Sunday, January 28, 2018

"Get Out of Your Own Way" Grammy Awards Video, Stunning Stage & Performance, UNTIL....the End Bits

Dropping this comment here, 'cause it might get lost/deleted elsewhere...

Much better than the "official" video (which dishonored Christ). Lincoln doesn't have a "ghost", though - nobody does. (It would be good for people to get anti-scriptural thoughts like that out of their way.) I was cheering this improved and stunning video (which must have been chilly to make, too) [U2 has done poignant so well, again and again]...UNTIL the last part; but then.... Can people just quit putting words in God's and Jesus' mouths, things that they would never say - like "blessed" are the "arrogant", "the bullies", etc? [And, it's NOT God that is running this world's political system, with it's set-up of countries/kingdoms of men - but it is, for the most part, Satan and his hordes.] It mocks Jehovah's words and scriptural principles. The scriptural "beatitudes" have nothing to do with these sinful ways; and, in fact, praise godly traits INSTEAD - proclaiming that those who cultivate such true scriptural, spiritual godliness are "happy."
~~~~~~~~~~~~ are some replies I made to replies to my comment:

The spiritual philosophy (religion) you espouse - the way of the bulk-mass of mankind - has now been shown to be a total, life-destructive FAILURE. It has been tried, in various, failing forms, for over 6000 years. Those who have, as prophesied, asserted themselves to be more "wise" than the Creator, and have reveled in defiance of Him, have all but RUINED our world, FILLING IT WITH SPIRITISM (Satanism, by default, for rebelling against God) - and all of the VIOLENCE, EVIL, INJUSTICE, and OTHER CRIMES AGAINST GOD and HUMANITY our "information age" and personal experiences have revealed. Godless, "modern" times, AS PROPHESIED, are a total FAILURE - with multiple critical level problems threatening existence of all human life on planet earth, just as prophesied. ALL OF THE PROBLEMS OF SOCIETY and the FAILING WORLD SYSTEM CAN BE DIRECTLY ATTRIBUTED TO THE GOD-DEFIANCE that HAS BUILT UP SINCE EDEN. The godless have ZERO true answers - regarding the origin of mankind; the purpose of life; the state of the world; the true and lasting solutions to the multiple-life threatening problems that bring the "doomsday clock" to just a few minutes towards "midnight" (SO past "11 'o Clock, Tick Tock", U2 fans); or mankind's future. As far as "science" and "reasoning" goes, once the inexcusable insanity of DENIAL of the Creator God and the thoroughly testifying works of His DESIGN and CREATION sets in, however, WILD (most unscientific) FANTASIES and endless, self-desire- serving false guesses DO present themselves though. (I.e, I shouldn't believe in the Creator God, His Son, or other existing spirit beings; but I should cheer billions being invested for some atheist's project of "GOING TO LOOK FOR SPACE ALIENS"?!) Nearly all of them can be easily de-bunked with basic Divine scriptural knowledge from the Creator. Why any true "scientist" would not want information from the Creator is beyond me. It is also A LIE that there are not MANY HONEST, OPEN-EYED, OPEN-MINDED (NOT brainwashed by anti-God propaganda)  SCIENTISTS who totally respect, admire, and ARE HUMBLED and AWED by the work and designs of the Creator. In their HONESTY, they are appreciative of the INFINITE AMOUNT MORE THERE IS YET TO LEARN. In contrast to that, however, many persons show themselves to be very UNscientific or honest-hearted/minded in their "reasonings" and theories when it comes right down to, again and again and again, if WHAT THEY "ADMIT" TO SUPPORTS WHAT THEIR PERSONAL DESIRES or DESIRES/AGENDAS for others ARE - and again and again and again, that USUALLY INVOLVES IMMORALITY IN SOME FORM, or OTHER KNOWN-TO-BE-SCRIPTURALLY GOD-CONDEMNED SIN. MANY, if not MOST PERSONS, are choosing to IDOLIZE SINS/agendas THEY LOVE - IN PLACE OF the True God Jehovah, with His known scriptural standards. Many/ most persons are REJECTING THE TRUE GOD, BECAUSE HIS OWN SCRIPTURAL STANDARDS DO NOT ACCOMODATE THE SINS/ EVIL THEY WISH TO PRACTICE. GOD's own words of TRUTH are INCONVENIENT and BOTHERSOME, if not HATED by them - by THE MANY, as multipli-PROPHESIED. The very words they DENY are PEGGING THEM. (Romans 1:18-32) Thus, in their HATRED for God's known standards, they unrighteously seek TO DISCREDIT and SHOW EVEN BRAZEN PUBLIC HATRED for God - the Author of the [moral, etc.] scriptural standards that they HATE. It is many of these same persons that also jump at the chance to persecute and even violate the human rights of (or even kill) honest-hearted, faithful and TRUE human beings who, rather than DENY, UPHOLD Divine scriptural standards, and who, in obedience to Jehovah and out of love for their "neighbor", make life-helping and life-saving scriptural truth known throughout this earth. Turn-around Day IS SOON, however - all indications are that Armageddon Day from Jehovah is soon. That will most certainly end all refugee crisises, bomb threats, gun madness, poverty, sickness, war, racism, other injustices, etc. True belief in the True God brings TRUE hope, based on what is REAL.

