFANES/ BLASPHEMES His most holy name. Who would want to go that route - of being violating and hurtful towards the Heavenly Father. Since God will be punishing stubborn blasphemers, by Armageddon Day too, it would certainly be foolish for anyone to persist in any manner of blaspheming Jehovah/Yahweh (or Jesus Christ) too, wouldn't it?

Why not, instead, go for the pure joy of praising Jehovah's holy name in song - with NOTHING spiritually false or blasphemous attached to it? That's what King  David of the Psalms experienced!

I saw a fan video that started out showing beautiful ocean images/footage, as this song began; but then later, it switched to the usual blasphemy cartoon. So sad, so tragic,

To want to sing and praise Jehovah/Yahweh's name; "make melody" to it; do so, with heart and soul, in front of all the nations; and make His holy name known, throughout the earth (so that others will praise Him too); are all great thoughts/ ideas right out of the inspired Psalms.

How-ev-er.....For anyone to gather [MANY, even millions] of people 'round, to performances, videos, and movie parts, etc; featuring the most holy, personal name of God Almighty - but then NOT also PROCLAIM/ TEACH/ PREACH the scriptural TRUTH about the God behind that name; and worse yet, associate it with large, lit up images and mass-media-ed videos streaming one pagan/spiritistic/ false religious/idolatrous image after another (I counted at least 28 different ones, in the blasphemy cartoon); and to let those videos run on and on, on the world's biggest video-sharing sites is LIKE GATHERING PEOPLE ONTO THE PROVERBIAL "TITANIC".....only, THAT SHIP'S NAME IS SOMETHING MORE LIKE, "THE UN-SAINTLY SHIP BLASPHEMY", and the ICEBERG it is still headed for, straight-on; is where the whole wicked world in general (except those who listen to Jehovah) is headed for - the "iceberg", so to say, of Jehovah's Armageddon Day; with people "partying", and not caring enough to pay attention to what is most important, the whole way there.....

So, yes, yes - quickly fix things - ERASE the blasphemy, swab the decks, and steer the ship!!


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