Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Copying and Pasting My Comments Here, Before they are Erased from Under a "U2 Yahweh" Blasphemous Cartoon Video

NO - JESUS WILL BE PUTTING PEOPLE TO ETERNAL DEATH ON ARMAGEDDON DAY, SOON, FOR INEXCUSABLY EVIL BLASPHEMY OF HIS FATHER'S HOLY NAME - WHICH HE HIMSELF COMMANDED MANKIND TO "HALLOW" - TO SANCTIFY, TO KEEP HOLY!!!! You do know the "Lord's Prayer", don't you? It's a paraphrase of Christ's model prayer in the Scriptures. UPMOST IN IMPORTANCE IS THIS: To pray for GOD'S NAME - HIS GOD and FATHER'S NAME - TO BE KEPT HOLY. BLASPHEMY OF GOD'S NAME IS THE DEMONIC HARD OPPOSITE OF GOD'S and CHRISTS PURPOSES, as affirmed throughout the Scriptures. FALSE "LOVE" BASED ON APPROVAL FOR and PRACTICES OF SATANISM, LIES, BLASPHEMY, etc. IS ONLY DEATHFUL, FUTURELESS HATE THAT TOTALLY FAILS GOD and ALL PERSONS (except for Satan and the demons, who want all people to FAIL to meet God's approval, to rebel against Him, to blaspheme His holy name, etc. - and so pass away forever, come Jehovah/Yahweh's Armageddon Day - which is very soon now. The material in this video is INTENSELY DEMONIC, contains 28 or so BLASPHEMOUS and SPIRITISTIC (DEMONIC) IDOL IMAGES; AND IS INTENSELY HATED BY JESUS CHRIST, HIS FATHER JEHOVAH/ YAHWEH THE CREATOR and UNIVERSAL SOVEREIGN, MILLIONS OR BILLIONS OF FAITHFUL, POWERFUL ANGELS, and TRUE WORSHIPERS OF JEHOVAH/YAHWEH WHO KNOW ABOUT THIS PIECE OF SATANIC, VOLATILE, SPIRITUAL TRASH/DISEASE. IT ANGERS JESUS CHRIST and HIS FATHER JEHOVAH/YAHWEH INTENSELY. Jehovah/Yahweh will NOT go back on His own scriptural judgment and WARNING messages to EXACT PUNISHMENT (which will be eternal death, come Armageddon Day) against any persons who so inexcusably, insolently, and stubbornly continue to VIOLATE GOD, VIOLATE JESUS CHRIST, and VIOLATE others TRUE TO GOD with their EVIL BLASPHEMY. JESUS DID NOT JUST "LOVE PEOPLE" - THAT'S A LIE - A COMMON and DEADLY, ANTI-GOD and ANTICHRIST, HARMFUL, FALSE RELIGIOUS LIE. JESUS TAUGHT PEOPLE THAT THEIR RELATIONSHIPS WITH GOD and THEIR PROSPECTS FOR CONTINUED/EVERLASTING LIFE DEPEND ON THEIR LEARNING AND OBEYING JEHOVAH/YAHWEH'S SCRIPTURAL COMMANDS and PRINCIPLES - "EVERY UTTERANCE COMING FORTH FROM JEHOVAH'S MOUTH" (Matthew 4:4) SO DON'T BELIEVE THE COMMON LIES OF THE DESTRUCTIVE and GOD-ALIENATING FALSE RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD - who put God's words to SECOND PLACE OR LESS, and PUT THEIR CROWD-PLEASING and SATAN-SERVING, CONVENIENT FALSE RELIGIOUS LIES FIRST. THEY BLASPHEME GOD TOO - 24/7. Jehovah/Yahweh is about to intervene, to bring a total end to all of the world's blasphemous FALSE religions. (Revelation 18) Then, He will bring His Armageddon Day itself - to clear this world of all evil forces, and to CLEAR HIS NAME OF ALL OF THE BLASPHEMY WICKED PEOPLE HAVE PUT UPON IT. Quick, read this before its erased, like in earlier times here. Truth is hated where idolatry rules.


