Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Comment of Mine from Under the "Love is Bigger than Anything in It's Way" Fashion Video

This video makes cultivating a God-defiant homosexual sex lifestyle look glamorous - glamorous-only, doesn't it; and even calls it a matter of "love". Yet for these things, it is a scam. What seems to usually happen, is that when people breach conscience, and indulge in scripturally God-condemned behaviors; many become emboldened to work more various God-condemned evils, and are supported in this extended God-rebellion by others doing and/or supporting the same. So, for instance, what is NOT shown, among these made extra colorful, "intriguing" and glamourized people is, for example, one of the same prophesied of Romans 1:24-32 and Jude 7 grouping of rebels against God [as shown in another YT video] turning up, as a demonic and monstrous human being, at an innocent HETEROSEXUAL couple's door, with an armed policeman by her side (and threatening use of that man's gun force) demanding to work actually ILLEGAL and crime against God and humanity ABUSE  of state power TO STEAL/ KIDNAP and human traffic the God-given child of a heterosexual couple (as part of the for-profit human rights atrocity plague of our day). Perhaps that child, too, will end up like so many others - human trafficked to homosexual "couples", and/or pedophiles, and/or as a child sex slave (many of which are killed, when they finally become too ill, damaged and broken to be of any more "use"). More money is exchanged in child sex trafficking in the U.S. than with illegal drugs and guns combined. It is likewise a huge problem in Britain. And so much of this all starts with people NOT listening to their consciences; and letting propagandized seeds of God-defiant demonic thought into their minds/soul, letting the poison weeds grow. STOP IT - in the name of [real] love.


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