Science wouldn't exist, without the Creator's works to investigate or make theories about. Brains, people, human hands, or eyeballs would not exist, if not for Him. Humans are not, never have been, and never will be able to produce anything comparable to these things, or countless other works of His creation. (Rather, humans have destroyed a lot of His creation [including each other].) Even the testimony of creation alone renders human beings inexcusable, by conscience, if they don't turn around and be THANKFUL to the One who made these things; and, out of basic, rightful gratitude, seek to know Him, His purposes and His will so as to follow it. Have you ever read the Bible book of Job, chapters 38 through 41? Even that, combined with honest-hearted reasoning, would be a remedy for any person initially thinking of the Creator God Almighty Jehovah as being "anti-science." And His Son, Jesus, helped Him create everything else in the universe except for himself. Pretty crafty, no? Atoms, specialized cells, galaxy clusters in motions, etc. must take quite a lot of scientific thinking to create and maintain, don't you think? Rather than put the blinders on, stay in denial, and close one's mind; a truly scientific person and wise person would want more insight, knowledge, contact, and guidance from that Creator and life-giver's mind. There's a rare "blue moon"/super moon/ total lunar eclipse set of events at the end of this month. Why not take the opportunity to look up in the sky, mediate on things, and see if you can't open up, to THANK God - for your life, for good things/blessings, and for actual hope - because of Him. Seek.

Hey, "Alien", as true, SCRIPTURAL Christian, I actually DON'T believe in Santa or pagan "Christ"mas (did you celebrate it?); fairies (demons); the means of psychics (demons); or any of the world's GOD-CONDEMNED, Satanic LIE-teaching, mankind-destroying, injustice and evil-practicing, war-mongering, blasphemous and blood guilty FALSE RELIGIONS of Satan's global empire of them, "Babylon the Great." DO YOU? If so, best make the changes that only you can, fast. (Revelation 18:4,5) And, for your information, I searched, examined, tested, and then absolutely CHANGED from being (LEFT) the common FALSE "Christian" religion I was born and raised/schooled in. I started doing that at age 23, after being disillusioned by the anti-scriptural LIES and obvious hurtful and life-destructive evil injustices that had been and were being worked by that FALSE, demonism-infiltrated religion. I have been living and preaching Jehovah's scriptural truth to others, ever since. I am FREE - due to TRUTH from the words of the Creator Himself (John 8:32) - and I do as Jesus did, and work to set others free in the same ways, as well. And what else? As a TRUE Christian, MY HANDS ARE CLEAN from guilt, for sharing in the crimes against God and humanity being worked by those still all tied-in-with and enslaved by what is a largely Satan-run world system: I do NOT vote; I am NOT patriotic or nationalistic; I am a conscientious objector to war; I see racism as foolish and small-minded God-defiance; and I have nothing to do with the world-ruining false religions and their spiritually adulterous political alliances. And you?


