Saturday, July 20, 2019

Unrighteous Censoring, Allowed Cyberbullying, and Anti-God Extremist/ Anti-scriptural Extremist UNJUST "Reminders" = Threats Against those Who Speak TRUE Scriptural Truths and Warnings from God on YouTube, BY YouTube

YouTube, which has aided and abetted, condoned and reinforced extreme and slanderous cyberbullying of and hate speech/ hate speech videos, channels, and networks against scriptural Christians - those with the scriptural, truth-speaking, MINORITY VOICE against these trending (EXACTLY AS PROPHESIED - Romans 1:18-32; JUDE 7,10,14-19) works and promotions of anti-God, anti-scriptural wickedness - has now ADOPTED the values of the Satanic godless/ God-defiant fighters against God; and is now openly joining in with slanderous cyberbullies/ persons already working to EXCLUDE, SUPPRESS, CENSOR, SILENCE and THREATEN persons such as myself (who speak unwatered-down to inanity scriptural truth and warnings from God), who have already experienced severe VICTIMIZATION on YouTube by the HATE SPEECH and EXTREME CYBERBULLYING YouTube has already long-term ALLOWED. Make no mistake - the God-given human right of freedom of speech to speak His purposely commanded to be taught to the world, life-VITAL  scriptural truth and warnings  is LIFE BLOOD. Kill it, and even death ensues. That is why the Creator Jehovah has warned the world that those guilty of "SUPPRESSING THE TRUTH IN AN UNRIGHTEOUS WAY" are "DESERVING OF DEATH" from Him (Romans 1:18,32), on His hastening Armageddon Day. SUPPRESSION of scriptural truth, mandates, warnings and Armageddon survival instructions from the Creator and the relatively few people left on this earth who loyally-to-God SPEAK-OUT these VITAL, Divine truths against the demonic spiritual LIE propaganda and evils being worked in this world produces CRIMES AGAINST GOD and HUMANITY, and EXTREME VIOLATION of GOD-GIVEN HUMAN RIGHTS. There is NO EXCUSE for the EVIL and UNJUST "SUPPRESSING THE TRUTH IN AN UNRIGHTEOUS WAY" that is taking place. To COMPOUND THAT LIE-EXCUSE, by claiming that this "prevents terrorism" - by TRUE, SCRIPTURAL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE, who ARE (in obedience to Scriptures) WEAPONLESS, CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS TO WAR, and who preach such non-violence to the world - could not possibly be more of a DETESTABLY FALSE, TRANSPARENTLY DISHONEST, UNJUST, SLANDEROUS, GOD-FIGHTING and WICKED LIE "EXCUSE" to VIOLATE GOD and VIOLATE the EXPRESSLY GOD-GIVEN HUMAN RIGHT OF FREEDOM OF SPEECH of PERSONS WHO SPEAK THESE TRUTHS, TO PREACH *JAH'S* SCRIPTURAL TRUTH and WARNINGS TO THE WORLD, as HE, the UNIVERSAL SOVEREIGN, HAS COMMANDED. Today, on my phone, under 3 or 4 videos, INCLUDING THIS ONE (2 of which are blatant HATE SPEECH videos promoting crimes against God and humanity by the Satanic godless/ God-defiant) under which I RECEIVED CYBERBULLYING, SLANDEROUS REMARKS (the other 2 mentioned, MUCH more than this one) and EXPERIENCED UNJUST CENSORING (again, the 2 others FAR more than this one though), I received notes, at the top of each of these videos - to please keep MY comments "respectful" and in-accordance with "community policies". THIS CAME FROM A COMPANY THAT HAS ALLOWED and REINFORCED EXTREME and RELENTLESS - though REPORTED COUNTLESS TIMES - even chasing, hounding, relentlessly harassing  PERSONALLY SLANDEROUS EXTREME CYBERBULLYING OF ME ON YouTube FOR 10 SOLID MONTHS, especially by one public enemy of God, EXTREMIST HATER OF GOD and scriptural truth maniac. And yet YouTube MAINTAINS, refuses to remove, and has SUPPORTED/ CONDONED that reported slander and user(s) - and the EXTREMIST ATHEIST/ REBEL AGAINST GOD, pro-homosexual sex, FALSE "SCIENCE" against God (ITS ALL PART OF THE ROMANS 1:18-32 and JUDE 7,10,14-19 GROUPINGS OF EXACTLY-FULFILLED PROPHECIES) HATE VIDEOS promoting their crimes against God humanity.......But on YouTube, its the VICTIMS of long-term EXTREME INJUSTICES - VICTIMS of extreme and slanderous cyberbullies (ALLOWED to work their harm by YouTube) and VICTIMS of HIDEOUSLY UNJUST CENSORING/ SUPPRESSION of righteous and scriptural truth from God Himself that are UNJUSTLY "REMINDED" = THREATENED and FALSELY ACCUSED OF BEING AT  FAULT with their SPEECH, for SPEAKING OUT DIVINE TRUTH and WARNINGS (on important topics which ANYTHING OTHER THAN SCRIPTURAL truth is fully tolerated - no matter how slanderous and evil-promoting/ producing and blasphemous the LIES are.) This is what has developed, from the God-fighting values of the Satanic godless. YouTube is quickly dying, as a portal/ platform for righteous free speech of life-vital and corrective/ warning scriptural truth from God. Its like the opportunities to learn scriptural Divine truth from Jehovah and make the necessary changes to one's heart, mind and life, so as to be able to meet His own Divine requirements for Armageddon survival are markedly LESSENING, whereas God-slandering and God-DEFIANCE is in a steep up-trend. MANY persons had better STOP with their wishy-washy, indecisiveness over VITAL spiritual issues (James 4:7,8); and had better start clamoring NOW, to get OFF of Satan's (Gog's) side (Magog) [see Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39], with all of its lies, blasphemies, and evil practices [the side which is doomed, come Armageddon Day]; and get ON the side of Jehovah the Creator, His Son, Jesus Christ, God's scriptural truth, and righteous persons around this world who are TRUE to Him. It's like the door to the "Ark" that is going to save people from the soon-coming Armageddon Day destruction is slowly but markedly/ loudly CREAKING SHUT. SOON, it will be TOO LATE - so you had better LEARN Divine scriptural truth from Jehovah and starting really HEEDING it, NOW. Escape a perennial,non-sustaining  "Zooropa" state of mind, because that WON'T SUFFICE, with God. When life-vital TRUTH from God is ALL AROUND, but is being FOUGHT AGAINST, this hard, and increasingly so; ACHTUNG! yourselves and understand that "UNCERTAINTY" becomes INEXCUSABLE before God - as an "excuse", it is nearly evaporated from the world of mankind. (Matthew 24:14) "Uncertainty" is no longer "a guiding light", but is an obstacle, keeping one "conveniently" alienated from God and His scriptural standards, righteousness, and Divine approval for continued life (past Armageddon Day) - when one meets up with scriptural truth from the Creator, but rejects it, censors it, and promotes the opposite. THIS IS MY "RESPECTFUL" COMMENT. I HOPE YOU LIKE IT. I'm glad Armageddon Day from God is SOON. (Psalm 37:10) R  U  2?


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