Friday, November 24, 2017

Another Comment I Wrote, Re: "Where are you Jesus?!", Under U2's "American Soul" Video

"Where are you, Jesus?!" He's been speaking and warning, through His Father's own globally-given words. He is ruling, as Jehovah's appointed, highest Reigning King, in the heavens now; with that Kingdom soon to be extended down onto this pathetic, evil-filled, nearly completely ruined again world. That scriptural (NOT man-made) Kingdom will come to be here soon, after Jehovah SOON brings His Armageddon Day, to rid the earth of Satan; his demons; willing demonic human horde tool persons/slaves of Satan who join with him to work his evil; the kingdoms of man that now exist (Daniel 2:44); all last vestiges of evil; and stubbornly evil persons. Prior to that, Jehovah will SOON intervene, to rid the earth of all FALSE, anti-scriptural, spiritistic/demonic LIE-teaching, evil-practicing, antichrist, Jehovah-fighting, and blood guilty FALSE religions. In the meantime, righteous-hearted persons, from "the most distant parts of the earth" are being gathered together as one - for Armageddon Day survival, into Jah's new world here - by Jehovah's words and spirit, and by the global preaching of God's Scriptures by those loyal and true to Him. Those who are loyal and true to Him fully understand that He, the Creator and Universal Sovereign; His Son, God's scriptural words of truth; and God's Kingdom and obedience to Divine Rule - THE ONLY TRUE and LASTING SOLUTION FOR ALL of MANKIND'S PROBLEMS - IS THE MOST HARD OPPOSITE TO "FANTASY", and IS and WILL [SOON] BE [COMPLETELY] AN ALL-EFFECTING (for the BLESSING or the MALEDICTION - for eternal life in happiness, or for eternal death) REALITY. AS HE HAS BEEN, since he became "the firstborn of all creation", the master worker by his Father's side - with the exception of the three earth days he was dead, out of eons of time - JESUS CHRIST ASSISTS HIS FATHER JEHOVAH WITH EVERYTHING. THE HOUR OF JUDGEMENT HAS ARRIVED. Father and Son scan the earth, looking for any honest-hearted people, directing them to teachers of Jah's truth. Jesus calls them to His Father. Jehovah and Jesus act in behalf of individuals loyal and true to them, constantly. Together, they direct angels, to assist with the same, earth wide. "WHERE ARE YOU, JESUS?!" AT HIS FATHER'S RIGHT HAND - WITH AN IRON SCEPTER, READY TO STRIKE THE NATIONS, PLURAL (ALL OF THEM) - and the ENTIRE WICKED WORLD SYSTEM, SO LARGELY UNDER DEMON RULE, and so filled with wanton individual REBELLION against God. (Psalm 2) Yet, the consciences of the HONEST-HEARTED can cut through all of the spiritual slander propaganda - against Jehovah God, and against His words of vital truth - if they want to. Humans are inexcusable, if they choose "convenient", sinful desire-serving, evil-supporting LIES (Romans 1:18-32) - instead of the life-helping and life-saving words of truth from Jehovah, which He has made sure everyone will have gotten to hear. (Ezekiel 3:17-21; Matthew 24:14; 28:19,20; John 17:3, 17) JESUS is also readying himself - as the Commander-in-Chief of Jehovah's HEAVENLY army of spirit beings (only) - to, at His Father's command -  ride through the earth, to remove Satan, demons, and stubbornly evil persons from it. SO, who's been actually paying attention to, appreciating, and working along with  WHAT JESUS IS DOING? Hint: It ISN'T and WON'T BE whole COUNTRIES. It ISN'T the FALSE religious leaders of "Babylon the Great" (chapters 17 and 18); nor persons continuing to remain in and support those FALSE religions, despite having been served Divine warning as to the spiritism, blasphemy, evil practices, and blood guilt of those FALSE religions. (Revelation 18:4,5,8,20,23,24). It isn't God-defiant atheists, or other inexcusable rebels against God. It isn't and won't be any political, philanthropic, social justice, etc. conglomeration; and it will not be the UN or anything like it. Instead, the "community" and "unity", globally, is and will be joined through what should naturally and reasonably be expected - through the One Heavenly, Only True God and Creator Father, Jehovah (with His Son, Jesus, along with Him); through a shared love for and obedience to Him, which produces love for one another - a loving global brotherhood and sisterhood, of the family of man - just like Jesus said (John 13:35) "Where are you, Jesus?!" Making his Father's words of true hope, and permanent, lasting relief be heard throughout refugee camps and elsewhere - strengthening people; and preparing them for the Great Day of God Almighty, which will be SOON.


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