Friday, July 27, 2018

Defending the HOLY Name of Jehovah Again, Against UNKNOWING Attackers, Under "U2 Yahweh" Videos

______ But this TRUE God, Jehovah-Yahweh and His Son, Jesus Christ, HATE the pagan and spiritistic, God-forbidden idol crosses of FALSE “Christianity”!!! This God, Jehovah-Yahweh, hates the FALSE religions of the world, and FALSE “Christianity” for its double blasphemy. Jehovah- Yahweh is absolutely NOT the god of Christendom (FALSE “Christianity”) - they have chosen the pagan-demonistic triune/trinity mystery godhead and all of the lies and evil  they have built up around that FALSE, nameless and “unknowable” god instead. This God, Jehovah-Yahweh, is entirely distinct and separate from Christendom’s paganized apostasy god. He does not accept the worship of the world’s society-destroying, life-destroying, and Satan-serving FALSE religions of “Babylon the Great.” (Revelation 18:4,5) if any person actually want this God and His Son to accept their worship and spirituality (with everlasting life at stake), then they actually have to OBEY this God’s orders, and LEAVE the world’s FALSE religions behind. They have to actually learn and obey Jehovah/Yahweh’s scriptural requirements, and become and stay loyal and true to them. (John 17:3 and 4:24) Only then will “calling on the name of Jehovah” count with this Only True God.

EXACTLY CORRECT, LENETTA!! Pay no mind to the wantonly contrived, UNKNOWING, wholly INCORRECT "information" supplied by persons basing their assumptions on the common, God-slandering and Satanic FALSE religious teachings of "Babylon the Great" - the global empire of all ANTI--Jehovah/Yahweh, antichrist, spiritistic/demonistic, LIE-teaching, blood guilty, war-mongering, idolatrous, vile injustice-practicing, TRUE Christian-persecuting, BLASPHEMOUS, and NEVER-TO-BE-FORGIVEN FALSE RELIGIONS UNDER SATAN'S CONTROL. (Revelation chapters 17 and 18) The foolishness for the sake of attack and spiritual jealously (against whole scriptural truth and standards, true worship, Jehovah's Holy Spirit, and Jehovah's true worshipers)  that comes forth from such ANTI-Jehovah/Yahweh persons is frequently grossly incorrect, if not ludicrous. CLEARLY, the person attacking and MALIGNING/BLASPHEMING the name of God - Jehovah OR Yahweh (etc.) here DOES NOT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE SPEAKING OF, with their bigoted public defamation and profaning of the absolutely HOLY and perfectly and equally FINE name of Jehovah. Their conscience-defunct willingness to breach God's spirit and malign His Holy Name this way is likely due, as usual, to common bigotry as taught by the FALSE religious leaders of Christendom (counterfeit, God and Christ-DEFIANT/apostate "Christianity"), against Jehovah's own scripturally true, global congregation of actual true worshipers of Him, and TRUE worshipers of His Son, Jesus Christ. IN GREATEST CONTRAST, those that bother to seek truth more and study truth more - so as to be accurate teachers, instead of preachers of FALSEHOODS, KNOW THAT THE HOLY NAME OF GOD, BASED ON THE FOUR LETTERS OF THE SCRIPTURAL TETRAGRAMMATON, YHWH ~ OR, yes, OR ~ JHVH ~ HAS BEEN RIGHTLY AND PROPERLY TRANSLITERATED and NATURALIZED INTO ALL OF THE TONGUES and LANGUAGES OF THE WORLD - EXACTLY AS PER THE WILL OF THIS GOD HIMSELF - SO THAT ALL PERSONS, EVERYWHERE, CAN HAVE A UNIQUE, TETRAGRAMMATON-BASED, PERSONAL HOLY NAME OF GOD TO CALL UPON HIM  BY - THE ONLY TRUE GOD, TO PRAISE HIM WITH, and TO TEACH THE WORLD ABOUT HIM WITH, AS PER HIS OWN HOLY SCRIPTURES, WHICH ORIGINALLY CONTAINED HIS HOLY NAME MORE THAN 7000 TIMES. THUS, ALL OF THE USUALLY PREJUDICED ARGUMENTS BY SOME (prejudiced against global people most-associated with the name "Jehovah"; the arguments usually being made by FALSE religionist, ANTI-whole-scriptural/ scripturally disobedient, NON-WORSHIPERS of THIS God)  - "Y" is "more correct" than "J"; "W" is "more correct" than "V"; or that "J" and "V" are "wrong"  - ARE MORE THAN MOOT. They are sheer, NON-KNOWING FOOLISHNESS. A handful of the MANY TRANSLITERATIONS and NATURALIZATIONS OF THE TETRAGRAMMATON used by TRUE, SCRIPTURAL WORSHIPERS of THIS GOD; TRUE, actually SCRIPTURAL CHRISTIANS IN THIS WORLD - ALL WITH THE BLESSING OF THIS GOD, JEHOVAH/YAHWEH, UPON THEM - ACTUALLY USED TO HIS PRAISE, TO SERVE HIM and HIS WILL, BY HIS GLOBAL TRUE and LOYAL PEOPLE (GET READY TO LOSE YOUR UNFOUNDED ARGUMENTS AGAINST "J" and "V"): ZOOVAH, YEKHOVA, EXHOBA, IHUA, GEOVA, IEOVA, and MANY, MANY, MANY other varieties - ALL BASED ON THE TETRAGRAMMATON, and ALL CORRECT, all BLESSED BY THIS GOD, known by most people in this world as Jehovah/Yahweh; and whose TRUE, scriptural worshipers around the world are mostly known as Jehovah's Witnesses - much to the chagrin of FALSE religionists trying to merely only hijack the name for clout, trend, or to align themselves with the most/one of the most popular rock band(s) in the world for a popularity boost for themselves, etc.The one who argued against the name of Jehovah (instead of Yahweh) didn't even get to the bottom of WHAT THIS GOD - JEHOVAH = YAHWEH, etc. (as represented by the Tetragrammaton) MEANS! Those who KNOW, from studying and caring about the Scriptures, WHO THIS GOD IS - and WHAT HIS REVEALED PERSONALITY, PURPOSES and STANDARDS, and PROPHESIES, etc. ARE - UNDERSTAND THE LIVING IMPACT and COSMIC, EVERLASTING IMPORTANCE OF WHAT HIS OWN HOLY NAME IS, FOR HIMSELF, and TO EVERYONE; and so also the URGENT IMPORTANCE OF SANCTIFYING (MAKING/KEEPING CLEAN and HOLY) HIS NAME. NO OTHER BEING WHO HAS EVER EXISTED, EXISTS, or WILL EXIST CAN POSSIBLY, rightly claim to be able to fit or fulfill the MEANING of GOD's OWN NAME, His own POWER statement about Himself, in any way near at all to which ONLY the CREATOR GOD, THE UNIVERSAL SOVEREIGN HIMSELF CAN. The four letters representing His name mean: "He Causes To Become"!!!!As per His known, scriptural will, THIS GOD, commonly known as Jehovah or Yahweh, has CAUSED, with the purposed and prophesied preaching of His words to the world (mostly by way of His own-named people); for persons of every nation, island, language and tongue to have a Tetragrammaton-based name by which to call upon and praise Him and only Him as God alone, distinct from every other [false] god or any false religion. "That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth." (Psalm 83:18)