The answers are already here - the essentials, required by this Only True God Jehovah/Yahweh, for people to learn, for Armageddon survival and/or everlasting life - are found in His now globally delivered, own scriptural words. However, exactly as prophesied, most people choose NOT to SEE, NOT to LISTEN to Jehovah/Yahweh the Creator and His Son's words. Instead, they seek "alternatives" to God-given scriptural truth THAT MORE "ACCOMMODATES" THEIR DESIRES and AGENDAS for that which is UNGODLY, scripturally condemned. That is why there are so many false religions today, aside from the true one which God's words and teachings of the Bible itself forms (as prophesied, under the very name of this God, Jehovah/Yahweh). ISHFWILF instead has been a perennial promotion, to the masses, of DENIAL and REJECTION of Jehovah/Yahweh's own increasingly globally-given, life-vital knowledge - commands, standards, purposes, principles, and other beneficial/ life-saving Divine truth. All these years, Bono and U2 have had their enamored stadiums and arenas full of crowds answer back to them - confirm in antiphony, hand-clapping, hands in the air, and applause back at them - that they, too, will reject, deny, and not be "satisfied" with Jehovah/Yahweh's own purposely globally delivered, scriptural, life-helping/savingmessages being delivered by His faithful servants, out of love for God and neighbor, before Armageddon Day from this God Jehovah/Yahweh soon must strike this earth, to bring an end to the stubbornly and heinously evil persons on it who are ruining and destroying the lives of good and godly upon it. It's the true and real "song" of "people get ready."


(And in response to a droll, spiritually apathetic/ annoyed by inconvenient truth person saying, "SOME PEOPLE *REALLY* NEED TO GET A LIFE.") -

Right - because the TRUE God of this name, issues of life or death for mankind, and the upcoming Divine destruction/cataclysm to rid the earth of evil are such boring little subjects. What kind of boring people bother to discuss such things? Shouldn't they be playing video games or watching fantasy on TV, etc. instead? What are they doing thinking? (Read before its deleted.)


Yet this God's words have taught WHY - because humans wanted to (and most still want to) reject God and His guidance, His commands - as Satan has encouraged them to do, lying to humans that they are better off and will be more "free", "wise", and successful if they violate God's commands, and do whatever they want - their way, not God's. That is how sin, misery, evil, pain, suffering, torment, and death entered the world - starting in Eden - and it is still with us today. Humans chose Satan as their ruler instead of God. Evil and violence bred. Imperfect and/or wicked men have dominated other human beings to their injury/death. Rebellion against Jehovah/Yahweh has all but ruined our world and life in it. God's provision of His Son Jesus has fixed some of this damage so far - mainly to those who have searched for and learned the scriptural truth about God, Christ, and these things. However, Jehovah /Yahweh's scripturally-described remedies for this very messed-up, violent, and largely God-rebellious and evil world of mankind will be fully carried out, on His Armageddon Day, soon. Then, just like when Noah and his family stepped out of the ark, onto the world cleaned-up by God then, it will be a beautiful day here - Jehovah/Yahweh will bring His heaven-based Kingdom down to earth, to encompass it completely, as its only Rulership. It will be a PERFECT, healing one. Then all people on earth will thrive, in true peace, love, and freedom. Starting soon. This TRUE solution for all of earth's woes will be brought ONLY by THIS God, Jehovah/Yahweh, with His Son, mankind's Ransomer and liaison to God Almighty, Jesus Christ. God's spirit and spirit-backed scriptural words GIVE LIGHT to those honest-heartedly partaking of them and following their guidance now. They are a LIGHT to a truly spiritual person's pathways through this difficult world system during these last days. God's (true) new world here - His Kingdom, brought down to earth, soon - will be DAWN, indeed. In the meantime, Jehovah/ Yahweh's scriptural truth can bring dawn - a rising daystar - into their hearts and minds. Then they can get the strength they need, to spiritually gear-up, and make it through - and help others to do the same.