Start reading. Man's miniscule true knowledge achieved so far well fits within the bigger-scoped framework of given scriptural knowledge from thousands of years ago. Jehovah limited the size of what would be a Book of necessary, life-vital instruction for followers of Him to preach to the world from. For more details, look around. In the future (after Armageddon Day, in God's new world/ Kingdom here) MORE details, from God, will be made available. For starters, do read that mentioned Job 38-41. As explained, I am NOT of the world-conglomeration of all God-hated false religions of "Babylon the Great", aka, "the church." Their ignorance and falsehoods regarding spiritual matters and a likewise faulty and problematic world-view are of their own God-defiant making. The "gold plated everything" is to try to compensate for all that is dark and rotten within those false churches. Their day, to answer to God, will come, soon. (Revelation 18)

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Re: Cartoon-Shocking Jesus Christ Into a Skeleton for Your New "Official" "Get Out of Your Own Way" Video - My Comment

My poor keyboard.

U2!! KILLING JESUS CHRIST HERE I SEE - "IMPALING HIM AFRESH" - IN GROSS, MASS-MEDIA-ED BLASPHEMY!!!!!!!! (Also, in the beginning, on the marquise of a building, he is as MOCKED, and MADE-OUT TO BE A SOURCE OF DEATH. That too is BLASPHEMY.) YOU TEACH NO ANSWERS - BUT INSTEAD YOU MASS-MEDIA REJECT SCRIPTURAL TRUTH, TEACH VIOLATION OF IT; AND PROMOTE SATANISM, SPIRITUAL LIES, and A CULTURE OF DEATH. WHAT COULD BE MORE FOOLISH and ANTI-HELPFUL TO MANKIND??!!! Prince said he once had "A CONTRACT WITH SATAN" - BUT LEARNED JEHOVAH'S SCRIPTURAL TRUTH, GOT STRONG with His spirit, OPPOSED THE DEVIL (and his hordes - demon and human), BROKE FREE, and started preaching-singing about LIFE-HELPFUL TRUTH (MINUS THE LIES and GARBAGE) INSTEAD!!! WHO IS YOUR "CONTRACT" WITH??!!! THIS VIDEO SAYS SATAN. ALL OF THE $$$$$$$66666666666$$$$$$$$$$ in the world would NOT be worth the losses of everlasting lives - of countless persons - that this TRASH could yield. AWFUL - APPALLING. Makes every "nod" to any Psalm you've ever sang or spoken of HYPOCRISY - A LIE - TYPICAL FALSE RELIGIOUS PUSH-OVER MEANINGLESSNESS. HEY: GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY. (How fast will it take for your minions/ idolaters to delete this I wonder? I should start a stop watch. Their concerns are NOT life, God, Christ, or truth - because YOU are their 'god".) P.S. Nice artistic use of "Lucy in the Sky" carton effects though. Also, sincere kudos for memorializing the tiny child "washed up on an empty beach." Whoever he is, he belongs being an icon for these tragic, senseless days. DO YOU KNOW WHO will finally MAKE IT ALRIGHT for him (and others who have suffered from the same)? Not any human(s)!!!! That would be Jesus Christ (the person shocked into a skeleton in this cartoon), along with His Father Jehovah. They will resurrect this little boy - and others who have suffered and died in this largely unjust, corrupt, and Satanic world system - SOON, after Jehovah rids this world of stubbornly wicked persons, and all last vestiges of evil; dissolves all of the governments of man that now exist - and replaces them all with His Kingdom, extended down from heaven. SOON. So get ready.

[I made a bunch more comments under this video - even positive ones though too. Scriptural truth is - by its God-honoring and life-helping/saving nature - positive (and of love for neighbor, too.) These ARE "critical times, hard to deal with." (2Timothy 3:1)]

Sunday, January 07, 2018

Re: What is Now Song #9 on the New Album - "It's the Little Things that Give You Away"

(I wrote this [comment] after viewing a video of the first concert performance of this song) - 

I really don't like this song. The part, "This freedom it might cost you your liberty", seems to [mass-media] condone violation of freedom of speech (or threat of that) - to speak [largely unwanted, as prophesied] scriptural truth about Jehovah - i.e., with the banning and persecution of it (and the human rights violations accompanying that) going on in Russia, etc.
