Thursday, January 04, 2018

Re: A Mass-Media-ed "Beyond the Psalms" Video (Interview with Bono) on the Topics of Death and After-life (My Comment There)

Regarding death and what follows, this is not the scriptural truth that makes one free. (John 8:32) Don't expect Christendom to either teach or uphold scriptural truth; because it never has yet. Jehovah's words are truth - said Jesus Christ. (Psalm 17:17) And Jehovah has stated that the dead "are conscious of nothing at all." (Ecclesiastes 9:5) Upon death, for nearly all human beings who die; there is NO after-life; NO going to heaven (or a non-existent "hell" [place of torment]); no "passing on" to a better life or other existence. There is simply "sleeping" in death; as Jesus described the state of his dead friend Lazarus. (John 11:11-44) Indeed, "the soul that is sinning, it itself will die" (Ezekiel 18:4) - and all humans now (even the most godly) fall short and sin. "The wages sin pays is death" (Romans 6:23), so, upon death; things are evened-out. But, yet, there is MORE to hope for, thanks to the sacrifice of Jesus perfect human life. The ransom he paid and the atonement for sins he paid is enough to cover for people's sins - to make it possible for both persons resurrected back to life and those who will never die (who will survive the soon-coming Armageddon Day) to live forever (as Adam and Eve were originally meant to). (In nearly all cases) the resurrection of those who die before Armageddon  will occur AFTER Armageddon Day; after this world undergoes significant repair - people will be welcomed back into a world transformed/being transformed into a paradise here - one of peace. There will be a resurrection of "the righteous and the unrighteous". (John 5:28,29) People will hear Jehovah and/or Jesus' voice calling their name, bringing them back from their sleeping in death. (Job 14:15) People who died in the past will get a chance to be educated about Jehovah's truth and standards - in a trouble-free setting. Then they can choose whether to obey Jehovah, so as to keep on living- or not. So, until that time, until that future resurrection day; (except in the rarest of all cases) to be dead is to be missing out on life, period. That is why, yes, it IS so very tragic; and why life is SO very, very precious. Also until then, though, those who have died are totally SAFE, in Jehovah's perfect memory. That is how closely he has observed and cared about individuals, their whole lives - He knows them completely, through and through; and so is absolutely able to resurrect persons back to life, as the same, unique individuals that they were. What about the OPPOSITE of this scriptural truth though? What if Satan's original LIES to Adam and Eve were correct - that they would NOT die (even if they disobeyed God, as God had warned them) [Genesis 3:4] - that they possessed "immortality of the soul", the primary teaching of MOST of the world's religions today? Well, in one line, that would certainly render Jesus Christ's sacrifice; everything to do with that; all of his and Jehovah's teachings, all of the writings of the prophets and apostles - and, indeed, the entire Holy Bible and lives faithfully lived according to it TO BE A TOTAL FARCE, wouldn't it. YET, THAT IS NOT THE CASE. Instead, the problems are with the anti-scriptural - the entirely POPULAR, but thoroughly WRONG doctrines of men, which most people have allowed to displace the life-and-future-vital scriptural truth of God Himself. The results have been tragic. It has produced much evil. Throughout history, many people have been slaughtered, tormented, have committed suicide, have cut their lives short, or have cut short the lives of others - all due to belief in this anti-scriptural, but yet prevalent false religious belief. The false religions of the world will never be able to come clean in God's eyes - for the falsehoods they have taught; and the harm, injustices, and evil that have come from them. (Revelation 18:23,24) So, what God wills, urgently, is for any honest-hearted individuals still left within any of the world's false religions to LEAVE them, immediately (Revelation 18:4,5); "repent and turn around" (Acts 3:19); learn Jehovah's scriptural truth and obey it (John 17:3; 4:24); and then keep on staying loyal and true to Him. (In God's new world - His Kingdom - here, people WILL grow physically and spiritually perfect again - no one will be sick, or suffering. Then, its true - people won't be needing glasses.)  :)


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