And more:

Unless persons actually scripturally OBEY and HONOR instead of, i.e.,  publicly BLASPHEME and FIGHT THIS God JEHOVAH/YAHWEH and His spirit - for the transparent purpose of also maligning the global, scripturally TRUE worshipers/ TRUE Christians in this world who do bear HIS HOLY NAME UPON THEM, AS HIS WORSHIPERS, JUST AS PROPHESIED - their abusive and profane/ blasphemous calling-out of the reduced-to-talisman (to them) holy name of God will do them no more good to save their lives than the ancient apostate Israelites calling out the name of Jehovah/Yahweh while sacrificing to demons. It will not be possible for THIS God - by His own KNOWN standards - to give ANY spiritual "blessing" or approval for everlasting life to persons so long as they are so spiritually UNACCEPTABLE to HIM that they dare to stubbornly publicly VIOLATE and PROFANE HIS HOLY NAME - CALLING A FORM HE HIMSELF HAS BLESSED and APPROVED OF "WRONG", an "ERROR", FOR THE EXACT SPIRITUALLY JEALOUS (still wishing to maintain and preach spiritual falsehoods while HIJACKING ANY FORM OF GOD'S HOLY NAME) to work blasphemous, PUBLIC PERSECUTION OF ACTUALLY SCRIPTURALLY TRUE, LOYAL, and OBEDIENT SERVANTS/ WORSHIPERS OF THIS VERY GOD BEARING HIS NAME UPON OUR HEADS. (ISAIAH 43:5-13) The ONE TRUE SCRIPTURALLY-BASED RELIGION ON EARTH WHO ACTUALLY WORSHIPS THIS PERSON, JEHOVAH/YAHWEH ALONE AS GOD, ACCORDING TO THE WHOLE OF HIS OWN WORDS, ON HIS OWN SCRIPTURAL TERMS OF WORSHIP IS MOST COMMONLY KNOWN, earth-wide,  AS "JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES", with that Scripture-based term translated into other languages also. Making a "new" religion based on calling God something with a "Y" and Jesus Christ by something with "Y" is meaningless - and for its sum-total denial and fighting of THIS God and His scripturally-given purposes; and also for its defamation and persecution of actual, scripturally TRUE Christians who DO use this God's name, who DO worship God "with spirit and truth", SANCTIFYING HIS HOLY NAME TO THE WORLD, PREACHING THE SCRIPTURAL TRUTH about Him MEANT TO GO ALONG WITH THE PROCLAMATION OF HIS HOLY NAME (so that its NOT profaned) -  the new "all about the 'Y' "[false] religion merely proves to be a God-fighting-one in with the lot of all of the rest of the wicked and God-condemned ones of "Babylon the Great", which is soon to be done away with, by Divine intervention from THIS God. (Revelation chapters 17 and 18)"Repent and turn around." (Acts 3:19) Armageddon Day - coming foremost to remove all blasphemy of Jehovah's [Yahweh, etc's] HOLY NAME is NEAR.