I felt this song was like throwing the culprits, the devils, crackers (an anthem of support, even if not intended [its what it is]). The lines, "Has the hunter now become the prey" is worse yet; and anyone preaching God's scriptural truth (hated though it often is) doesn't deserve to be demeaned with, "your big mouth in the way". This part is true though: "The end is not coming/ The end is here." Yes, these are the last of the "last days" for this wicked world system. Armageddon IS near. People's survival will depend on them knowing and obeying the scriptural truth now being preached throughout this earth - which is often disbarged and ridiculed. A better thing to do for God, Christ, and humanity would be to encourage people to LISTEN to scriptural truth.

Thursday, January 04, 2018

Re: A Mass-Media-ed "Beyond the Psalms" Video (Interview with Bono) on the Topics of Death and After-life (My Comment There)

Regarding death and what follows, this is not the scriptural truth that makes one free. (John 8:32) Don't expect Christendom to either teach or uphold scriptural truth; because it never has yet. Jehovah's words are truth - said Jesus Christ. (Psalm 17:17) And Jehovah has stated that the dead "are conscious of nothing at all." (Ecclesiastes 9:5) Upon death, for nearly all human beings who die; there is NO after-life; NO going to heaven (or a non-existent "hell" [place of torment]); no "passing on" to a better life or other existence. There is simply "sleeping" in death; as Jesus described the state of his dead friend Lazarus. (John 11:11-44) Indeed, "the soul that is sinning, it itself will die" (Ezekiel 18:4) - and all humans now (even the most godly) fall short and sin. "The wages sin pays is death" (Romans 6:23), so, upon death; things are evened-out. But, yet, there is MORE to hope for, thanks to the sacrifice of Jesus perfect human life. The ransom he paid and the atonement for sins he paid is enough to cover for people's sins - to make it possible for both persons resurrected back to life and those who will never die (who will survive the soon-coming Armageddon Day) to live forever (as Adam and Eve were originally meant to). (In nearly all cases) the resurrection of those who die before Armageddon  will occur AFTER Armageddon Day; after this world undergoes significant repair - people will be welcomed back into a world transformed/being transformed into a paradise here - one of peace. There will be a resurrection of "the righteous and the unrighteous". (John 5:28,29) People will hear Jehovah and/or Jesus' voice calling their name, bringing them back from their sleeping in death. (Job 14:15) People who died in the past will get a chance to be educated about Jehovah's truth and standards - in a trouble-free setting. Then they can choose whether to obey Jehovah, so as to keep on living- or not. So, until that time, until that future resurrection day; (except in the rarest of all cases) to be dead is to be missing out on life, period. That is why, yes, it IS so very tragic; and why life is SO very, very precious. Also until then, though, those who have died are totally SAFE, in Jehovah's perfect memory. That is how closely he has observed and cared about individuals, their whole lives - He knows them completely, through and through; and so is absolutely able to resurrect persons back to life, as the same, unique individuals that they were. What about the OPPOSITE of this scriptural truth though? What if Satan's original LIES to Adam and Eve were correct - that they would NOT die (even if they disobeyed God, as God had warned them) [Genesis 3:4] - that they possessed "immortality of the soul", the primary teaching of MOST of the world's religions today? Well, in one line, that would certainly render Jesus Christ's sacrifice; everything to do with that; all of his and Jehovah's teachings, all of the writings of the prophets and apostles - and, indeed, the entire Holy Bible and lives faithfully lived according to it TO BE A TOTAL FARCE, wouldn't it. YET, THAT IS NOT THE CASE. Instead, the problems are with the anti-scriptural - the entirely POPULAR, but thoroughly WRONG doctrines of men, which most people have allowed to displace the life-and-future-vital scriptural truth of God Himself. The results have been tragic. It has produced much evil. Throughout history, many people have been slaughtered, tormented, have committed suicide, have cut their lives short, or have cut short the lives of others - all due to belief in this anti-scriptural, but yet