No. That's all scripturally off/wrong. It sounds like televangelist/ pentacostal misinformation. Keep searching. Yahweh/Jehovah is the holy name belonging to God Almighty alone. The various beasts you speak of represent Satan, governments of man, all of the governments of men altogether, and the UN/ a multi-national conglomeration of men turned into a monster, which Satan and all of the governments of men will suddenly give their power and backing to, to first destroy all of the world's false religions; and then to try to destroy Jehovah/Yahweh's own true and loyal global people, who refuse to take the "666" mark of the beast - by breaking their integrity, loyalty and obedience to God; to bow down to, serve, and become slaves of Satan, his machinations, and his hordes INSTEAD. Israel the physical nation is out of the picture as far as spiritual significance goes anymore - it is part and parcel to Satan's world system now, and trusts in bombs and bullets, not God. Jehovah/Yahweh abandoned physical Israel overall when they rejected and conspired to murder His Son, Jesus Christ. The "Israel of above", representing God's spiritual nation, is the one to be concerned about aligning oneself with. The "antichrist" is NOT one person, but symbolizes ALL persons and entities who fight against Jehovah/Yahweh, Jesus Christ, God's scriptural truth and standards, and scripturally TRUE and loyal Christians. Stubbornly God-defiant persons, Satan, demons, and even death itself get thrown into the "lake of fire", symbolic of "the second death" (from which there will never be a resurrection), after the 1000 year reign of Christ, after mankind and resurrected mankind reach perfection again, and are subjected to one short, final test by the Devil and his hordes. Then Satan and his evil ones will be annihilated forever; and death itself will never be, anymore. Then people here will have "the glorious freedom of the children of God" - we will be truly and forever free. (Read before its maybe deleted.)


Yes - they need to get rid of these blasphemous cartoon videos. But Yahweh/Jehovah IS God's holy name (from the Tetragrammaton, found more than 7000 times in the Bible). The antichrist has already been here for a long time now - the "antichrist" is not a single being, but represents all persons who fight Jesus Christ, Jehovah/Yahweh, God's scriptural commands/principles, and scripturally true Christian servants of God on this earth. We're very deep in the time of the end; and Armageddon is soon. Then there will be peace.


No - God's holy name, represented by the four Hebrew consonants of the Tetragrammaton, has been purposely transliterated and naturalized into all of the languages/ tongues of man on earth, so that every human being has a scripturally-based, unique name by which to call upon and praise God Almighty, largely known by the two forms Yahweh/ Jehovah. Other forms from around the world include: Ihua, Yekovah, Ieova, Exhoba, Geova, Zoova, and many, many more. This is all for the saving of people - those who choose to call upon the holy name of God Himself, knowing, honoring, respecting, loving, obeying, and being loyal to the God behind that name, calling upon Him "with spirit and truth." (Joel 2:32; Romans 10:13; John 4:24) (Read before its maybe deleted.)


They outsourced it from a company called "The Spontaneous Company", but they have wholly approved of using its blasphemous contents - mass media-ing them to the world, since 2005. They choose to stand in front of these images, streamed, for many/ most performances of the song "Yahweh" during the international Vertigo tour; and they used this same blasphemous cartoon for the trailer of their also internationally shown "U2 3D" movie. They've used these images in other mass media also. They have failed to remove all these blasphemous and blasphemy-promoting cartoon-containing videos from the major video-sharing sites since 2005. There was no excuse for this mass blasphemy then; and there is not today. Further, it doesn't take any "devil's advocate" mass-blasphemy production to motivate conversations about God's holy name either. More efficient that way would be to not delete and ban comments and persons speaking scriptural truth.


But then it goes back to idolatrous and blasphemous images, while God's holy name is sung - so it is still blasphemous and very wrong. It shows ideas of "GOD" being blown-up/ exploded in the sky; and then replaced by men and their ideas - and co-existing (but God-condemned) FALSE religions (of "Babylon the Great" - see Revelation chapters 17 and 18) . This video is blasphemous, is antichrist, promotes false religions, and promotes putting faith in/ worshiping/ being enslaved to Satan and men by spiritual lies and rebellion against the herein blasphemed Jehovah/Yahweh and HIS scriptural standards and plans for mankind on earth - His scriptural, true, new world Kingdom, to be brought down from heaven, to rule over this planet, starting SOON.