Other remarks I left there (they'll maybe/probably be deleted there, so why waste the effort) -
Dangerously wrong, when that verse is used out of context, apart from the rest of the Scriptures. Those who call upon God's name blasphemously - those who profane Jehovah/Yahweh's holy name by mixing it in/ associating it with things His Scriptures warn He hates (such as idolatry, spiritual lies/ spiritism, or any form of God-disobedient wickedness) - and continue to unrepentively do so, despite warnings, incur God's anger, and will LOSE their lives. (Exodus 20:7) The holy name of God Almighty is NOT protective in itself - something exploitable by evil persons. It has to be like this: "The name of Jehovah [Yahweh] is a strong tower. Into it THE RIGHTEOUS runs, and is given protection." (Proverbs 18:10) Additionally, U2 continues, without retraction or recantation, to mass-blaspheme Yahweh/Jehovah by letting other so-called "U2 Yahweh" videos - filled with blasphemous images of idolatry, paganry, and spiritism - stream to the world via major video-sharing sites. It has also given wicked persons wishing to slander and defile God's holy name over 11 years of opportunities to do so. All-in-all, it might go down as one of the biggest works of mass blasphemy in mankind's history. Armageddon from Yahweh/ Jehovah is near - mainly to clear His name of blasphemy. U2, through their management, even gave permission for churches of Babylon the Great (notably, apostate/false "Christianity" especially) to use the the music of this song of "theirs" [God's holy name belongs to HIM alone] in their idolatrous "U2-Charist", etc. services - so long as they put in an "advertisement" for the UN's Millennial Development Goals along with it. It all amounted to a hideously high level of blasphemy from all involved in and supporting these God-profaning works.
"Good" for who - what matters most here? This is Jehovah/Yahweh God's own personal, holy name, representing HIM and HIS purposes. As the owner, person, and force behind this NAME, Jehovah, the Universal Sovereign, has vital, scriptural LAWS governing its use - and warning against its MIS-USE. Most of the world is BLASPHEMING, profaning, and disrespecting God and His holy name now, at this time of the end. Jehovah, the True God, will not stand it much longer. If a person is honest-hearted about spiritual things, as Jehovah/Yahweh naturally requires, they would make sure that what associate His holy name with meets HIS scriptural as being "good". To stick God's holy name with even single GOLDEN CALF images was NOT "GOOD" - as the preserved lession from Exodus warns everyone, down to this day. Yet, the other still up-and-running, so-called "U2 Yahweh" videos and concert videos using the same "cartoon" images publicly display 28 or so different IDOL IMAGES, such as the golden calves were. And, despite scriptural warnings, U2 has failed to pull them down, for over 12 years. In fact, they even went on to add to the blasphemy started by these videos; through concert mass blasphemy, by associating the name/song of Yahweh with the anti-scriptural, false religion and idolatry- supporting COEXIST ideology propaganda (which has grown into a monster, as was predictable); and singing songs and giving speeches referencing God in mass concerts (and also mass-media-ed ones), while also promoting ATHEISM; God-forbidden HOMOSEXUAL SEX/MARRIAGE; THE TRASHING OF SPIRITUAL LITERATURE (even a BIBLE [like Yoko Ono], I think); LEADING CROWDS INTO THE MASS-CHANTING OF "I DON'T BELIEVE ANYMORE" (as the spiritual literature was KICKED and TRASHED by Bono - much like an Orthodox priest led a mob to do to Jehovah's Witness Bible study aid literature - or even the Bible itself) - BLAMING GOD FOR THE MISDEEDS DONE BY EVIL MEN, "IN HIS NAME"; and giving support to an undisclosed "PLAN" for so-called "peace" (and caring for the earth, combatting climate change), as an offshoot to partially atheism-based (and plan-of-God-ignoring) "global citizenship", that would STILL involve FALSE religions, and - would be "INCLUSIVE" (as the co-sponsoring Pope put it), would take "EVERYONE" (as Bono put it, each show)("everyone", as-is, godly or NOT) to make it work. And now, the world has seen what BADNESS comes from such thinking. As predicted - as correctly PROPHESIED, in type, by God - in one major country, the DEMAND is being made, by both GODLESS AND [anti-whole-scriptural] FALSE religious persons, strongly influencing the government (see Revelation chapters 17 and 18) that those who ACTUALLY worship THIS GOD, Jehovah/Yahweh, on HIS OWN SCRIPTURAL TERMS, *BE BANNED, in that world-power country; and their spiritual Bible study-aid, etc. literature be [UNJUSTLY] declared as being "extremist" - for teaching and upholding scriptural TRUTH that is "bothersome" and "inconvenient" to those who want to trangress it, for their own [illicit] personal desires; to those who do not want the anti-scriptural teachings and practices of their FALSE religions being exposed; or to those who view the scriptural mandates of God Himself (and those that follow and teach them) as being "obstacle-like" to the formation of a godless and spiritually sold-out society that they [so wrongly] see as being the "only hope" for mankind and so-called "peace and security" [of the prophesied counterfeit, God-denying, evil-working, God-defiant kind]. MEANWHILE, globally, those righteous and true before Jehovah/ Yahweh continue to OBEY HIS SCRIPTURAL TRUTH, and PREACH/TEACH it to others, just as Jehovah/Yahweh HIMSELF has instructed His TRUE worshipers - and TRUE followers of His Son, Jesus Christ- to DO. In these ways, we continue to GLORIFY and SANCTIFY Jehovah/Yahweh's MOST HOLY NAME, praising it through all this earth. SOON, it WILL BE, that "Everyone who calls upon the name of Jehovah [Yahweh] will get away safe" (Joel 2:32; also see Romans 10:13), meaning, through Jehovah's Armageddon Day. But, with all the Scriptures together, it is clear: That safety, by way of God's name, will apply to those who decided to LEARN the scriptural truth about the God behind this name - and what His scriptural will is - and chose to HONOR, respect, and OBEY the GOD BEHIND THIS NAME.


Constructive criticism would be for those who worked these things and were party to them to hurry up, and "repent... and turn around" (see Acts 3:19); leave all anti-whole-scriptural FALSE religion behind (Revelation 18:4,5); learn the scriptural truth about Jehovah/Yahweh and His Son (John 17:3); obey Jehovah and His Son' (John 3:36); and worship Jehovah/Yahweh "with spirit and truth" (John 4:24), on God's own scriptural terms - FOR THE HOUR IS GETTING LATE.


Re: The "PLAN" of Satan, which would try to involve "everyone", under the guise of "saving" mankind - without God, and while ignoring HIS scripturally-stated plans: And it misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that were granted it to perform in the sight of the wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast that had the sword-stroke and yet revived. And there was granted it to give breath to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild beast. *And it puts under compulsion all persons, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, that they should give these a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead, and that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name. Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six." (Revelation 13:14-18)


Yet, "everyone" will have to meet HIS Scriptural standards and requirements - they won't have a viable relationship with Jehovah/Yahweh, and won't make it through Armageddon (soon) unless they do. So it is urgent for people to make these changes now.


BLASPHEMING JEHOVAH/YAHWEH'S HOLY NAME TO THE WORLD WITH ALL OF THE OTHER IDOL / SPIRITISM (DEMONISM) IMAGE (cartoon) VIDEOS IS A BIG DEAL. DOING SO WITH EVEN ONE GOLDEN CALF IN FRONT OF SINAI BROUGHT GOD's ANGER and THE DEATH OF 3000 PEOPLE IN ONE DAY. NOW, THIS GOD WILL BE GETTING RID OF ALL STUBBORN EVIL PERSONS, INCLUDING BLASPHEMERS/ BLASPHEMY SUPPORTERS, MOSTLY ALL AT ONCE, ON HIS ARMAGEDDON DAY, SOON. YES - UNLIKE THE gOD of FALSE "CHRISTIANS" (i.e., the triune godhead) and IT'S FOLLOWERS; THIS DISTINCTLY SEPARATE, ONLY TRUE GOD, JEHOVAH/YAHWEH and His SCRIPTURALLY TRUE and LOYAL WORSHIPERS *ARE JEALOUS FOR AND OVER HIS HOLY NAME - THAT NO ONE, NO MATTER WHO THEY ARE, DARE VIOLATE IT/ BLASPHEME IT/ PROFANE IT, ESPECIALLY IN MASS MEDIA! * I have watched this situation for over 13 years. THE NET EFFECT OF ALL OF THE BLASPHEMOUS IDOL/ SPIRITISM IMAGE CARTOON VIDEOS HAS OBVIOUSLY BEEN NEGATIVE - BECAUSE BY KNOWN SCRIPTURAL STANDARDS, THOSE VIDEOS ARE THOROUGHLY UNACCEPTABLE and GOD-HATED BY THEIR VERY [DEMONIC] NATURE; and they ALSO SERVED [SATAN] TO BREED MORE BLASPHEMY, MORE DESECRATION in mass media, BY ENEMIES OF THIS GOD. I really don't know why you are using the pronoun "we" here, as I am clearly NOT with you in these matters, but AM WITH THIS GOD, JEHOVAH [YAHWEH]. It will NOT matter, come Armageddon Day, what other "powerful works" someone does, saying "Lord, Lord", didn't we do this and that......if they VIOLATE other major commands of God. Jesus WILL say to any stubborn, heinous evildoers, "I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness." THE SANCTIFICATION OF THIS GOD'S HOLY NAME IS OF TOP PRIORITY - TO JEHOVAH/ YAHWEH, TO JESUS CHRIST (as emphasized in the first line of his model prayer/ "The Lord's Prayer"), and to any actually TRUE CHRISTIAN WITNESS/ WORSHIPER OF THIS GOD. So, NO - there is NO allowance for common hem-hawing or exchanging good for bad/ bad for good, or "excusing"/ condoning ANYONE'S ONGOING PUBLIC MASS BLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY NAME OF GOD because they are otherwise adored or even idolized. The main reason THIS God, Jehovah/Yahweh will soon bring Armageddon Day to this earth is to clear His name of blasphemy. You are focusing on a favorite singer/band. FOCUS on and prioritize THIS GOD and His scriptural standards and purposes for HIS OWN HOLY NAME INSTEAD. This is not a "fun"/ "interesting" social novelty/ entertainment subject/issue open to "opinion", hacking, hijacking, trashing, marketing, mocking, and desecrating  - as some have made it. THIS IS ABOUT THE HOLY, PERSONAL NAME OF THE CREATOR and UNIVERSAL SOVEREIGN JEHOVAH/ YAHWEH and the God and purposes behind that name - including the saving of mankind who respects and obeys the God whose name this is, calling upon His holy name with "spirit and truth"; NEVER profaning/ blaspheming it by associating it with idolatry, spiritism, spiritual lies, or other evil. God's name was never meant to be trashed in any way, as has occurred. Fear God.


