Friday, November 29, 2019

Re: Concert Proclamations

"Holy Spirit" is a "DRUG OF CHOICE", relegated  to be mentioned alongside other CHOICES, of DRUGS or ALCOHOL?!?!

People don't get to choose to USE God's Holy Spirit - which is HIS ACTIVE FORCE - unless Jehovah grants it to them; and He only does that for people being righteous, honest-hearted, faithful, loyal and true to Him, which includes being obedient to the scriptural truth one has learned (and owes God to keep on learning and obeying- John 17:3;11;   4:24).

Holy Spirit CAN'T be purchased at a pharmacy, liquor store, etc.

Its a gift from God, described in His words. It produces fruitages in those receiving it, of love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control. (Galatians 5:22)

To grieve God's Holy spirit is to be violating of God Himself. (Hebrews 10:26-31)

To tell someone/people/ masses of people that they are more desirable, more valued/ valuable [in so many words] (even temporarily) than God's Holy Spirit (His active force) - which keeps all of the universe and the people in it going - is a blasphemous/ idolatrous folly; and doesn't really help, spiritually set straight, or encourage anyone to that which is faithful, holy and true to God.

(Edited) A Few of Comments I Wrote Under 2 "Ahimsa" Videos

Non-violence? A great idea. Burying it in anti-scriptural false religious teachings rooted in demonism and stamping a hamsa hand talisman on top of it all too? A net spiritually harmful production. Shall I count how many seconds until this is censored away? You're not going to meet anyone "in the air" (except in some transportation vehicle); and you were NOT around before the world was born. (Besides Jehovah the Creator, Jesus Christ [the firstborn of creation], and then the angels; no one else existed before the world [earth] was born. No man, besides Jesus Christ, when he was here on earth, had a pre-human existence.) I'm sure all the people on the paradise earth in the future will sleep peacefully when they need to; and everyday here will be great, like a dream come true. (Psalm 37:11,29) Why the other stuff in this song, I don't know - but according to the Creator's own globally-given, scriptural words of truth; the content of this song is NOT of spiritual truth. It's a big world, but one constant is known, globally-given, scriptural truth from the Creator. Everything else that presents itself as being spiritual needs to measure up to that. We're close to Armageddon Day from God now. The time for every human being on the planet to get themselves spiritually right with Jehovah the Creator and Universal Sovereign is NOW.


It's also an Arabic hamsa hand; with an odd but close substitute of something like a sun or CD(?) image in the middle instead of an "All Seeing Eye." Hamsa hands and their eyeballs are spiritistic - they're rooted in the teachings of demons. They are used as talismans - falsely protective images/ idol images that are said to protect the wearer from demons; but because they try to fight off evil/ demons, according to the lie teachings of demons and NOT the scriptural ways of God, the "protective" effect backfires. In some Arabic culture, it is thought that jealously towards a person can kill them - and by flashing/ wearing a hamsa hand - or even shaking ones hand towards those who might be emitting jealously; the person with the hamsa hand or jiggling their hand can ward off the effects of the evil jealousy vibes coming at them. However, those are all spiritistic beliefs, stemming from demonism. Their long-popular and widespread beliefs; but they're popularly WRONG and spiritually dangerous. The Creator God Jehovah does not accept anything of demonism being mixed in together with pure worship of Him.


I have studied with various Arabic/ Middle Eastern dance teachers, including one directly from Egypt who discussed the hamsa hand and Evil Eye issue in detail and at length. It’s also a longstanding and infamous, widespread idol image symbol, stemming from demonism and likely ancient Babylon, from which such teachings spread. As can be seen here, like the cross symbol, this one too is found in various religions. The same concept of a reflective curse being associated with such a hand symbol is even reflected in the chorus lyrics of this song, as translated by another in their post under this same video posted under the U2 channel.


Saturday, November 23, 2019

Comment I Left Under a Sydney (2) 2019 Video, After Reading the "The Devil Inside" was Snippetted During the Song "Vertigo"

