Thursday, July 11, 2019

More Censored/ Likely to be Censored Comments/ Replies of MIne from Under U2's "Love is Bigger than Anything in It's Way" (LIBTAIIW) "Fashion" Video

Minions for the megastars, Satan, &; their mass-media-ed, harmful  propaganda! Are you ready and salivating to hit your CENSOR CORRECTIVE SCRIPTURAL TRUTH & WARNINGS [from God] BUTTONS AGAIN??!!?? It's what your UTILIZED for, isn't it - to FIGHT GOD HIMSELF?! How stupid, spirituality and conscience-LACKING and sold-out of you - to the harm of yourselves, others, and the harm of the eternal futures of yourselves and others. Do you know WHAT? [TRUE] LOVE *IS* BIGGER THAN ANYTHING IN ITS WAY- and its infinitely MUCH BIGGER and MORE POWERFUL THAN ANY OF THIS FIGHTING AGAINST JEHOVAH; FIGHTING AGAINST JESUS CHRIST; FIGHTING AGAINST GOD'S OWN SCRIPTURAL WORDS of TRUTH; PROMOTION OF EVIL; and any and all persons party to this working of anti-God evil and those of the deadly, also LIE-promoting and God-fighting other godless/ God-defiant Satanic  agendas associated with this one.


                                                                              - (From, "The Fly", U2)

So, soon, JEHOVAH'S LOVE - for His name, Holiness, and humans who opt to be RIGHTEOUS and TRUE TO HIM, who ACTUALLY EXERCISE TRUE LOVE to GOD and NEIGHBOR in the ways that matter most, in the ways God commanded - WILL MOVE GOD'S JUSTICE TO ELIMINATE ALL STUBBORN-THOUGH-WARNED EVILDOERS and GOD-INSOLENT PERSONS FROM OUT OF EXISTENCE, FOREVERMORE, on HIS ARMAGEDDON DAY - INCLUDING THOSE GUILTY BEFORE GOD of spiritually-murderously "SUPPRESSING THE TRUTH IN AN UNRIGHTEOUS WAY", WHO ARE SPEAKING and BEHAVING *EXACTLY AS PROPHETICALLY WARNED THEY SHOULD NOT*. (Romans 1:18-32; JUDE 7,10,14-19) THEN, all of this bold, actual HATE FOR GOD and CHRIST - DEFIANCE, DISREGARD, DISOBEDIENCE and DIS-GRATITUDE FOR THEM; and ACTUAL  HATE and DEFIANCE FOR WHAT IS SCRIPTURALLY-SPIRITUALLY TRUE; and HATE FOR actually true-to-God persons and the [un-watered-down to inanity, corrective. warning] scriptural messages from the Creator that they loyally deliver (as commanded) - *ALL OF THIS HATE WHICH IS  IN THE WAY* of and THREATENS everything true, holy, righteous, innocent, life-yielding and of-God - WILL BE GONE FOREVER. THEN, TRUE LOVE - NOT EVIL and FALSE "love" - WILL REIGN ON THIS PLANET, STARTING SOON. "JUST A LITTLE WHILE LONGER, and THE WICKED ONE WILL BE NO MORE." (Psalm 37:10) Run, little idolatrous minions! Hit your CAN'T HANDLE TRUTH and DON'T WANT OTHERS TO KNOW ABOUT IT, BECAUSE IT DOESN'T SELL CENSOR BUTTONS!!!!!! That's what Satan WANTS you to do - CEN$OR for $atan, maintain LIE$.


No, this is FALSE. They basically only support the [largely blasphemous spiritual LIE] speech of those of actually ANTI-GOD, ANTI-scriptural, and antichrist, IDOLATROUS FALSE religionists of God-condemned "Babylon the Great" (Revelation chapters 17 and 18); and other God-denying, God-defiant persons. Corrective and un-watered-down to inanity, Scriptural truth and warnings from Jehovah the Creator and persons loyally speaking these UNPOPULAR messages have mostly been CENSORED and/ or BANNED by U2 and those they utilize to do their dirty day dirty-work, since late 2004. (Romans 1:18-32)


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