____ the song in itself was nearly okay, except that it contains the line "stranded in this skin and bones", which is far too misleading for the many, whose general beliefs include the false doctrine of "immortality of the soul", that people in general die and go to heaven. However, it has been the WAY this song has been used that has made it an outrageous work of mass blasphemy and still is. THIS particular video does not show the large, lit up, steamed idol and spiritistic images that were used as the stage backdrop for most of the performances of this song during the Vertigo tour (except for the last 11 shows, too). At one concert I observed at, as I recall, Bono/ U2/ their "people" even had a group hold a giant "COEXIST" banner with idol and spiritistic images of false religions included in that icon/idol image/ idolized ideology of men in itself. Everyone present then should be glad this God didn't decide to have the ground crack open and swallow them alive that day. (Armageddon, though, IS on its way.) Yet, the blasphemous cartoons with the same many idol and spiritistic images have been let to be up and running on the major video sharing sites for the past 13 years. U2 has failed to remove them for that long. And FALSE, blasphemous "Christians" and other false religionists have used them to exploit and desecrate the name of God continuously for that long too - all while persecuting the scripturally TRUE worshipers of the God of this name.

Cool. With it being as deep as it is now, in the time of the end - so close, before Armageddon - of course Satan has tried to create as much turmoil, discouragement, murk, confusion, stumbling, deception, slander against this God, and persecution, etc. as possible; thus the need to keep a firm grip on the word of life, pray incessantly, repudiate idolatry of any sort, and hate what is bad/ love what is good, according to Jah's own spirit-backed words. As far as U2 goes, there is far too much to say, to put in this box. I love them, but I love Jehovah [Yahweh] MORE. Yes, the scriptural bits/allusions they put in songs can, could have, and maybe even did motivate some sheep (honest-hearted people, humbly wanting to learn God's truth, so that they can please Him) to seek Him; but probably more often than not, people come to that table (of U2 as spiritual guides/ a kind of "church"), and then they go hungry, spiritually - and the false religionists and idolatrous false religious leaders who attach themselves to the U2 bandwagon are right there to offer them goblets of wormwood and lies (whereas scriptural truth [not watered-down to inanity] gets mocked, hated, deleted and censored/banned, as it doesn't suit idolatry, "fun", or sales, etc.) And, though I hope he regrets it, Bono, etc. even played right along with those false religious leaders, to service social justice as [counterfeit] "true religion" agendas; and the 2015 homosexual sex movement (also "courtesy" of demons and the UN). When U2's song "Yahweh" came out in late 2004, it was actually NOT a good thing. They wanted to USE that name, but they backed-out on teaching/preaching or allowing the scriptural truth about God meant to go along with the proclamation of His holy name; and so it became a blasphemous disaster, for years - and the remnants of this are still seen in the blasphemous "U2 Yahweh" cartoon videos, videos showing those same images as the stage backdrop, the trailer for the "U2 3D" movie, a wicked-pedia entry, and many people's comments, etc. Further, God's personal holy name in the song "Yahweh" never belonged being desecrated (by fervently idolatrous false "Christian" U2 fans). by that song being performed/ played in houses of false, idolatrous worship for "U2 Eucharist" / "U2-Charist" services - to "raise awareness" and funds for the United Nations Millennial Development Goals. The song "Yahweh" never belonged being performed in the same show as the song "Love and Peace", wherein Bono chanted, to the filled stadiums, "Jesus, Jew, Muhammad, its true - all sons of Abraham", while he pointed to the false religious symbols on his forehead (promoting the SAME convenient, yet INCORRECT and blasphemous ideology to the world as the UN "High Level Group's" concurrent "findings" and AGENDA.) False religious leaders; U2 themselves; and MANY idolatrous false religious/atheistic/ spiritistic fans of theirs misrepresented, profaned, disrespected, and shredded the holy name of God Almighty in mass media, internationally. This was a long way off from what they did at my first U2 concert, in which they played "Walk On", with the Hallelujah chorus. A LONG WAY OFF. However, it is not beyond God and those true to Him to use a "conversation starter" - especially His own holy name - to teach honest-hearted people the scriptural truth about the God behind this name, and His scriptural standards for humankind. I've been doing that since BEFORE U2's song "Yahweh" came out, and I've done it since. Whereas the "U2 world" is quite the spiritual state-of-the-world micro-cosm; it is still only a chunk of what is going on in the great spiritual war now engulfing mankind. None of this is small potatoes; and once this God's HOLY NAME was thrown into the fire, so to say, this was no longer just a matter of ENTERTAINMENT - like some people still want to pretend it only is. "Repent and turn around" time (Acts 3:19) has to happen really quickly now, for a LOT of people. People are going to have to leave the false religions of the world immediately (Revelation 18:4,5); and people are likewise going to have stop considering U2 concerts their "church", even though Bono referred to them as such during the tour before this past U.S. one. Yes, people need to take a deep breath, and stop the madness. They need to get right with God - this God, Jehovah/ Yahweh and His Son. Yes, it is a Red Flag Day......but paradise is a place people CAN see......Armageddon Day, followed by God's heaven-based Kingdom being extended down from heaven, to encompass this earth, as its only Rulership, is NEAR. (Daniel 2:44) (Also, whereas only a total of 144,000 humans [since the time Jesus himself ascended into heavens] will be living as spirit beings in the heavens, to act as "kings and priests", under Jesus Christ - to help him rule over all of the people who will be living on earth [Revelation 14:3; 5:9,10; 7:4] "a great crowd, which no man can number" [out of all the nations] will survive God's Armageddon Day. [Revelation 7:9,10,13-17] That "great crowd" of faithful persons will form the foundation of God's new world society here, Dead loved ones will be resurrected back to life. Untold numbers will get to live here, in a new, peaceful paradise - forever. [Psalm 37:10,11,29])

(This reply is from a year ago) In Moses Day; the crowds around Mount Sinai were chanting, singing, or speaking Yahweh's name around a golden calf idol image, in their "festival to Jehovah [Yahweh]". Did Jehovah/Yahweh like that? How did things turn out, for the people who did this?