Speak for yourself, about "the devil inside." Its a LIE - and it glorifies and condones Satan and every sort of spiritual LIE and evil associated with him - to mass media that "every single one [of you] has the devil inside." No - only those who have wrongfully allowed themselves to be alienated from Jehovah the Creator and His scriptural truth (usually for the sake of sinful desires and practices) have "the devil inside": Such persons allow themselves to be at least somewhat mind-controlled by Satan and his world-ruining spiritual LIE propaganda. "The whole world is lying in the [power of the] wicked one." (5:19) IN GREATEST CONTRAST, those who learn (John 17:3,17); hold on to, practice/ live-by and preach the Creator's scriptural truth do NOT have "the devil inside", but have Jehovah's own holy spirit (His active force) with them, in them, and about them. Those being TRUE to God DON'T HEDGE - we draw close to God, but OPPOSE the Devil; and so that is why he flees from us. (James 4:7,8) Those being TRUE to God are NOT spiritually "indecisive", but HONEST-HEARTEDLY seek scriptural truth and apply it/ obey it/ stand up for it as they learn it and live it. Need it be said that Michael Hutchence committed suicide; which is something that Satan tempts many people to - its a trademark move of the Devil and his demons/hordes, to goad humans on to suicide, when they are weak. Imagine if that singer rejected the false religious/ teaching of demons LIE that "everyone has the devil inside"; had OPPOSED Satan and his spirit; had learned PROTECTIVE scriptural spiritual truth against giving in to such evil temptations, and had learned the scriptural truth from God regarding his self worth to God and the true value of his life to God - how our lives really don't belong to ourselves; we were bought with the price of the shed blood of the Son of God, so that we could LIVE, not die, and someday starting soon, be able to live forever. Righteous GRATITUDE to God and Christ then, for our HOLY gift of LIFE - life we even owe to God and His Son - gratitude that could be developed from learning and appreciating Jehovah's globally given scriptural truth - could have saved this man's life and that of countless others. Satan is NOT glamorous, and has NOTHING to offer anyone, of ANY spiritual truth or worth - its all about slandering and inciting rebellion against God; and causing as much harm, ruin, death, evil, and suffering among humankind before God's Armageddon Day soon shuts down the entire world-wide humanity-destroying and God-blaspheming "show" of Satan and his hordes. THEN there will be TRUE peace on earth. (Psalm 37:10,11)


(Follow-up, as my comment [above] was censored) -
(There are ongoing unrighteous censoring issues, with YT and others) - 

Of course my comment was censored - it didn’t sit well with U2 idolatry. I guess it’s true then, what the man in the video is singing to you, censor-ers of Divine scriptural truth and warnings - in your cases, for consciencelessly violating God’s laws that way, just as prophesied, in Romans chapter 1 verses 18 through 32, it’s true of you - you DO have the Devil inside. I spoke of scriptural truth that is reassuring, that acts as a preventive to suicide. But that post was erased from the view of others. So - don’t pretend to CARE about other people - just collect your $$, throw back your beer, and chat shallowly and meaninglessly about this performance too.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

[Update] Re: At the Top of ["Our Highest Ideals"] to be "Faithful" and "Loyal" to Must be "Community" (IDOLATRY)?!

WHY, before the masses, as-if PRAY to "Doctor King"??

As-if to PRAY to a MAN, who is not even alive now, who is "sleeping in death",

To keep us "faithful" and "loyal" to "our highest ideals"?

"Ours"? Why not GOD's, as it should be, and NEEDS to be, for persons to be allowed by Him to go on living (John 17:3) ?

And why not be praying to the God who created that man - the God whom Dr. King's future life prospects (through a resurrection, back to life, by Jehovah) are completely dependent upon? 

"In a time of terror, keep us tolerant" -

Tolerant of WHAT? Terrorism; crimes against God and humanity; extreme violation of God-given human rights? Life-ruining and life-destroying injustices and EVIL of all sorts? These are what the POWER-ABUSING, BULLYING, SATANIC GODLESS and GOD-DEFIANT persons of the world are working upon their fellow human beings; feeling "ENTITLED" to do so, with their emboldened, haughty and conscienceless godlessness/ God-rebellion, and darkened-hearted FALSE "INTELLIGENCE" - all EXACTLY AS PROPHESIED IN TYPE. (Romans 1:18-32; Jude 7,10,14-19; 2Timothy 3:1-9,13;  4:3,4) It's all about preferring to LOVE and LIVE Satan's LIES, over the globally-given, scriptural truth and mandates of the Creator God and Heavenly Father Jehovah Himself.


Those evils deserve NO TOLERANCE. The Creator Jehovah Himself rightly HATES such evils and the evildoers behind them, and will NOT CONTINUE TO TOLERATE THEM indefinitely, as it goes against HIS standards; against HIS True Justice, which is motivated by His true LOVE for those actually scripturally loyal, true, and obedient to HIM.