prevalent false religious belief. The false religions of the world will never be able to come clean in God's eyes - for the falsehoods they have taught; and the harm, injustices, and evil that have come from them. (Revelation 18:23,24) So, what God wills, urgently, is for any honest-hearted individuals still left within any of the world's false religions to LEAVE them, immediately (Revelation 18:4,5); "repent and turn around" (Acts 3:19); learn Jehovah's scriptural truth and obey it (John 17:3; 4:24); and then keep on staying loyal and true to Him. (In God's new world - His Kingdom - here, people WILL grow physically and spiritually perfect again - no one will be sick, or suffering. Then, its true - people won't be needing glasses.)  :)

Wednesday, January 03, 2018

My Reply to a Comment Under the "Liner Notes" Video...WHICH WAS DELETED FROM THERE

Bigger picture - Divine truth: Mankind = ONE FAMILY OF MAN, meant to share ONE PLANET, truly under God. Mankind was never meant to be divided and harmed by barriers of man-made countries; nationalism; racism; or socio-economic divisions. It is Satan that is the current ruler of this corrupt, unjust, life-hostile - and hate, greed, haughtiness, and violence-filled - world system; and it is he and his demons that largely control and manipulate the world political system (including the global war machine); the world empire of all false religions ("Babylon the Great"); and much of corrupt large commerce. The current world system that is, and that is harming and failing mankind, is due to be dissolved by Jehovah, the Creator and Universal Sovereign, in its entirety, soon. Daniel 2:44. God's Kingdom, with Christ as its King, will be extended down from heaven, to become Earth's ONLY Ruling entity. In that (true) peaceful new world here; trying to create any of the harmful divisions now causing unfathomable amounts of suffering, harm, life-losses and death among mankind will be wholly ILLEGAL; even as so many of these practices of harmful divisions are already unconscionable, unnatural, in violation of God-given human rights, inhumane, immoral, foolish, and against Divine law and principles. The time to adjust one's thinking to meet the higher, righteous standards of God's incoming (true) new world system here is NOW.
(After I wrote the above, I added on an "Additional note:", that the refugees in the film were FLEEING FOR THEIR LIVES; that they have a SUPREME RIGHT TO LIFE; and that "being awake" includes being compassionate, empathetic, merciful, hospitable, and loving towards one's fellow human beings.

Being as it most certainly IS the "time of the end", with most people, by choice, "under the [power of the] wicked one"(1John 5:19), and so manifesting wicked and corrupt values - AND A MARKED, PROPHESIED HATRED FOR WHAT IS OF GOD (HIS WORDS, true speech/messages based on them, and what is of HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, HIS scriptural PRINCIPLES) - MY ABOVE COMMENT WAS DELETED.

It was in response to some unbelievably, though also prophesied-in-type, haughty individual expressing IDOLATROUS, ungodly, narcissistic, vainglorious, and VALUE-OF-HUMAN-LIFE-DENYING, soul-ugly NATIONALISM - on which they based their mass media-ed comment PROMOTING LIFE-DESTRUCTIVE, DIS-COMPASSIONATE, ULTRA-UNJUST, and UNCONSCIONABLE HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS.

God will personally see to the rendering of Justice for such, soon. 
(There remain sore, prevalent issues of anti-God IDOLATRY among many of this band's "fans''.)

"For God’s wrath is being revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who are suppressing the truth in an unrighteous way, because what may be known about God is manifest among them, for God made it manifest to them." (Romans 1:18-19)

Had to Reply to a FALSE "Christian" Comment, Under One of the Blasphemous Cartoon-Image Videos Today (Please Take Them Down) -