______________do you understand at all that THIS God demands that ONLY Spiritual TRUTH be associated with His HOLY name, or otherwise He considers it evil BLASPHEMY, and He will punish anyone engaging in it, condoning it, or encouraging APATHY towards what He Himself condemns and warns of the consequences of? HIS own Scriptural words “ARE TRUTH”, (John 17:17) Scriptural truth is what THIS God’s TRUE and loyal servants/ messengers obey, uphold, and preach - just like THIS God wants. False religionists and others do NOT do this - only those who know this God and actually care about Him, His name, His purposes, and His standards DO. Yet, this is NOT even the god of persons who don’t care about and follow Scriptural standards - by at least default, Satan is. (1John 5:19)

Jesus would and does hate the blasphemy worked against His Father’s holy name that he himself gave his life to sanctify; and that he told all of his followers to pray for the sanctification of, first off, in what you know as “The Lord’s Prayer” (Matthew 6:9,10) This particular vídeo doesn’t show the pagan, spiritistic, and false religious symbolry that U2 had streamed behind them during many or most of the “Yahweh” performances, but that did happen - and the blasphemous cartoon “U2 Yahweh” videos and concert videos with those blasphemous images and performances have been left up to play to the world for 13 years, instead of U2 removing them as they should have. THIS performance was during the same show as the also blasphemous “Love and Peace” song with the blasphemous to this God and Christ infamous “coexist” banner too. Jesus and His Father Jehovah/Yahweh HATE blasphemy, spiritual lies, idolatry, and the whole lot of Satan’s world empire of all FALSE religions, which are world-ruining, life-ruining/destroying, evil-breeding, blasphemous, and bloodguilty. He calls the lot of them “Babylon the Great”, and will soon work Divine intervention to bring them to nothing, for Divine punishment. (Revelation 17 and 18) Yet, are you publicly complaining about God-commanded and Christ- commanded preaching of scriptural truth and warnings that the TRUE worshipers of THIS God DO, globally, especially regarding anything having to do with the sanctification (the making/keeping clean and holy) of His holy name? That would be a mistake - to THIS God and to His Son. Neither one like anyone daring to publicly malign God’s scripturally true, global worshipers and messengers with HIS holy name upon us. Save your condemnation for the world’s God-hated and Christ-hated, doomed-by-God, lie teaching and Satanism-practicing FALSE religions (especially counterfeit “Christianity”, with its double blasphemy of both God and Christ). Still in a scripturally FALSE religion? Such have NOTHING to do with THIS God, nor He them. His command is to LEAVE all FALSE religions at once. (Revelation 18:4,5), and start worshiping THIS God by HIS own Scriptural standards, “with spirit and truth. (John 4:24) Then one can call on this God’s holy name, to save their eternal life, in a way that will matter to this God. (Joel 2:32; Romans 10:13)

_______________Now there’s the big difference between TRUE worshipers of THIS God, Jehovah/Yahweh, the ONLY TRUE God, versus all the rest of this world's Satan-brainwashed, lost, spiritually dead/asleep, misled, and spiritually perishing FALSE religionists. (1John 5:19) Opposite to what you mass-media suggest and others demand - by persecutive, HUMAN RIGHT-VIOLATING, unjust, God-fighting, and wrongful "law" in some places - THIS GOD, the Creator and Universal Sovereign, of this HOLY name, COMMANDS that those who want to please Him and have His approval for continued life past the coming Armageddon Day from Him MUST make the scriptural TRUTH about His name and standards, His purposes and WARNING known to the world. It is Satan, His hordes, and those he has persuaded to worship him through worship of self and idolizing men that persecute and try to silence the relative few TRUE Christian worshipers of THIS God , Jehovah/Yahweh. Those who work to try to silence the TRUE servants/messengers of this God from spreading HIS Scriptural words and warnings have NOTHING to do with this God, nor He them - instead, their god, whose will they do, is Satan. This God classes those who are “suppressing the truth in an unrighteous way” with murderers, and warns that the penalty for that will be death from Him. (Romans 1:18-32) This isn’t any of the slack, inane, and dead Satanism-fronting gods of the world’s FALSE and doomed (by God) religions. This is Jehovah/Yahweh, the Creator and Universal Sovereign, and, as prophesied, HE would have His Witnesses to Him, His name, and His Scriptural truth to the world, especially in the last of the pre-Armageddon days; whereas the dead false god’s of corrupt. Satanic, evil-breeding, ruinous, spiritistic lie-based, and inane religions would NOT have such witnesses; and neither would they have anything lastingly worthwhile to offer whatsoever. And so those TRUE to the God of THIS name. Jehovah/Yahweh PREACH His name and truth to the world, despite that most of the spiritually dead world is so bothered by words of vital truth from their own maker against all of the sins they idolize. Armageddon Day from this God is soon.

______________Your opinion is the same as that of the God-fighting Russian government, for the sake of the Satanic Russian Orthodox Church that spiritually adulterizes itself to it. The Russian government wants the false church to use its spiritual influence (of spiritual LIES) to obtain soldiers for the government; while the church gets its wishes of money, power, and control over the people - but most of all, it’s demonic wishes TO try to SILENCE THE TRUE WORSHIPERS OF THIS GOD, Jehovah/Yahweh, who preach the scriptural truth which exposes the teachings and practices of that Orthodox Church and other FALSE, anti-scriptural religions (such as their God-condemned militancy) to be Satanic LIES and evil. Oh - and atheists of the UN agree with you also - in their own Satan-serving, anti-God and antichrist snakes nests. Hope you can manage to seek spiritual truth and turn around in time enough instead. Armageddon Day from THIS God, Jehovah/Yahweh, whose scriptural standards form the only true religion on earth, and whose TRUE worshipers PREACH His truth and warnings to the world, is SOON.