The job of true, scriptural Christians is to preach Jehovah's scriptural TRUTH and WARNINGS to the WORLD. That includes BOTH "the Good News" of His incoming true (Heaven-based) Kingdom for earth (Matthew 24:14); AND, yes, AND His own already-made, scriptural JUDGMENT and WARNING messages over EVILS WHICH HE WILL SOON BE PUTTING MOST OF MANKIND TO PERMANENT ARMAGEDDON DAY DEATH FOR (EZEKIEL 3:17-21); for stubbornly continuing to practice, support, and promote; for FAILING to genuinely "repent and turn around" (Acts 3:19) from, in time enough.

"Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more." (Psalm 37:10)

And WHY is it that the spiritually flailing masses should be admonished to be FAITHFUL AND LOYAL to "our highest ideals" - albeit qualities and values of "justice", "compassion", "joy", "faith", "loyalty", and a certain amount of RELATIVE "tolerance" of others (as in waiting on/ letting God Himself take care of the vengeance any such persons are owed), [etc.]  are good, scripturally-recommended ways - but that THE "HIGHEST"/ "TOP" IDEAL SHOULD BE (as REPEATED now, in show after show) "COMMUNITY"?

What that is teaching the masses is a gigantic SPIRITUAL LIE. IT IS IDOLATRY.


"even those who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and venerated and rendered sacred service to the creation rather than the One who created."  (Romans 1:25)
It is teaching WORSHIP OF OTHER HUMAN BEINGS, INSTEAD OF WORSHIP OF GOD;  GIVING "COMMUNITY" TOP BILLING, TOP PLACE - IT IS PROMOTING IDOLATRY. That putting "COMMUNITY" FIRST (thus idolizing it, making it god) - ABOVE JEHOVAH ALONE, who is the only rightful Universal Sovereign and Only True God (the Creator) - also means PUTTING THE [track-recorded to be disaster-prone, and often wicked and life-hostile] TEACHINGS, PHILOSOPHIES and IDEALS of FAULTY MEN (and those of Satan also, the instigator and fomentor behind all of this God-rebellion) FIRST. This yields God-defiant, blasphemous, [God-given] human right-violating, evil-producing, harmful, deathful, and Satan-serving decisions and policies; from short-sighted, thought-stunted, future-blind, mind-controlled (by Satan - 1John 5:19) , LIE-believing/ wanting, self-assuming, merciless, animalistic, haughty and insolent, etc. FIGHTERS AGAINST GOD. (Re-read the above listed prophesies again - they are being EXACTLY FULFILLED-in-type NOW.)

An effect of the evil, corrupt, and deathful, rotten "fruitage" that results from DISPLACING Jehovah God and His Rightful Rule and scriptural mandates as Creator with WORSHIP OF MEN/ "COMMUNITY" and their ideas, values, standards and policies instead is the SATANIC notion (plot) that its "okay", for the so-called "greater good" (of the "community") TO WAR AGAINST EVERYTHING SACRED/ HOLY, SCRIPTURALLY-SPIRITUALLY TRUE, RIGHTEOUS, INNOCENT, and OF-GOD (such as the SANCTITY OF LIFE; the God-ordained FAMILY UNIT and PARENTAL RIGHTS; freedom of speech to speak the Creator's life-vital scriptural truth and warnings to others; freedom to live and worship by scriptural commands, principles, and a Bible-trained conscience; etc.) There are corrupt and evil, Satanic godless and God-defiant persons who, in their God-fighting, demonic delusions, feel "entitled" to regard their fellow human beings as animals - a "herd", to be controlled, managed, and killed off by them as they seem fit, "for [the Satanic lie of] the greater good."

Armageddon Day, from a rightly angry, fed-up Creator God, is soon; to END the spiritual LIES and END the EVILS they have been producing. Humanity (especially godly persons) are under threat by the wicked ones - who are pridefully letting themselves be led along by Satan, to do his will - like never before. Armageddon is soon. Then, there will be true peace on earth. (Psalm 37:10,11)


THE LIE and DECEPTION of "Community", When the "Community Standards" Include Godlessness and God-Defiance -

In the "social tests" of our time (and in the past), what has PROVEN TO BE, again and again, is that THOSE OF THE MINORITY OPINION - and IN PARTICULAR, those who uphold and speak of DIVINE SCRIPTURAL TRUTH - are FOUGHT AGAINST, CENSORED, SILENCED, EXCLUDED and BANNED, by the MOB MAJORITY; when the majority of the SO-CALLED  "COMMUNITY" consist of GODLESS, SPIRITUALLY APATHETIC, and/ or GOD-DEFIANT INDIVIDUALS.

