Sunday, July 21, 2019

Just Posted by Me Now, Under the "U2 Yahweh" Blasphemous Cartoon VIdeo

NOW YOU UNDERSTAND THIS, CORRUPT PERSONS "MODERATING"/ RUNNING YouTube!!! *THIS IS NOT the NAME of YOUR GOD* - THIS IS *NOT* YOUR GOD, WHOSE NAME YOU HAVE ALSO BEEN MASS-BLASPHEMING TO THE WORLD FOR THE PAST 15 YEARS!! NO INDEED - THIS NAMED GOD, JEHOVAH/ YAHWEH, IS THE GOD AGAINST WHICH YouTube CORRUPTLY, EVILLY and UNJUSTLY SUPPORTS and PROMOTES ENDLESS BLASPHEMY, SLANDER, HATE SPEECH, and CRIMES AGAINST GOD and HUMANITY-PRODUCING, SATANIC LIES - YES, YOU, CORRUPT and EVIL-WORKING, HATE SPEECH and SLANDER-WORKING, UNJUST and SCRIPTURAL TRUTH (ABOUT and FROM THIS GOD) - CENSORING, "PLAYING GOD" PERSONS OF YouTube!!! YOU are ALSO the CRIMINALS against God and humanity RESPONSIBLE FOR and MAKING CASH OFF OF SUCH PROMOTION of DEMONIC BLASPHEMY and DEADLY LIES and SLANDER!!! YES - YOU, CORRUPT and ULTRA-HYPOCRITICAL criminals against THE GOD of THIS NAME, JEHOVAH-YAHWEH, HIMSELF!!! YOU ARE THE ONES WHOSE MEDIA MOGUL-SHIP IS "DISRESPECTFUL" OF WHAT IS SCRIPTURALLY-SPIRITUALLY TRUE, RIGHTEOUS, and OF THIS GOD!!! THIS IS *the NAME of MY GOD, NOT YOURS AT ALL, YOU DISRESPECTFUL, TRUTH-of-GOD CENSORING, LIE and HATE AGAINST THIS GOD-PROMOTING BLASPHEMERS SO UNJUSTLY and UNRIGHTEOUSLY VIOLATING THIS NAMED GOD and UNIVERSAL SOVEREIGN, JEHOVAH-YAHWEH, TO HIS FACE, HOUR-BY-HOUR, day-by-day, by HOSTING BLASPHEMOUS VIDEOS SUCH AS THIS; and HARRASSING and ALLOWING EXTREME CYBERULLYING/ PERSECUTION AGAINST TRUE, SCRIPTURAL WORSHIPERS (like myself) OF THIS VERY-NAMED GOD, WHO LOYALLY SPEAK-OUT the TRUTH of HIS SCRIPTURAL WORDS and WARNINGS TO THE WORLD. So, BEHOLD, YouTube - THIS IS THE NAME of the GOD, the ONLY ONE TRUE GOD, JEHOVAH-YAHWEH, whom YOU BLASPHEME and VIOLATE TO THE WORLD; whose TRUE, LIFE-VITAL TRUTH-SPEAKING WORSHIPERS YOU PERSECUTE and VIOLATE the EXPRESSLY GOD-GIVEN HUMAN RIGHT OF FREEDOM OF SPEECH OF, to speak the scriptural WORDS and WARNINGS which HE HIMSELF has COMMANDED to be MADE KNOWN TO THE WORLD. SO, HOW DARE YOU, CORRUPT and EVIL CENSORS/ "moderators" and others responsible for these EVIL VIOLATIONS against God-given FREEDOM OF SPEECH. HOW DARE YOU. HOW DARE *YOU*, so VERY GUILTY of the CRIME AGAINST THIS GOD and HUMANITY of "SUPPRESSING THE TRUTH IN AN UNRIGHTEOUS WAY" (ROMANS 1:18 - see the penalty from God for this, at Romans 1:32), POST A DAMNED NOTE, on *MY* PHONE, at the top of this LONG-TERM MASS-MEDIA-ED (for 15 YEARS) EXTREMELY DEMONICALLY BLASPHEMOUS and DESTRUCTIVE (harmful and life-threatening to humanity) PUTRIDLY BLASPHEMOUS and DEMONIC SPIRITUAL LIE-PROMOTING VIDEO, and DARE TELL ME, an actually LOYAL and TRUE, scriptural truth preaching (but CYBERBULLIED, as ALLOWED by YouTube for it) worshiper/ servant/ messenger of the scriptural words and warning of THIS-NAMED GOD (AGAIN, WHOM YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR VIOLATING and BLASPHEMING TO THE WORLD, for the FURTHER HARM TO MANKIND), to, and I quote, "Remember to keep comments respectful and to follow our Community Guidelines". WAKE UP, CORRUPT and EVIL VIOLATORS and BLASPHEMERS of THIS GOD at YouTube: You work for a media mogul, BUT ITS *NOT GOD.* And you yourselves ARE NOT GOD - despite your SELF-ASSUMING promoted BLASPHEMIES and SLANDER against THIS NAMED GOD; and your corrupt violations of the freedom of speech of the true worshipers/ scriptural messengers of this very God, Jehovah/ Yahweh. HOW DARE YOU. THIS IS THIS GOD, JEHOVAH/ YAHWEH'S WARNING TO the corrupt CENSORS/ "MODERATORS"/ PERSECUTION of TRUE Christian-enabling persons of YouTube BEHIND SUCH God-VIOLATING and God-given HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATING INJUSTICES: That those "SUPPRESSING THE TRUTH IN AN UNRIGHTEOUS WAY" (Romans 1:18) [as is the OBVIOUSLY increasingly bold, ANTI- GOD practice and wrongful "policy" of corrupt persons of YouTube] are "DESERVING OF DEATH" (Romans 1:32), FROM THIS GOD, Jehovah/Yahweh, SOON, on His Armageddon Day. (Psalm 37:10) SO DON'T YOU DARE TELL *ME* TO BE "respectful" and "follow Community Guidelines" of the grotesquely GOD-BLASPHEMING; God-given HUMAN RIGHT of freedom of speech-VIOLATING, HATE SPEECH PROMOTING/ CRIMES AGAINST GOD and HUMANITY PROMOTING, TRUTH-CENSORING, LIE and SLANDER-against God, Christ and true worshipers-PROMOTING, PERSECUTION of worshipers of THIS GOD promoting, CORRUPT, HYPOCRITICAL, and GOD-FIGHTING PERSONS of YouTube, with your SUB-PAR, infinitely beyond "DISRESPECTFUL" "STANDARDS". THIS IS the name of *MY* GOD, *NOT* the god of the godless, God-fighting, and God-DEFIANT persons of YouTube who VIOLATE and BLASPHEME HIM and VIOLATE and CENSOR the rightful scriptural speech of the TRUE scriptural Christian servants of THIS NAMED GOD. No - the god of those who BLASPHEME this God and who work unrighteous suppression of the scriptural words and warnings spoken by the TRUE servants of THIS SATAN THE LIAR. I would like to know if this new-fangled UNJUST and UNRIGHTEOUS CENSORSHIP and these UNJUST "reminders"= THREATS AGAINST scripturally truthful, FREEDOM OF SPEECH for the sake of the increasingly GODLESS/ God-FIGHTING standards on YouTube is being run out of Saudi Arabia, etc., as some UNJUST censorship, freedom of speech-VIOLATING, and freedom of religion-threatening, etc., operations are? In any case, thankfully, Armageddon Day, from the Creator/ Universal Sovereign Jehovah/ Yahweh Himself, to punish stubbornly and heinously evil and God-insolent, scriptural truth-from-God-SUPPRESSING evildoers (whom the Creator equates to being murderers of their fellow human beings, for daring to suppress LIFE-VITAL, urgently-needed SCRIPTURAL TRUTH and WARNINGS), is SOON. "Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more." (Psalm 37:10) Sorry, Bono, neither "Ted Turner" [nor any other media mogul] "is king of America" , as I saw penciled/penned by you on a hand-written page of lyrics you wrote, which were on display with your stuff at the Rock and Roll Museum, back when. NOPE. Actually, SATAN is currently the ruler of this decrepit and dying, increasingly evil-filled, world system. He and his demons largely back and run the world political system; Satan's global war machinery; Satan's world empire of all anti-scriptural, FALSE religions of God-condemned "Babylon the Great"; and the large commercial system. CLEARLY, he influences MUCH of the media too - interfering with the spread of life-VITAL scriptural truth; but SPREADING demonic LIE propaganda against God, Christ, and God's words, and those who speak of them. HOWEVER, the HIGHEST reigning King over the earth/mankind - Jesus Christ - is already reigning in the heavens; and those with eyes of faith can see him. Thankfully though, SOON, after Jehovah brings His own Armageddon Day against fighters against Him to this earth - removing the stubbornly evil people from existence and also dissolving all of the Kingdoms of man that now exist - THEN he will extend His heaven-based Kingdom down onto this earth, as its only Rulership. (Daniel 2:44) THEN THERE WILL BE TRUE PEACE ON EARTH; and then, God-respecting, God-obedient, God-loving and loyal persons will get to enjoy living here forever - with no more Satan-serving fighters against God disturbing them, persecuting them, or violating their God-given human rights ANY MORE. (Psalm 37:11,29; Micah 4:4) SOON.