I’m not duped by the Soros, Vertigo tour, or 1990’s Turner/ UN propaganda that persons should exchange scriptural-spiritual truth and their relationship with the Creator for the prophesied LIE that God is “inaccurate”, but that mere humans should displace God, and that persons should render “sacred service” and worship owed God alone with idolatry of men, institutions of men, and God-defiant ideologies of men based on the tenets of original Satanism itself. In other words, those who possess an actual relationship with THIS God, Jehovah/Yahweh, and who KNOW and value the worth of His own Scriptural truth DON’T SELL IT OUT, as acts of worship to Satan, the way that FALSE religionists/ religious "leaders" and godless persons do without caring whatsoever - because they do not even possess a viable relationship with the True God or possess the treasures of His name and understanding Scriptural truth to begin with. “All of this, all of this can be yours...Just give me what I want, and no one gets hurt.” The former part is U2 paraphrasing Satan’s words to Jesus, offering him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, if he’d just bow down and do / submit to one act of worship to the Devil. Those who know this God and His Scriptural truth DON’T submit to such deathful scams. Armageddon is on its way, soon. The time for anyone who isn’t right with this God to make needed changes is reduced.

No nation in the world is Christian. Neither this True God Jehovah/Yahweh nor His Son, Jesus Christ back ANY of the nations. Instead, it is Satan and his demons who largely run and manipulate this world - with its political, FALSE religious, and corrupt big commerce systems. There are nations with many FALSE Christians, and there are other nations where other false gods and other false religions rule. Many people worship their own nation along with false gods and the false religions that support them. It is all idolatry, and it ruins our world. I hope you can understand that THIS GOD, Jehovah/Yahweh, and Jesus Christ have NOTHING to do with FALSE, counterfeit “Christianity.” False “Christianity” VIOLATES the scriptural commands of this God - so the “Christians” you see who participate in war or support war are only FALSE “Christians”. The SAME can be said, however, of other false worshipers of God who VIOLATE His commands given to mankind, world-over, in His Holy Bible. The one true Religion on earth - the only true Christian religion on earth also, is the one global religion that worships only THIS God, of THIS holy name, ALONE. This God alone is the only True God spoken of by Moses, and spoken of by His Son, Jesus Christ (who now reigns as King in the heavens). You should know that of all the religions in the world, ONLY THIS global religion, which obeys the scriptural words of THIS GOD, Jehovah:Yahweh, has provided the bulk of all conscientious objectors to war (persons refusing to participate in war) through the first two world wars and since then. We are also politically neutral and do NOT practice nationalism. We hold to truth - the spiritual truth as found in the Scriptures of THIS God, Jehovah/Yahweh alone. True worshipers of THIS only true God never practice racism either. We KNOW we are all only really ONE family of man on this earth - one family wherein all persons are supposed to be listening to their One God, Jehovah/Yahweh, but only a relative few around the world are. Nevertheless though, persons around the world who truly do worship, obey and honor this One True God really do already form a peaceful spiritual brotherhood / sisterhood of love for one another - because that is what this Only True God, Jehovah/Yahweh and His Son Jesus Christ teach.

Yahweh/ Jehovah - His name, represented by the four letters of the Tetragrammaton in the Scriptures  - means "He Causes To Become." It is NOT "a verb", but is a full power statement. Likewise, the correct rendering of Exodus 3:14 is NOT a statement of stagnancy, but is, instead, "I SHALL PROVE TO BE WHAT I SHALL PROVE TO BE." The statement regarding Jesus here is a common, extortive/exploitive one, which false "Christianity" uses to try to take an entirely disjoint response made by Jesus, the SON of God (distinctly NOT Jehovah/Yahweh), to try to "prove" that Jesus is part of a pagan-templated, "unknowable" triune mystery godhead, along with, as the [falsely] "same" person as His Father and a nameless third "person" (preferred by many to be "female", so as to better fit the pagan/spiritistic templates of old)  "holy spirit" even though, throughout the Scriptures, God's "holy spirit" only ever means His active force/power (its NOT a person). Entirely messed up. Back to the drawing board - the Scriptures, please. THIS DISTINCTLY, very purposely named God ALMIGHTY  (NOT "Mighty God" [descriptive of Jesus, the "PRINCE of Peace" in Isaiah 9) HAS HIS OWN NAME, BELONGING TO NO OTHER BEING, as HE HAS REPEATEDLY STATED - IT REPRESENTS HIM ALONE, and NEVER HIS SON, WHOM GOD CREATED, and INTENTIONALLY NAMED DIFFERENTLY. Jehovah/Yahweh ALONE is WHO HE IS; and, separately, Jesus Christ, alone, is who HE is. It DISHONORS and BLASPHEMES BOTH Jehovah/Yahweh and Jesus Christ to FORCE ANTI-whole scriptural classic pagan/spiritistic molds/models/templates onto them, to FALSIFY and CONFUSE the IDENTITY of each of these two MOST IMPORTANT PERSONS in the Universe. IT SERVES SATAN to do so, as the created, unreasonable CONFUSION over the identity and nature of God ALIENATES PEOPLE FROM GOD, and SUPPORTS the DEADLY, anti-God and antichrist LIE that God is "UNKNOWABLE", and so is impossible to learn the truth of, obey, or have any kind of viable personal relationship with. Yet, this is all FALSE. The damage and misleading of mankind by way of FALSE "hristianity's" spiritually confusing and alienating--from-God [false and ANTI-whole-scriptural] triune mystery godhead is immeasurable.  Further, worshipers of the pagan mystery triune/ trinity godhead and the various religions they have built up around it have been ruining human society with gross violations of the Scriptural laws of both God and Christ, failing and blaspheming both parts of their contrived godhead - obeying neither.  Christendom (FALSE "Christianity's" pagan/ spiritistic triune godhead IS ABSOLUTELY NOT the same God as the Scripturally revealed, Only TRUE God with THIS NAME, the Creator and Universal Sovereign, the God and Father of even Jesus Christ, JEHOVAH/ YAHWEH. In CONTRAST, persons who have DISMISSED and rejected the ANTI-whole scriptural, Satanically intentional confusion of the identities of God and His Son LOVE, HONOR, RESPECT, and OBEY EACH OF THEM, for WHO THEY ARE, as the SCRIPTURES, creation, and God's spirit (His power/ His active force) reveal them to be. It is NOT POSSIBLE to have a viable, personal, life-saving relationship with an "UNKNOWABLE", "MYSTERY", un-relatable, three-headed god. Thankfully, the ONLY TRUE GOD, Jehovah/Yahweh, is NOTHING LIKE THAT."THAT PEOPLE MAY KNOW THAT YOU, WHOSE NAME IS JEHOVAH, YOU ALONE ARE THE MOST HIGH, OVER ALL THE EARTH." (Psalm 83:18) "I am Jehovah [Yahweh]. THAT IS MY NAME - and to NO ONE ELSE shall I give my own glory" (Isaiah 42:8)