Repeatedly, the prophetically warned-of situation with most individuals in this world in general is proving to be accurate and true: MOST people harbor and/or exhibit at least some HATRED for Divine, globally-given SCRIPTURAL LAWS from the Creator - especially His laws relating to SEXUAL MORALITY. For this rejection, hatred and aversion to SCRIPTURAL laws and principles from God Himself; most persons are AT LEAST somewhat under the MIND CONTROL of SATAN the Devil (1John 5:19); because they have opted for his sin and evil "permissive" and "excusing", ANTI-SCRIPTURAL and anti-God spiritual LIES instead,

AND SO THIS IS THE DOMINANT STANDARD of "COMMUNITIES" in general today: REJECTION, REBELLION and AVERSION of life-vital Divine scriptural truth from Jehovah God the Creator and Universal Sovereign and those who speak of this popularly HATED truth.

This is why I (and surely others) have been BANNED and CENSORED (which has the SAME EFFECT as being BANNED) on about 15 different sites and more - mostly MUSIC DISCUSSION SITES (and including U2's own Zootopia site), since 2004. All others were allowed to post spiritual and other trash, and basically discuss whatever they wanted to, FREELY. But, when I spoke UNWATERED-DOWN-TO-INANITY, CORRECTIVE and WARNING words of SCRIPTURAL TRUTH FROM GOD on various issues, that was treated with almost IMMEDIATE STRONG HATE, CENSORSHIP, and MOCKERY - ONLY SPIRITUAL LIES, RIDICULE, APATHY, CONVENIENT (for sales, fame, etc.) FALSEHOODS, and HATRED WERE WELCOME. Even DEMONIC and future-deathful, God-alienating  POSTS from demon worshipers/ spiritists were WELCOME. Similar posts from and entire groups of FALSE, anti-scriptural so-called "Christian" IDOLATERS of a rock star and a rock band - so-called "Christians" and FALSE religious leaders among them - including persons who had engaged in public LIES and SLANDER against Jehovah, His scriptural truth, and persecution and censoring/ banning persons who spoke His own scriptural truth - WELCOMED and HIGHLIGHTED, HOSTED by the IDOLIZED celebrities whom they SERVED and bolstered/ supported the fame and sales of.

On bigger-scoped "communities", these same problems are exacerbated even more, by the motivators of MONEY; and the intense, deathful EVIL agendas of Satanic godless/ God-defiant hordes of the Devil running these shows. LIFE-VITAL SCRIPTURAL TRUTH and PERSONS SPEAKING OF IT ARE CENSORED, SILENCED and/or  BANNED

Again, this is due to the FACT that, just as prophesied, the COMMUNITY of mankind, in general, harbors HATRED for scriptural truth; and operates by a PREFERENCE for sin and evil-convenient SPIRITUAL LIES.

This DOES NOT and WILL NOT make for any TRUE, peaceful, united, successful "COMMUNITY", EVER. It will ONLY make for temporary, God-rebellious and self-serving conglomerations, wherein members CANNOT BE TRUSTED to treat one another with even basic righteousness or Justice.

"Communities" which operate by standards of GOD-DEFIANCE will not last. They FAIL the known scriptural standards of the Supreme God; and the unrighteous "fruitage" of such "communities" is PROOF of their DEFICENCIES, for ignoring/ disbarging Divine standards. This goes for online "communities", groups big and small, the governments of this largely Satan-run world; the UN and other groups of international/ global "oversight" and operations, etc.

SOON, the ONLY "community" that will exist on this earth will be the supra-national global brotherhood/ sisterhood of TRUE, scriptural worshipers of Jehovah the Creator and Universal Sovereign.

Many TALK about and advertise vague and [God-given] human right-absorbing/ dismissing "communities"; and utilize MOB-FERVOR; [FALSE] GROUP PRIDE; LIE PROPAGANDA; FALSE PROMISES; and ABUSE OF POWER, by Satanic godless and God-defiant persons; to "FEED" and BUILD their "communities".

Altogether though, the God-dismissing and defiant "communities" of the world are forming one giant one, and NOT a good one, either: Satan (Gog's) community of MAGOG - fighters against God; who will soon find themselves foolishly facing-off AGAINST GOD, on His Armageddon Day. It will NOT go well, for that mass-community of fighters against Jehovah the Creator and Universal Sovereign, just as prophetically, globally warned. (Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39; Revelation 19; more.)

