Thursday, January 18, 2018

Re: Cartoon-Shocking Jesus Christ Into a Skeleton for Your New "Official" "Get Out of Your Own Way" Video - My Comment

My poor keyboard.

U2!! KILLING JESUS CHRIST HERE I SEE - "IMPALING HIM AFRESH" - IN GROSS, MASS-MEDIA-ED BLASPHEMY!!!!!!!! (Also, in the beginning, on the marquise of a building, he is as MOCKED, and MADE-OUT TO BE A SOURCE OF DEATH. That too is BLASPHEMY.) YOU TEACH NO ANSWERS - BUT INSTEAD YOU MASS-MEDIA REJECT SCRIPTURAL TRUTH, TEACH VIOLATION OF IT; AND PROMOTE SATANISM, SPIRITUAL LIES, and A CULTURE OF DEATH. WHAT COULD BE MORE FOOLISH and ANTI-HELPFUL TO MANKIND??!!! Prince said he once had "A CONTRACT WITH SATAN" - BUT LEARNED JEHOVAH'S SCRIPTURAL TRUTH, GOT STRONG with His spirit, OPPOSED THE DEVIL (and his hordes - demon and human), BROKE FREE, and started preaching-singing about LIFE-HELPFUL TRUTH (MINUS THE LIES and GARBAGE) INSTEAD!!! WHO IS YOUR "CONTRACT" WITH??!!! THIS VIDEO SAYS SATAN. ALL OF THE $$$$$$$66666666666$$$$$$$$$$ in the world would NOT be worth the losses of everlasting lives - of countless persons - that this TRASH could yield. AWFUL - APPALLING. Makes every "nod" to any Psalm you've ever sang or spoken of HYPOCRISY - A LIE - TYPICAL FALSE RELIGIOUS PUSH-OVER MEANINGLESSNESS. HEY: GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY. (How fast will it take for your minions/ idolaters to delete this I wonder? I should start a stop watch. Their concerns are NOT life, God, Christ, or truth - because YOU are their 'god".) P.S. Nice artistic use of "Lucy in the Sky" carton effects though. Also, sincere kudos for memorializing the tiny child "washed up on an empty beach." Whoever he is, he belongs being an icon for these tragic, senseless days. DO YOU KNOW WHO will finally MAKE IT ALRIGHT for him (and others who have suffered from the same)? Not any human(s)!!!! That would be Jesus Christ (the person shocked into a skeleton in this cartoon), along with His Father Jehovah. They will resurrect this little boy - and others who have suffered and died in this largely unjust, corrupt, and Satanic world system - SOON, after Jehovah rids this world of stubbornly wicked persons, and all last vestiges of evil; dissolves all of the governments of man that now exist - and replaces them all with His Kingdom, extended down from heaven. SOON. So get ready.

[I made a bunch more comments under this video - even positive ones though too. Scriptural truth is - by its God-honoring and life-helping/saving nature - positive (and of love for neighbor, too.) These ARE "critical times, hard to deal with." (2Timothy 3:1)]


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