Sunday, January 28, 2018

"Get Out of Your Own Way" Grammy Awards Video, Stunning Stage & Performance, UNTIL....the End Bits

Dropping this comment here, 'cause it might get lost/deleted elsewhere...

Much better than the "official" video (which dishonored Christ). Lincoln doesn't have a "ghost", though - nobody does. (It would be good for people to get anti-scriptural thoughts like that out of their way.) I was cheering this improved and stunning video (which must have been chilly to make, too) [U2 has done poignant so well, again and again]...UNTIL the last part; but then.... Can people just quit putting words in God's and Jesus' mouths, things that they would never say - like "blessed" are the "arrogant", "the bullies", etc? [And, it's NOT God that is running this world's political system, with it's set-up of countries/kingdoms of men - but it is, for the most part, Satan and his hordes.] It mocks Jehovah's words and scriptural principles. The scriptural "beatitudes" have nothing to do with these sinful ways; and, in fact, praise godly traits INSTEAD - proclaiming that those who cultivate such true scriptural, spiritual godliness are "happy."
~~~~~~~~~~~~ are some replies I made to replies to my comment:

The spiritual philosophy (religion) you espouse - the way of the bulk-mass of mankind - has now been shown to be a total, life-destructive FAILURE. It has been tried, in various, failing forms, for over 6000 years. Those who have, as prophesied, asserted themselves to be more "wise" than the Creator, and have reveled in defiance of Him, have all but RUINED our world, FILLING IT WITH SPIRITISM (Satanism, by default, for rebelling against God) - and all of the VIOLENCE, EVIL, INJUSTICE, and OTHER CRIMES AGAINST GOD and HUMANITY our "information age" and personal experiences have revealed. Godless, "modern" times, AS PROPHESIED, are a total FAILURE - with multiple critical level problems threatening existence of all human life on planet earth, just as prophesied. ALL OF THE PROBLEMS OF SOCIETY and the FAILING WORLD SYSTEM CAN BE DIRECTLY ATTRIBUTED TO THE GOD-DEFIANCE that HAS BUILT UP SINCE EDEN. The godless have ZERO true answers - regarding the origin of mankind; the purpose of life; the state of the world; the true and lasting solutions to the multiple-life threatening problems that bring the "doomsday clock" to just a few minutes towards "midnight" (SO past "11 'o Clock, Tick Tock", U2 fans); or mankind's future. As far as "science" and "reasoning" goes, once the inexcusable insanity of DENIAL of the Creator God and the thoroughly testifying works of His DESIGN and CREATION sets in, however, WILD (most unscientific) FANTASIES and endless, self-desire- serving false guesses DO present themselves though. (I.e, I shouldn't believe in the Creator God, His Son, or other existing spirit beings; but I should cheer billions being invested for some atheist's project of "GOING TO LOOK FOR SPACE ALIENS"?!) Nearly all of them can be easily de-bunked with basic Divine scriptural knowledge from the Creator. Why any true "scientist" would not want information from the Creator is beyond me. It is also A LIE that there are not MANY HONEST, OPEN-EYED, OPEN-MINDED (NOT brainwashed by anti-God propaganda)  SCIENTISTS who totally respect, admire, and ARE HUMBLED and AWED by the work and designs of the Creator. In their HONESTY, they are appreciative of the INFINITE AMOUNT MORE THERE IS YET TO LEARN. In contrast to that, however, many persons show themselves to be very UNscientific or honest-hearted/minded in their "reasonings" and theories when it comes right down to, again and again and again, if WHAT THEY "ADMIT" TO SUPPORTS WHAT THEIR PERSONAL DESIRES or DESIRES/AGENDAS for others ARE - and again and again and again, that USUALLY INVOLVES IMMORALITY IN SOME FORM, or OTHER KNOWN-TO-BE-SCRIPTURALLY GOD-CONDEMNED SIN. MANY, if not MOST PERSONS, are choosing to IDOLIZE SINS/agendas THEY LOVE - IN PLACE OF the True God Jehovah, with His known scriptural standards. Many/ most persons are REJECTING THE TRUE GOD, BECAUSE HIS OWN SCRIPTURAL STANDARDS DO NOT ACCOMODATE THE SINS/ EVIL THEY WISH TO PRACTICE. GOD's own words of TRUTH are INCONVENIENT and BOTHERSOME, if not HATED by them - by THE MANY, as multipli-PROPHESIED. The very words they DENY are PEGGING THEM. (Romans 1:18-32) Thus, in their HATRED for God's known standards, they unrighteously seek TO DISCREDIT and SHOW EVEN BRAZEN PUBLIC HATRED for God - the Author of the [moral, etc.] scriptural standards that they HATE. It is many of these same persons that also jump at the chance to persecute and even violate the human rights of (or even kill) honest-hearted, faithful and TRUE human beings who, rather than DENY, UPHOLD Divine scriptural standards, and who, in obedience to Jehovah and out of love for their "neighbor", make life-helping and life-saving scriptural truth known throughout this earth. Turn-around Day IS SOON, however - all indications are that Armageddon Day from Jehovah is soon. That will most certainly end all refugee crisises, bomb threats, gun madness, poverty, sickness, war, racism, other injustices, etc. True belief in the True God brings TRUE hope, based on what is REAL.