Indeed, there is no unrighteousness with God (or His Son). "Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more." (Psalm 37:10)

THEN, everyone on this planet will form one TRUE, global "community", under the One True God, living by HIS "community standards" (NOT those of Satan and sinful men). THEN there will be TRUE peace on earth, for everyone, permanently. All of mankind here will thrive, as one giant, loving family; under the One True Heavenly Father.

THIS is the TRUE hope - the TRUE FUTURE for God-obedient mankind and planet earth. (Psalm 37:11,29)

"Repent and turn around." (Acts 3:19)

Learn actual, whole-scriptural truth from Jehovah God the Creator Himself, and heed it - just as His Son Jesus Christ also told mankind to DO. (John 17:3,17; 4:24;  Matthew 4:4)

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Non Sequitur: "I Believe in the Kingdom Come", followed by "Take us to a Synagogue...a Mosque":

[Re: Comments during, "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For", 11-9-19] -

The SOON coming down to earth,
heaven-based KINGDOM
 of Jehovah God the Creator and
Universal Sovereign


or Churches in general, etc.

INSTEAD, the world's anti-whole scriptural, God-disobedient, actually antichrist and Christ-disobedient (even while calling themselves "Christian"), demonic LIE-teaching, evil practicing, blasphemous to God (and Christ), kingdoms of men (NOT God)-serving, Satan-serving  FALSE RELIGIONS - which God has compared to a giant spiritual whore conglomeration (led by Satan) and has named "Babylon the Great" - ACT AS ENEMIES to Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the TRUE, scriptural KINGDOM OF GOD. (See Revelation chapters 17 and 18).

Unlike FALSE religious preachers idolizing U2 have so wrongly published and sold, THE TRUE, SCRIPTURAL "KINGDOM OF GOD" HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH THE POLITICS OF MEN; any IDOLIZED and BLASPHEMOUS, God-USURPING international authoritarian conglomeration of men (such as the UN); or any ECUMENALIZATION of any of the world's FALSE-to-God religions of "Babylon the Great." (And those of Satanic godlessness, atheism, and scientism - aka, altogether, Satanism, for teaching the same basic original lies and God rebellion as the Devil did in Eden; and also doing the will of Satan on this earth, including by as if re-establishing Sodom and Gomorrah, and by working manslaughter and other crimes against God and humanity [just as Satan-led FALSE religionists have done], are not even in the ballpark. They constitute themselves as enemies of God, to the harm of their fellow human beings, in working the will of Satan, in their inexcusable God-defiance, just as prophesied. [Romans 1:18-32; Jude 7,10,14-19])

The scriptural KINGDOM OF GOD is also NOT "a condition in the hearts of men".

INSTEAD, the TRUE, SCRIPTURAL KINGDOM OF GOD is a HEAVEN-BASED GOVERNMENT/ THEOCRACY, which will rightly reign over this planet. It is headed by the Creator and Universal Sovereign Jehovah Himself. He has appointed HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST - mankind's Ransomer and "the prince of peace", to be King of that Kingdom. Christ has been ruling as King of this Kingdom, in the heavens, since 1914/ 1918. Soon - after Armageddon Day from God - this heaven-based KINGDOM will be extended down from Heaven onto this earth, as its only Rulership.

All of the kingdoms of men that now exist - all of them faulty, and all of them largely run, altogether, by Satan and the demons that back various nations (Daniel chapter 10) - will be dissolved by Jehovah, come His Armageddon Day, and replaced with His long scripturally-promised KINGDOM. (Daniel 2:44)



This TRUE, SCRIPTURAL KINGDOM of THE CREATOR GOD and UNIVERSAL SOVEREIGN HIMSELF - and its real origin, nature, requirements, standards, conditions, hope, promises, and Governance, etc. - ARE EXPRESSLY GOD-TAUGHT BELIEFS and TENETS OF TRUE, SCRIPTURAL CHRISTIAN WORSHIP ALONE.