The Catholic church was "born" about 312 or so C.E. - long after the age of apostasy from the teachings of Christ set in; as is very clear from the overwhelming amount of anti-scriptural and spiritistic/demon-inspired teachings and paganism it incorporates; and its massive blood guilt (from war-mongering and murder) and other heinous injustice-filled history of CRIMES AGAINST GOD and HUMANITY. As the foremost entity of all of Satan's global empire of God-condemned FALSE RELIGIONS, of "Babylon the Great" (Revelation chapters 17 and 18); please understand that the Catholic Church, which has only BLASPHEMED and VIOLATED THIS TRUE GOD NAMED JEHOVAH/ YAHWEH (which the Catholic church like the rest of FALSE "Christianity" DOES NOT WORSHIP/ OBEY) will NEVER BE FORGIVEN BY THIS GOD, JEHOVAH/YAHWEH, and is condemned to destruction, with the rest of the world's Jehovah/Yahweh-FIGHTING FALSE religions of "Babylon the Great", SOON. I WAS Catholic. After LEARNING THIS GOD JEHOVAH'S SCRIPTURAL TRUTH instead of Catholicism's unending, anti-scriptural, evil-defending LIES, I DID what THIS GOD TELLS PEOPLE TO DO - I LEFT that filthy church, a lurking place of demons. DO THE SAME. BREAK FREE. LEARN WHY TO LEAVE and LEAVE IT. There's no time to lose. Revelation 18:4,5,8,20-24.

Jehovah/ Yahweh is NOT the god of Catholicism, or any other religion of Christendom.  A nameless, title of "God" only pagan triune mystery godhead IS, instead. THIS God's standards, requirements, terms of worship, stated purposes, and promises, etc, to HIS worshipers - all SCRIPTURAL ones - are VASTLY DIFFERENT from/are IN OPPOSITION TO the manmade doctrinal ones associated with the nameless ancient trinity godhead.


In other words, [though the nations of this world political system are NOT backed by God or Christ, and are largely under the rule and manipulation of Satan and his demons] they are religio-political states, just like ancient God-fighting BABYLON, which Jehovah/Yahweh decimated and made an example of. These modern arrangements of God-hated and humanity-destroying spiritual adultery, between FALSE, anti-whole scriptural, antichrist, Jehovah-Yahweh-FIGHTING FALSE religions and governments of Satan's world political system - like ancient, God-fighting  Babylon - were well-prophesied. The FALSE religions involved - whom God describes as engaging in spiritual "fornication" with "the kings of the earth" are named by Him as "Babylon the Great." (Revelation chapters 17 and 18) Yet, NONE of the world's FALSE religions of "Babylon the Great" worship THIS GOD, Jehovah-Yahweh, on His required, scriptural terms! Instead, they VIOLATE His scriptural laws - they teach spiritual LIES of demons; they engage in IDOLATRY, NATIONALISM, POLITICAL MEDDLING, MILITANCY, MURDER, CRIMES AGAINST GOD and HUMANITY, and DEMONICALLY and APOSTATELY PERSECUTE THE SCRIPTURALLY TRUE CHRISTIANS IN THIS WORLD WHO ACTUALLY DO WORSHIP THIS GOD*, TO WHOM JEHOVAH-YAHWEH *IS GOD. This God, Jehovah/Yahweh, will soon work Divine intervention in human affairs to bring all of Satan's global empire of all FALSE religions of "Babylon the Great" to their warned-of end. (Revelation chapter 18)


Unbelievable horse dung.

A person commenting on a "U2 Yahweh" video recommended a music video wildly blaspheming God's name - the "Yahweh" form. I posted a response under that video, and then under this comment, to try to explain why it was so wrong -

Nope - I just looked that up. Extremely blasphemous. Do you want to know WHY? Okay - I'll paste my comment about it here for y'all to read  - This is obscene blasphemy of Yahweh/ Jehovah. Obscene. You are blasphemously calling other human beings "Yahweh." You are also blasphemously calling the same-old, same-old spiritistic-pagan triune/ "trinity" mystery godhead - the central FALSE god of most of Christendom (FALSE "Christianity") "Yahweh." Yahweh/ Jehovah is absolutely NOT the same person as His SON, Jesus Christ, and vice-versa. To teach so DISHONORS and BLASPHEMES THEM BOTH; misrepresents God and His Son as lying, untrustable psychopaths; AND COMPLETELY INVALIDATES and makes a mockery of the ransom sacrifice of God's Son, for if Jesus was God, HE NEVER DIED - no ransom was ever paid. Scripturally, that is NONSENSE - it is in opposition to the whole Bible, beginning to end. You also depict other infamous pagan-spiritistic symbolry representing spiritual lies, spiritism, and other false religions of "Babylon the Great": the Kabbalic "star of David", the pyramid idol representing false-godded Egyptian religions, and a table of tools symbolic of Freemasonry. This is NOT music to His ears, an acceptable video to His sight, nor any honor to His name. Please - its fine to be dressed-up and have fun feeling elegant if you will - I can't believe you even put in a promotion for models in this video of so-called "praise" - it's nuts - but NONE of this is what TRUE, WHOLE-SCRIPTURAL WORSHIP of the Only True God, Jehovah [Yahweh in Hebrew] is. I don't know if there are people making money of this public blasphemy, but I urge you to stop- as even  millions of dollars is not worth one's eternal life - or blood guilt before this God, for leading others, by way of anti-scriptural FALSEHOODS, to their eternal deaths too. Armageddon from Jehovah/ Exhoba/ Yekhova/ Ihua/ Zoova/ Geova/ Ieova is soon, and its main reason for coming is to clear the earth of blasphemy. So think on it and make the changes. Quickly. (Revelation 18:4,5) Leave the same old ways and lie-teachings of "Babylon the Great" behind at once.