This God Jehovah/ Yahweh never said that - perhaps a demon did though, and a false religionist transmitted the demon's message. That statement does not exist in this God's Holy Bible - and no one is to add-in or detract from this God's words of His Bible, under the penalty of death from Him. So you know. False religionists don't even know or worship this same God. They reject the whole of His spirit-backed Scriptural truth; and put forth spiritual lie teachings of men and demons - to  control others, to their harm and even death. The lies of false religionists alienate them and others who listen to them from this God. The god of all false religionists is Satan, by default. In order to break free from that, people need to learn and heed THIS God Jehovah/ Yahweh's Scriptural truth INSTEAD. (Read this soon, because it might be deleted.)


Please do not seek scriptural truth from wicked-pedia - it rejects it there. Opposite from that wicked-pedia, THIS GOD, Jehovah/Yahweh, REQUIRES that ALL PERSONS CALL UPON - USE, PRAY TO, PRAISE, GIVE WITNESS TO/PREACH ABOUT, SING ABOUT, ETC. THIS GOD'S HOLY NAME - but ONLY in NON-BLASPHEMOUS WAYS - for them to be saved. Read Joel 2:32, Romans 10:13; and John chapter 17 - noting Jesus Christ's words about the glorification and unifying power - between God Himself, Jesus Christ, and TRUE worshipers of God/ TRUE Christians - though the knowledge and USE of God's HOLY name, Jehovah/Yahweh, and WHAT IT STANDS FOR. Other vital Scriptures bear on this as well. To USE - AND TO STAND UP FOR THE SANCTITY - of God's holy name, rejecting and decrying that which blasphemes it, is a requirement of all TRUE worshipers of God/ TRUE Christians. The Tetragrammaton has been rightly transliterated and naturalized INTO ALL OF THE LANGUAGES OF MAN, so that ALL PERSONS CAN KNOW HIS IDENTITY, BY A SCRIPTURALLY-BASED and DISTINCT NAME FOR HIM, and TO CALL UPON HIS HOLY NAME, in their own language - JUST AS THIS GOD, JEHOVAH/ YAHWEH HAS PURPOSED. Thus, there are MANY different forms of God's name: Yekhova, Ihua, Exhoba, Geova, Ieova, Zoova, and MANY more!!!  (So the pronunciation arguments and prejudices are MOOT.) What is BLASPHEMOUS - FORBIDDEN BY THIS GOD - is to use His HOLY name in association with any IDOL images, anything of IDOLATRY or SPIRITISM, any FALSE RELIGIOUS LIES, or ANYTHING SATANIC/ DEMONIC, and/or EVIL - which is HOW THIS VIDEO MASS-BLASPHEMES THIS GOD JEHOVAH/YAHWEH'S HOLY NAME GROTESQUELY.


That is dangerously FALSE. Those who KNOW and WORSHIP THIS UNIQUE GOD, Jehovah/Yahweh, worship WHAT WE KNOW (not what we don't know).THIS GOD'S SCRIPTURAL STANDARDS - commands, laws, and PRINCIPLES are KNOWN. The persons who are "in deep #$@&" are those who continue to not listen to Divine warnings through God's words their clear-cut principles, and who KEEP ON VIOLATING or approving/ condoning the VIOLATION of them instead. This God's KNOWN scriptural standards are that wanton, unrepented-for BLASPHEMY incurs the death penalty, to be carried out by Him, on His Armageddon Day, which will be SOON. THIS GOD HAS ALWAYS, CONSISTENTLY (throughout the Scriptures, including in what are known by many as "the 10 commandments") FORBIDDEN and CONDEMNED that HIS HOLY NAME EVER BE BLASPHEMED - PROFANED, FILTHIFIED, DEGRADED, DESECRATED - BY ANYONE EVER ASSOCIATING IT WITH ANYTHING OF SATAN, DEMONISM, IDOLATRY, FALSE GODS, FALSE RELIGIONS, SPIRITUAL LIES, or anything EVIL. Yet, that is what this video is intentionally FULL OF.