Science wouldn't exist, without the Creator's works to investigate or make theories about. Brains, people, human hands, or eyeballs would not exist, if not for Him. Humans are not, never have been, and never will be able to produce anything comparable to these things, or countless other works of His creation. (Rather, humans have destroyed a lot of His creation [including each other].) Even the testimony of creation alone renders human beings inexcusable, by conscience, if they don't turn around and be THANKFUL to the One who made these things; and, out of basic, rightful gratitude, seek to know Him, His purposes and His will so as to follow it. Have you ever read the Bible book of Job, chapters 38 through 41? Even that, combined with honest-hearted reasoning, would be a remedy for any person initially thinking of the Creator God Almighty Jehovah as being "anti-science." And His Son, Jesus, helped Him create everything else in the universe except for himself. Pretty crafty, no? Atoms, specialized cells, galaxy clusters in motions, etc. must take quite a lot of scientific thinking to create and maintain, don't you think? Rather than put the blinders on, stay in denial, and close one's mind; a truly scientific person and wise person would want more insight, knowledge, contact, and guidance from that Creator and life-giver's mind. There's a rare "blue moon"/super moon/ total lunar eclipse set of events at the end of this month. Why not take the opportunity to look up in the sky, mediate on things, and see if you can't open up, to THANK God - for your life, for good things/blessings, and for actual hope - because of Him. Seek.

Hey, "Alien", as true, SCRIPTURAL Christian, I actually DON'T believe in Santa or pagan "Christ"mas (did you celebrate it?); fairies (demons); the means of psychics (demons); or any of the world's GOD-CONDEMNED, Satanic LIE-teaching, mankind-destroying, injustice and evil-practicing, war-mongering, blasphemous and blood guilty FALSE RELIGIONS of Satan's global empire of them, "Babylon the Great." DO YOU? If so, best make the changes that only you can, fast. (Revelation 18:4,5) And, for your information, I searched, examined, tested, and then absolutely CHANGED from being (LEFT) the common FALSE "Christian" religion I was born and raised/schooled in. I started doing that at age 23, after being disillusioned by the anti-scriptural LIES and obvious hurtful and life-destructive evil injustices that had been and were being worked by that FALSE, demonism-infiltrated religion. I have been living and preaching Jehovah's scriptural truth to others, ever since. I am FREE - due to TRUTH from the words of the Creator Himself (John 8:32) - and I do as Jesus did, and work to set others free in the same ways, as well. And what else? As a TRUE Christian, MY HANDS ARE CLEAN from guilt, for sharing in the crimes against God and humanity being worked by those still all tied-in-with and enslaved by what is a largely Satan-run world system: I do NOT vote; I am NOT patriotic or nationalistic; I am a conscientious objector to war; I see racism as foolish and small-minded God-defiance; and I have nothing to do with the world-ruining false religions and their spiritually adulterous political alliances. And you?


Start reading. Man's miniscule true knowledge achieved so far well fits within the bigger-scoped framework of given scriptural knowledge from thousands of years ago. Jehovah limited the size of what would be a Book of necessary, life-vital instruction for followers of Him to preach to the world from. For more details, look around. In the future (after Armageddon Day, in God's new world/ Kingdom here) MORE details, from God, will be made available. For starters, do read that mentioned Job 38-41. As explained, I am NOT of the world-conglomeration of all God-hated false religions of "Babylon the Great", aka, "the church." Their ignorance and falsehoods regarding spiritual matters and a likewise faulty and problematic world-view are of their own God-defiant making. The "gold plated everything" is to try to compensate for all that is dark and rotten within those false churches. Their day, to answer to God, will come, soon. (Revelation 18)


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