Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Under a Video Highlighting Bono's "Macphisto" (Satan) Character's Blasting to the World of the Lie that "The Truth is Dead!"

The technology is fun - but the message is Satanic and destructive to humanity; and far too reveled-in, by both the player and be-thrilled audience members, to consider it mere sarcasm. Clearly, the Satan element is fiercely overdone, creating a bad spirit overall. The stadium-shouted and internationally mass-media-ed contradiction of Jah Almighty and His Son themselves is too volatile, to a world that is largely spiritually impaired and headed down the "broad and spacious road...leading off into destruction" already (with Armageddon Day from God so near, too).  Clearly, for the good of mankind, and by conscience, with a microphone blaring to the world, the known, urgent and vital admonitions of the Creator and Universal Sovereign belong taking precedence over the God-defying, anti-scriptural, spiritual LIE,  brainwashing-for-control, wanton propaganda philosophies like those had by $oros. I went to a concert, one person off the rail. I knew about this spiritually offensive section of the concert. So, when it was going to start, I left, and the ushers I passed by on the way out seemed to understand. While out in the hallway, I made this little "reply" video. Hope it helps. P.S. Unlike the infamous, longtime Bono-promoted (by his MacPhisto acts), false "Christian", poorly paraphrased line by C.S. Lewis, of "MOCK the Devil, and he will flee from you" ( which has resulted in people disobeying God and playing around with demonism); the ACTUAL scriptural command is this: "OPPOSE the Devil, and he will flee from you." (James 4:7) There is a stark difference. https://youtu.be/hhYTzPL6S8E


Maybe what I wrote will stay up, maybe it will be erased - I never know.....So I'll just paste a response I wrote here anyways....

Ah, but what everyone needs to see is the bigger, more important issue here. To learn and hang on to spiritual truth means life, freedom, and the eternal future of every human being alive today. Satan - the real Satan - and his hordes are the enemies of that. God does not back any nation today - instead, Satan is the current ruler of the world - the world political system, the big corrupt commercial system, and the global empire of all false religions. He largely controls and manipulates all the nations.

Politics is an intentional distraction to the bigger issues. As an illustration, I give you a piece of Star Wars. In a giant counsel room, there was all kinds of political jibber-jabber, arguing for this side or that. However, the talk among the Jedis, and in their counsel room, was different. They knew that the underlying problems of their society were "spiritual" ones - that forces of evil were pummeling the forces of good. This illustration is limited in use, because the scriptural truth about the state of things goes beyond that movie's description of "the force", indeed - but the parts about politics being symptomatic, but yet a distraction from the underlying, bigger, more dangerous problems is the same. In that movie and in our real world, there is a spiritual war going on, that everyone should even be more concerned about (even as we deal with its symptoms, as we can).

Knowing the real source of the worst trouble matters. Or.....in U2-speak, within the lyrics of a song whose title (and some other of the lyrics of which I don't really like - its acronym is WUDM) there is this though, which applies about the same:

"Listen over the rhythm that's confusing you
Listen to the reed in the saxophone
Listen over the hum of the radio
Listen over the sounds of blades in rotation
Listen through the traffic and circulation..."

Or from, "When I Look at the World", it would be the line (taken one way), "Can't see for the smoke."

On the other hand, thankfully, the same source, the Bible, that lets us know the truth about the trouble is ALSO the same source that tells us about the cure - and gives true hope, based on the TRUTH of Jah's words, God's PROMISES - that He WILL, indeed, cause everything to be alright again here on His earth, starting soon. He WILL do what no man or men can do - He will cause there to be true peace on this earth for everyone, under His heaven-based Rule.

He will first dissolve ALL of the kingdoms of man that now exist though - man's rule over man has been too hurtful; and all of the nations are deficient. (Daniel 2:44) Then too though, on His Armageddon Day, He will remove all other vestiges of evil - and stubbornly and heinously evil persons from this earth (Psalm 37:10) He'll have Satan and his demons abyssed then too.

THEN things will be better. We're in the warning time before the Divine cataclysm now. Jehovah always warns before He brings destruction - to give people a chance to escape, to follow His instructions to survive. For us now, that Divine knowledge and instruction we need - that SPIRITUAL TRUTH is in His holy words, in his globally provided Holy Scriptures. God's word ARE TRUTH (John 17:17) And it is exactly that life-vital, Divine TRUTH that the real Satan (and those with him - spirit and human hordes) fight more strongly now than ever (because Armageddon is so near), to try to MALIGN, DISCREDIT, SLANDER, MISREPRESENT, CENSOR, DELETE, BAN, OUTLAW, SILENCE, OPPRESS (Romans 1:18, 32)...and PERSECUTE the true, scripturally-described messengers of God who DO preach His words of TRUTH throughout the earth.  

TRUTH IS NOT DEAD, but IS ALIVE and POWERFUL, by God's own words and spirit (Hebrews 4:12) - and the real Satan and those with him really don't like that. That is why those true to Jehovah go forward and preach it anyway.

"You will know the TRUTH, and THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE." (John 8:32) And as you know, everyone NEEDS to BE FREE, FOR REAL.  And so, to finish it with U2-speak, a speck from the song, "Silver and Gold" - "SET THEM FREE."


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