Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Hmm. Comments/ Replies of Mine (to another Person) Under Your "When the Lights Go Out" Video, U2

[Since my other comments were again CENSORED]; I DELETED this compliment-including comment myself.] -

I like this song, anyway. However; something I don’t like is the thumbnail picture for this video, because with the black and white, and the black glasses like that, it looks too skull-ish. The culture of death propaganda being put out everywhere is a bad thing. It is a way in which the Satanic godless have been trying to brainwash people into getting used to the (unnatural) idea of death - death being worked by the Satanic godless and God-defiant.


1.) There isn't going to be "an extinction of man." What there WILL be, instead, however, is Jehovah's Armageddon Day removal of all stubbornly and heinously evil and God-insolent persons from this earth, and out of existence, forevermore. "Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more." (Psalm 37:10) There ARE, however, scriptural-truth rejecting (and so short-sighted, thought-stunted, judgment-impaired, blinded as to truth about mankind's future on earth, conscienceless, animalistic, spiritually evilly insane) Satanic godless power-mongers who are trying to work genocide against 90% of the earth's population; and are working demonic LIE propaganda; crimes against God and humanity; and extreme violation of God-given human rights, to try to pull this off. But, it will be the Creator Himself who will soon be getting rid of the stubbornly Satan-serving hordes, harmers, and liars of this world. Then there will be TRUE peace on this earth; and those who HEED what the Creator Jehovah has warned the world of, through His Holy Scriptures, and who stay loyal to Him, will then live forever on this planet - which will be turned back into a paradise. (Psalm 37:11,29)   2.) NO MAN, or group of humans, is able to "SAVE" mankind. It is God-rebellious and God-defiant humans - the ones who stubbornly listen to, promote the lies of, and do the will of Satan and his demons - along with Satan and his demons - who have been destroying humanity for 6000 years, and its getting WORSE. (This has all been stunningly, ACCURATELY PROPHESIED, however; and is now being EXACTLY FULFILLED, including by the sharply increased worsening of all of this wickedness/evil and fighting against God - and so is also an indicator that Armageddon Day from God is VERY near, imminent. [ROMANS 1:18-32; JUDE 7,10,14-19]) Jehovah the Creator has already provided His own MEANS/ "WAY" for the SALVATION of mankind; and that is for persons to listen to, learn, and heed/ obey His globally-given, scriptural words and warnings - including mankind's obligation to worship Jehovah the Creator and Universal Sovereign as the only True God; and to acknowledge and honor His Son, Jesus Christ, as God's one and only adequate Ransomer from sin and death provided by Him to mankind. (John 17:3) - "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ." .....As the Creator's own words tell the world, He has made His Son, Jesus, "the way, and the truth, and the life." (John 14:6) Jesus has also been appointed by Jehovah to be the King of God's Kingdom. Christ now rules in the Heaven, and true, scriptural Christians world-over, with their eyes of true knowledge-fed faith, recognize him as being what he is already - earth's highest-reigning King. SOON, however, following His Armageddon Day - on which God will also dissolve all of the kingdoms of man which now exist (Daniel 2:44) - Jehovah will extend His Kingdom down from heaven, to encompass this earth, as its ONLY RULERSHIP; and it will be a PERFECT one, for THE TRUE SAVING of ALL of GOD-RESPECTING/ OBEDIENT MANKIND here then. All of mankind here then - and even resurrected by God, dead loved ones who died before Armageddon (who will be given a chance to learn God's truth and decide to obey it also) will be completely HEALED - physically and spiritually - mankind then will grow back into perfection in these ways, even becoming sinless - the way Adam and Eve started out (before they started following Satan's deadly LIES against God, and wrongly rebelling against their own Creator - which is also the big, world-destroying up-trend among the many today). So, sickness, pain, and even death and mourning will come to be no more - along with there being no more wars, evil injustice, poverty, violence, demonism, racism, or other destructive barriers among the family of man. (Revelation 21:3,4; John 5:28,29; Isaiah 25:6-9; 33:24;  65:17,18,21-25;  Romans 8:21) Even the earth itself will be healed - and pollution reversed then. Torrents of water will break out in the deserts, which will bloom; and the trees will as if clap their hands. (Isaiah 35:1,2,6,7;   55:12).  This is the TRUE, Divinely-scripturally-informed future of mankind and this earth - the planet, moon, and productive land of which have been guaranteed by the Creator to LAST FOREVER. (Psalm 104:5; Psalm 89:36,37; Genesis 8:21,22) Indeed, there is NO human being or group of human beings on this earth now that can truly SAVE this planet or mankind upon, which has been "ruining the earth" - especially by destroying humanity, by God defiance. (Revelation 11:18) People urgently need to learn to put their TRUST in Jehovah the Creator/ Heavenly Father - and NOT in MEN -   (Psalm 146:3) - "Do NOT put YOUR TRUST in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom NO SALVATION belongs."............As God warns, people should get and keep their spiritual guards up, against being deceived by the prevalent  demonic lie propaganda and spirit of Satan filling the air of this world now (Ephesians 2:2), especially as God's Armageddon Day grows closer, as Satan and his hordes are making their last, desperate, most angry efforts to mislead as many humans as possible - away from Jehovah their Creator, and away from God's life-helping and life-saving scriptural-spiritual truth - before that Day soon strikes. (Revelation 12:12) Can your gizmos & peeps handle the truth of this comment, Yt and others who have been censors against scriptural-spiritual truth? We'll see - cause the lights ARE very, very dim NOW.


YES, THE LIGHTS ARE OUT NOW - those with Satanic godless values (including those of YouTube itself, along with other God-fighting IDOLATERS), who *CENSOR* scriptural-spiritual truth, HAVE PUT THEM OUT. Such Satanically brainwashed but loving it persons in this world have PUT THE LIGHTS out. The better for the Devil to keep the many alienated from God - and so not allowed by the Creator to survive Armageddon Day; and for the Satanic godless to try to kill-off 90% of humanity, in that unprotected, truth-deprived spiritual darkness, I guess. Here, my earlier, lesser comment was kept up. I included a compliment, and it was kept up. (I will now delete that myself, as I will NOT support those who DO NOT SUPPORT LIFE-VITAL scriptural TRUTH, which IS NOT FOR SALE.) I replied to a person with adequate scriptural truth, and also as a note to the world being so seriously misled; and that comment was promptly CENSORED AWAY. I do save and publish elsewhere what I write - so its not wasted on the Satanic godless/ spiritually dis-appreciative. Quick, pitch black darkness dwelling CENSORS for SATAN - censor, censor. Oh - BTW - the penalty from Jehovah the Universal Sovereign, for "suppressing the truth in an unrighteous way" - which is now the Satanic MO of persons running YouTube and many others now - is that they are being deemed to be "deserving of death",  FROM GOD (ROMANS 1:18, 32), SOON, on His Armageddon Day. PITCH BLACK - YouTube is PITCH BLACK. The mentalities of stubborn IDOLATERS are also lights-out DARK. Stumble around then, spiritually inebriated by Satan's future-fatal LIES, in your God-forsaken darkness.


Hi! I want to try to post an air head, meaningless, trite comment that doesn't come against any of the propagandized anti-God, fatal lies being mass-mediated by Santa (unscramble the letters yourself), poo tube and others! Maybe that way, it won't get sense-sored! And oh, show me another stupid ad, to try to sell me a cancer burger while you're at it! Yum! Cool ! I liked that guitar strum! Mindless! Mundane! Negligent! Popular! Sell sell ! Sell !!!!!!!!


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