Absolutely FALSE. The countless FALSE, God-FIGHTING and ANTI-SCRIPTURAL, antichrist, and BLASPHEMOUS, demonism-teaching, and EVIL-practicing religions of Satan's world empire of them - under his control-by-LIES, called "Babylon the Great" (Revelation chapters 17 and 18) - HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ONLY TRUE GOD JEHOVAH/YAHWEH, DISTINCTLY IDENTIFIED (from all FALSE gods) BY HIS HOLY NAME; and spiritual TRUTH/TRUE WORSHIP/the ONE TRUE RELIGION, according to His own standards  - His own globally-given and delivered words and warnings. FALSE RELIGIONS - ALL OF THEM - ARE BASED ON GOD-DEFIANT, ANTI-SCRIPTURAL, SATANIC LIES. They can SAY "LOVE" ALL THEY WANT TO, BUT WHAT IS CLEAR IS THAT THEY VIOLATE and BLASPHEME GOD, TEACH HARMFUL and DEATHFUL SATANIC LIES, and ARE PARTY TO THE HARM and DESTRUCTION OF THEIR FELLOW MAN - and have done this since SATAN instituted the world's first Satanic FALSE RELIGION IN EDEN, convincing the first humans of the slander that GOD IS A LIAR - and that they would do best being their own gods, disobeying Him, and doing whatever they wanted INSTEAD. That is what the FALSE religions of the world, down to our day, STILL do. Along with their actual god by default, Satan, THEY ARE STILL RUINING THE EARTH and  VIOLATING/BLASPHEMING GOD, DEFYING and DENYING the ACTUAL SCRIPTURAL REQUIREMENTS FROM THIS ONLY TRUE GOD, JEHOVAH/YAHWEH, THEY PLEASE THEIR CROWDS and SERVICE THE RULER OF THIS CORRUPT and EVIL WORLD SYSTEM WITH "NICE", "NON-CONFRONTATIONAL" PLATITUDES SUCH AS "ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE." YET, THAT SO-CALLED "LOVE" IS BASELESS and FALSE. People SAY this, and then go GUN-DOWN/ BOMB their fellow human beings, etc - and then go FALSELY and SATANICALLY "bless" and "forgive" THEMSELVES and EACH OTHER, demonically/falsely/ BLASPHEMOUSLY "in the name of God," They LYINGLY convince themselves that they "love God" and "God or Jesus loves them", despite that they choose to VIOLATE God and Christ's commands, and VIOLATE/HARM/DESTROY the lives of their fellow human beings. THEIR "LOVE" DOES NOT MEET GOD'S OWN SCRIPTURAL DESCRIPTIONS OF SUCH - INSTEAD, IT IS HATE - selfish, FALSE-prided HATE and upholding/doing the will of Satan, the manslayer and enemy of God. Both witches/spiritists/demonists and direct Satanists themselves USE THE DECEPTIVE LIE PLATITUDE OF FALSE, evil-incorporating "LOVE" when describing the main tenet of their consciencelessly demonic religions too. ITS ALL FALSE, FALSE "LOVE." Since such FALSE "love" of all FALSE religions is AFFRONTING GOD and DESTROYING MANKIND - especially good and godly persons who are TRUE to Jehovah/Yahweh and who uphold His scriptural words - THIS GOD, as long-warned, MUST first cause the END of all of this world's Satan-led, FALSE religions, which are ruining the earth. (Revelation chapters 17 and 18). THEN, He must bring His Armageddon Day, SOON, to get rid of all last remaining vestiges of evil on this planet - including all stubbornly and heinously evil persons. (Revelation chapter 19; Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39; Psalm 37:10) All of the kingdoms of man that now exist will be dissolved by God at that time too, and replaced by His own promised, heaven-Kingdom, extended down to earth, as its only Rulership - a PERFECT, HEALING ONE for mankind. THEN there will be TRUE peace on earth; and the LOVE practiced here, all over the earth, in the family of mankind will be REAL.


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