A tremendous MISTAKE, since the scriptural TRUTH about the God behind the name was never proclaimed along with God's holy name, Jehovah/ Yahweh. Instead, for instance, it has given people of the blasphemous and same old pagan Trinitarian ALL ABOUT THE LETTER "Y" religion blasphemous material to work their own gross blasphemy upon. And this together in the same show and video with the "COEXIST" headband of FALSE religions of "Babylon the Great." And then the promotion to the world of both atheism AND God-forbidden homosexual sex since then too - all while the blasphemous "U2 Yahweh" cartoon videos played out to the world for 13 years too. What deep mire indeed - with so many FALSE "Christian" idolaters so stuck so deep down in it, too. Its called blasphemy, and its called spiritually perishing. Armageddon Day from the ACTUAL God (NOT Bono or the letter "Y" [though you can get a good fix for that on Sesame Street] is SOON).


Actually, THIS God, Jehovah-Yahweh, will soon be putting persons who stubbornly rebel against Him to their eternal death, on His Armageddon Day; as by their God-built-in consciences, the testimony of His Creation around them, and His own given words and warnings to the whole world at this point, such persons have NO EXCUSE for their continued defiance of Him. There are only two sides of the fence on the issue of universal Sovereignty - either the Creator and Universal Sovereign Jehovah-Yahweh's side - OR that of Satan, his slanderous, man-slaying, fatally false-prided, lying adversary. There is no fence - and so persons choosing apathy or continual indecisiveness are on Satan's side, by at least default - and are subject to more spiritual and mental ENSLAVEMENT to LIES there. NATURALLY, the ACTUAL, Scriptural God, more well-known in association with His scriptural truth, globally, as JEHOVAH, HAS HIS OWN TERMS and REQUIREMENTS for acceptable worship, and HIS OWN STANDARDS for His worshipers and THE REST OF HUMANITY, NO EXCEPTIONS. HIS words ARE TRUTH (John 17:17 - and as testified by everything pertaining to the same issues, honestly observed.) Most often the term "FREE THINKER" now actually demarcates SLAVE-in-thought to REALITY-denying, reasoning-deficient, CONSCIENCE-denying, SIN-CONVENIENT, god-of-self philosophies. It is actuality of the same tenets as Satanism, by the Devil's original LIES in Eden, the mantra of which is "DO WHAT THOU WHILST" - or, in other words, go for the FALSE "FREEDOM" of bold and wanton God-defiance...."you positively will not die". SO GO THE AGE-OLD, DEATH-YIELDING LIES. No - THIS God, Jehovah/Yahweh, despite the idolatrous comments of many of U2's FALSE "Christian" fans; LOVES those who actually love, respect and obey Him (for the good of themselves and others) MORE than those who fight Him and fight those true to Him. On the other hand, He has been patiently giving wicked people who deny and defy Him - persons who are also destroying human society and causing good persons to suffer - time to change, before He must bring His long warned-of cataclysm of Armageddon Day onto those refusing to respect Him and obey Divine law. Persons who deny and disobey this God Jehovah [Yahweh] are NOT FREE-THINKING PERSONS, but are individuals nonsensically ENTRAPPED by LIES convenient to their own desires (over things which they know God has condemned) IN THEIR OWN HEADS, or as PREVALENT in this MOSTLY SATANIC LIE-DUPED WORLD. Persons living by Satan's LIES are as if SLAVES TO HIM, under his manipulative control, to be misled, to do his will, to their own harm and the harm of others. For this, MOST of the world "is lying in [the power of] the wicked one." (1John 5:19) IN GREATEST CONTRAST, HONEST-HEARTED PERSONS who SEEK, LEARN, and LIVE IN HARMONY with CREATOR-PROVIDED-to-the-world SCRIPTURAL TRUTH ARE THE ONES WHO ARE ACTUALLY, TRULY FREE, JUST AS GOD'S SON JESUS SAID THEY WOULD BE: "YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUTH, AND THE TRUTH WILL *SET YOU FREE*" (John 8:32) Further, this God has warned that He is under NO obligation to continue to give life to any who wantonly defy Him; but promises to give eternal life in a paradise earth here (for most faithful person) for those who choose to do the RIGHT things with their lives, minds, and God-given free will TO PAY HIM BACK WITH THANKS, GRATITUDE, and the willingness to do HIS will, as children of a Loving Father. P.S. Despite the idolatrous false "Christian" and other blasphemy comments present on this page; this video - which is related to other blasphemous videos, and pulled from a show including other blasphemy/ false religious teachings - DOES have God's name in the title. Please don't add to the blasphemy of it with yet more advertising of God-defiant, future-deadly spiritual lies.

(What I wrote under a video by a so-called "Yahweh" song artist (not U2) recommended by a fan under a so-called "U2 Yahweh" video) -

This is obscene blasphemy of Yahweh/ Jehovah. Obscene. You are blasphemously calling other human beings "Yahweh" - yet that name belongs to HIM, and NO ONE ELSE. (Isaiah 42:8) You are also blasphemously calling the same-old, same-old spiritistic-pagan triune/ "trinity" mystery godhead - the central FALSE god of most of Christendom (FALSE "Christianity") "Yahweh." Yahweh/ Jehovah is absolutely NOT the same person as His SON, Jesus Christ, and vice-versa. To teach so DISHONORS and BLASPHEMES THEM BOTH; misrepresents God and His Son as lying, untrustable psychopaths; AND COMPLETELY INVALIDATES and makes a mockery of the ransom sacrifice of God's Son, for if Jesus was God, HE NEVER DIED - no ransom was ever paid. Scripturally, that is NONSENSE - it is in opposition to the whole Bible, beginning to end. You also depict other infamous pagan-spiritistic symbolry representing spiritual lies, spiritism, and other false religions of "Babylon the Great": the Kabbalic "star of David", the pyramid idol representing false-godded Egyptian religions, an Eye of Rah, and a table of tools symbolic of Freemasonry. This is NOT music to Jehovah/Yahweh's ears, an acceptable video to His sight, nor any honor to His name. Please - its fine to be dressed-up and have fun feeling elegant if you will - I can't believe you even put in a promotion for models in this video of so-called "praise" - it's nuts - but NONE of this is what TRUE, WHOLE-SCRIPTURAL WORSHIP of the Only True God, Jehovah [Yahweh in Hebrew] is. I don't know if there are people making money of this public blasphemy, but I urge you to stop- as even  millions of dollars is not worth one's eternal life - or blood guilt before this God, for leading others, by way of anti-scriptural FALSEHOODS, to their eternal deaths too. Armageddon from Jehovah/ Exhoba/ Yekhova/ Ihua/ Zoova/ Geova/ Ieova is soon, and its main reason for coming is to clear the earth of blasphemy. So think on it and make the changes. Quickly. (Revelation 18:4,5) Leave the same old ways and lie-teachings of "Babylon the Great" behind at once.


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