This video MASS-BLASPHEMES - the complete OPPOSITE of "hallowing"/ sanctifying - Jehovah/Yahweh and His holy name. It grossly VIOLATES KNOWN SCRIPTURAL COMMANDS and PRINCIPLES against associating God's holy name with anything of idolatry, spiritism/demonism/the occult/FALSE RELIGION, or anything evil. As such, *TRUE*, scriptural Christianity (as opposite to spiritually-scripturally ignorant and indifferent, hem-hawing, crowd-pleasing, sin-excusing and condoning/promoting, philosophy-of-men-OVER-the-words-of-God FALSE "Christianity") DOES CONDEMN and WARN AGAINST SUCH OUTRAGEOUS MASS BLASPHEMY , IDOLATRY, and SPIRITISM. TRUE Christians DO warn their fellow man OF JEHOVAH'S OWN ALREADY MADE, SCRIPTURAL JUDGMENT and WARNING MESSAGES, of crimes against God and others that Jehovah/Yahweh will soon be putting (MANY) persons to eternal death for. (Ezekiel 3:17-21) [FALSE "Christianity' instead practices, condones, and "excuses" such crimes against God and humanity - hiding and disparging scriptural truth that helps and saves lives (thus practicing HATE for God and HATE for their "neighbor", while FALSELY claiming to be practicing or upholding godly "love.")] The known scriptural penalties for stubborn, unrepented-for blasphemy and stubborn, unrepented for DEFENSE OF BLASPHEMY are eternal death - this time to be meted-out by God, soon, by His fast-approaching Armageddon Day. 3000 were put to death in one day, in Moses time, in front of Mount Sinai, for daring to blaspheme Jehovah/Yahweh's HOLY name, by associating it with even ONE idol image - a golden calf. THIS VIDEO PRESENTS MORE THAN 28 IDOL IMAGES, of spiritism/demonism, paganry, idolatry, and FALSE religions thereof, as Jehovah/Yahweh's HOLY name is sung. The same penalty will be paid (though likely earlier - Revelation 18) to those stubbornly clinging to and/or promoting the already JEHOVAH/YAHWEH-CONDEMNED FALSE RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD - Satan's world empire of them, "BABYLON THE GREAT" (Revelation chapters 17 and 18), the symbols of many of which are most BLASPHEMOUSLY STREAMED IN THIS VIDEO, as the HOLY name of Yahweh [Jehovah] is sung. Neither Jehovah/Yahweh nor Jesus Christ HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF THOSE GOD-ENRAGING FALSE RELIGIONS, or their SPIRITUALLY-FILTHY TEACHINGS AND PRACTICES OF DEMONISM, IDOLATRY, and other CRIMES AGAINST GOD and HUMANITY. They are CONDEMNED, BY THIS GOD, Jehovah-Yahweh. He will soon be bringing an END to all of the FALSE religions of the world. In order to not be counted by God as being a SHARER IN THE CRIMES AGAINST GOD and HUMANITY worked by the world's FALSE religions over the past 6000-some years (by continued spiritual support of/association with any of the world's FALSE religions ["Babylon the Great"]) - and SO ALSO SHARE IN THE PUNISHMENT SOON COMING FROM JEHOVAH/YAHWEH; it will be necessary for any spiritually honest-hearted persons still "within"/associating themselves with any of the world's God-condemned FALSE religions to LEAVE THEM AT ONCE. (Revelation 18:4,5) Jehovah/Yahweh will follow His scripturally warned-of destruction of "Babylon the Great" with His Armageddon Day itself. (Revelation 19) The main reason for His bringing Armageddon Day to this earth will be for the elimination of blasphemy against Him and His holy name.
P.S. The hamsa hand/hand of Fatima and evil eye are GOD-FORBIDDEN SYMBOLS/IMAGES/TALISMANS OF SPIRITISM/ DEMONISM; and their actual effect is to BACKFIRE (and then some) on those violating God's laws to engage in the use of them. To present (and, yes, promote) images of DEMONISM - even very longstandingly popular ones - while Jehovah/Yahweh's HOLY name is sung is God-angering and REPUGNANT, outrageous BLASPHEMY. 
P.S. False-to-God, apostate, so-called "Christianity" (which is NOT the same as scripturally true  Christianity) has long and infamously incorporated pagan/spiritistic teachings and practices in with pieces of the teachings of Jesus Christ; rendering many spiritistic and harmful/deadly spiritual lies, much corruption, misrepresentation, oppression, life-damaging and destroying injustices, blood guilt, and evil of all sorts - all falsely and blasphemously in the names of BOTH Jehovah/Yahweh AND Jesus Christ. That is why Jehovah/Yahweh holds FALSE "Christianity" (Christendom) as being extra culpable. The wise thing to do is LEAVE it, at once. (Revelation 18:4,5).

Monday, January 01, 2018

(Edited) Short Comment I Left Under Bono's "Liner Notes" Reading (Video by Matt Mahurin)

So glad you're better. Take care. Its getting wild out there - in these last of the last days, before Armageddon. Yes, go for "the peace of God that excels all thought" (Philippians 4:6,7); and the light of real hope, strength, comfort, and Divine guidance, based on the scriptural truth and spirit of Jehovah.
(There are no "spirits of the dead", though, so the wispy scarecrow-like thing [with a telephone pole-formed "cross" image in the background] alludes to some teachings that are not of the scriptural-spiritual truth that comes from God. Other than that though, beautiful film.)