Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Had to Reply to a FALSE "Christian" Comment, Under One of the Blasphemous Cartoon-Image Videos Today (Please Take Them Down) -

This video MASS-BLASPHEMES - the complete OPPOSITE of "hallowing"/ sanctifying - Jehovah/Yahweh and His holy name. It grossly VIOLATES KNOWN SCRIPTURAL COMMANDS and PRINCIPLES against associating God's holy name with anything of idolatry, spiritism/demonism/the occult/FALSE RELIGION, or anything evil. As such, *TRUE*, scriptural Christianity (as opposite to spiritually-scripturally ignorant and indifferent, hem-hawing, crowd-pleasing, sin-excusing and condoning/promoting, philosophy-of-men-OVER-the-words-of-God FALSE "Christianity") DOES CONDEMN and WARN AGAINST SUCH OUTRAGEOUS MASS BLASPHEMY , IDOLATRY, and SPIRITISM. TRUE Christians DO warn their fellow man OF JEHOVAH'S OWN ALREADY MADE, SCRIPTURAL JUDGMENT and WARNING MESSAGES, of crimes against God and others that Jehovah/Yahweh will soon be putting (MANY) persons to eternal death for. (Ezekiel 3:17-21) [FALSE "Christianity' instead practices, condones, and "excuses" such crimes against God and humanity - hiding and disparging scriptural truth that helps and saves lives (thus practicing HATE for God and HATE for their "neighbor", while FALSELY claiming to be practicing or upholding godly "love.")] The known scriptural penalties for stubborn, unrepented-for blasphemy and stubborn, unrepented for DEFENSE OF BLASPHEMY are eternal death - this time to be meted-out by God, soon, by His fast-approaching Armageddon Day. 3000 were put to death in one day, in Moses time, in front of Mount Sinai, for daring to blaspheme Jehovah/Yahweh's HOLY name, by associating it with even ONE idol image - a golden calf. THIS VIDEO PRESENTS MORE THAN 28 IDOL IMAGES, of spiritism/demonism, paganry, idolatry, and FALSE religions thereof, as Jehovah/Yahweh's HOLY name is sung. The same penalty will be paid (though likely earlier - Revelation 18) to those stubbornly clinging to and/or promoting the already JEHOVAH/YAHWEH-CONDEMNED FALSE RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD - Satan's world empire of them, "BABYLON THE GREAT" (Revelation chapters 17 and 18), the symbols of many of which are most BLASPHEMOUSLY STREAMED IN THIS VIDEO, as the HOLY name of Yahweh [Jehovah] is sung. Neither Jehovah/Yahweh nor Jesus Christ HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF THOSE GOD-ENRAGING FALSE RELIGIONS, or their SPIRITUALLY-FILTHY TEACHINGS AND PRACTICES OF DEMONISM, IDOLATRY, and other CRIMES AGAINST GOD and HUMANITY. They are CONDEMNED, BY THIS GOD, Jehovah-Yahweh. He will soon be bringing an END to all of the FALSE religions of the world. In order to not be counted by God as being a SHARER IN THE CRIMES AGAINST GOD and HUMANITY worked by the world's FALSE religions over the past 6000-some years (by continued spiritual support of/association with any of the world's FALSE religions ["Babylon the Great"]) - and SO ALSO SHARE IN THE PUNISHMENT SOON COMING FROM JEHOVAH/YAHWEH; it will be necessary for any spiritually honest-hearted persons still "within"/associating themselves with any of the world's God-condemned FALSE religions to LEAVE THEM AT ONCE. (Revelation 18:4,5) Jehovah/Yahweh will follow His scripturally warned-of destruction of "Babylon the Great" with His Armageddon Day itself. (Revelation 19) The main reason for His bringing Armageddon Day to this earth will be for the elimination of blasphemy against Him and His holy name.
P.S. The hamsa hand/hand of Fatima and evil eye are GOD-FORBIDDEN SYMBOLS/IMAGES/TALISMANS OF SPIRITISM/ DEMONISM; and their actual effect is to BACKFIRE (and then some) on those violating God's laws to engage in the use of them. To present (and, yes, promote) images of DEMONISM - even very longstandingly popular ones - while Jehovah/Yahweh's HOLY name is sung is God-angering and REPUGNANT, outrageous BLASPHEMY. 
P.S. False-to-God, apostate, so-called "Christianity" (which is NOT the same as scripturally true  Christianity) has long and infamously incorporated pagan/spiritistic teachings and practices in with pieces of the teachings of Jesus Christ; rendering many spiritistic and harmful/deadly spiritual lies, much corruption, misrepresentation, oppression, life-damaging and destroying injustices, blood guilt, and evil of all sorts - all falsely and blasphemously in the names of BOTH Jehovah/Yahweh AND Jesus Christ. That is why Jehovah/Yahweh holds FALSE "Christianity" (Christendom) as being extra culpable. The wise thing to do is LEAVE it, at once. (Revelation 18:4,5).


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