It's really tragic for you (and others), W.C., that for THIS LONG you have been working mass-media-ed public blasphemy of the Universal Sovereign's HOLY personal name - using it in vain, associating it with demonism and idol images, profaning it, and letting it be profaned. You have DELETED and CENSORED life-vital scriptural TRUTH that THIS GOD, Jehovah-Yahweh, PURPOSED TO GO ALONG WITH THE PROCLAMATION of HIS NAME. What did you do it for? Personal fame? Tying yourself to U2? IDOLATRY? You have engaged in and are engaging in INTERNATIONAL MASS BLASPHEMY. Bono idolatry won't be saving anyone's life, come Armageddon Day from this named, only True God Jehovah [Yahweh]. on that SOON coming Day. I save my posts of scriptural truth (such as those which were just censored-away) and use them elsewhere; so you, Satan, and/or others did NOT succeed in wiping them out, as has long been the way of U2 IDOLATERS and other godless/ God-defiant individuals. A lot of mass blasphemy has gone on, much for the sake of Bono/ U2 worship, since 2004. All persons guilty of this will be answering to the God of this name, Jehovah/ Yahweh and His Son, Jesus Christ, soon. You have seen fit, W. C., to allow hideously evil desecration and blasphemy of the Holy name of God Himself, under this blasphemous video - but to CENSOR and DELETE scriptural TRUTH  I would hate to be you, as you are, for what you've done and are still doing, as far as God is concerned. Armageddon Day from Him is SOON. His MAIN REASON for bringing His Armageddon Day is to remove sources of BLASPHEMY of His Holy name. "Repent and turn around." (Acts 3:19)


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