ISLAM, with its MOSQUES; modern Judaism with its SYNAGOGUES; secular humanism, scientism/ atheism, and false religions together with them with their UN; FALSE "Christian" churches with their BASILICAS, etc; Buddhists, Shintos and Hindus with their also idol-filled temples; pagans with their effigies; Satanists and other FALSE religionists with their child rapes and slaughterings as sacrifices to Satan; etc. - NONE OF THESE ULTIMATELY SATAN-BACKED EVIL, EVIL-PRODUCING, DEMONIC LIE-TEACHING, IDOLATROUS, BLASPHEMOUS, and HUMANITY-DESTROYING FALSE-TO-GOD FORMS OF WORSHIP HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE SCRIPTURAL KINGDOM OF GOD, and ARE, IN FACT, ENEMIES OF IT. Those who remain in these FALSE modes of worship, and/or stubbornly working the anti-God, anti-scriptural, God-fighting, God-rebellious, will of Satan ways of LIES and EVIL taught by these FALSE modes of worship


Instead, such stubbornly non-genuinely-repentant and non-"turned round" (Acts 3:19) persons will all pass away - either when God soon intervenes to destroy Satan's global empire of all FALSE religions of "Babylon the Great" (Revelation 18:4,5,8,20-24); or on Armageddon Day itself, which will follow, when God will do away with stubbornly and heinously evil and God-insolent persons forevermore. (Psalm 37:10; Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39; Revelation 19; more.)


There are TRUE, united-as-TRULY ONE, as-prophesied - scriptural worshipers of Jehovah God the Creator and Universal Sovereign - the God of the globally-given Holy Scriptures - all over this planet. To show the variances in buildings, in Hollywood, they have met in a cushy chair building with two big TV screens for videos, because they really like films/theatre, I guess. In Florida, Kingdom Hall buildings even became help centers for hurricane relief efforts. In Africa, true worshipers have met under open-air constructs and tents. In cruel Russia - with its unjust ban against true scriptural Christianity, led by the lying and God-disobedient/ blasphemous and militant Russian Orthodox church entity of "Babylon the Great", and its exactly prophesied-in-type spiritually fornicative relationship with  one of the "kings of the earth" (the Russian government) [see Revelation chapters 17 and 18] - true worshipers of Jehovah the Creator have even met in fields, under make-shift tents, etc. In other lands of heavily demonic persecution of true Christian worshipers of God, such as China, North Korea, and some Arab nations, true scriptural Christians meet underground - but they do, and the preaching work of the Sovereign God goes on there (Matthew 24:14), despite the hate towards it, from the human hordes of Satan. 

No, true worship is NOT centered on building type - BUT NEITHER IS PROCLAMATION and PROMOTION OF PERENIAL "UNCERTAINTY" and REJECTION OF GLOBALLY-GIVEN SCRIPTURAL TRUTH, BY WAY OF CONTINUING TO INTERNATIONALLY MASS-MEDIA an ANTHEM OF, "I STILL HAVEN'T FOUND WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR" ACCEPTABLE TO GOD AS TRUE WORSHIP. That does NOT serve the Creator God Jehovah, the LIFE-VITAL SCRIPTURAL TRUTH HE REQUIRES HUMANS to LEARN and HEED, for CONTINUED LIFE (John 17:3,17); or the interests of HIS TRUE, SCRIPTURAL KINGDOM COME. Especially with the grossly erroneous admonition to "seek God" by way of false religious leaders/ false religionists and in places of anti-scriptural FALSE WORSHIP, this is NOT PLANTING SEEDS OF TRUTH; but is MISGUIDING PEOPLE towards false worship; and is DIVERTING people away from and DISSUADING people away from TRUE, scriptural, life-vital worship of Jehovah the Only True God, and the necessary honoring of His Son, mankind's Ransomer and highest reigning King, Jesus Christ.

THIS IS SOMETHING THAT NEEDS TO BE CHANGED, RIGHT AWAY, IN ORDER TO RIGHTLY SERVE GOD and HIS TRUE, SCRIPTURAL "KINGDOM COME"; INSTEAD OF just name-dropping Jehovah's KINGDOM, but FIGHTING AGAINST HIM and IT, to the benefit of no one, and potentially the eternal harm and loss of many, especially with Armageddon Day from Jehovah now looming overhead/ on the brink.

(Acts 17:16-28) -

"Now while Paul was waiting for them in Athens, his spirit within him came to be irritated at beholding that the city was full of idols. 17 Consequently he began to reason in the synagogue with the Jews and the other people who worshiped [God] and every day in the marketplace with those who happened to be on hand. 18 But certain ones of both the Ep·i·cu·rean and the Stoic philosophers took to conversing with him controversially, and some would say: “What is it this chatterer would like to tell?” Others: “He seems to be a publisher of foreign deities.” This was because he was declaring the good news of Jesus and the resurrection. 19 So they laid hold of him and led him to the Ar·e·opa·gus, saying: “Can we get to know what this new teaching is which is spoken by you? 20 For you are introducing some things that are strange to our ears. Therefore we desire to get to know what these things purport to be.” 21 In fact, all Athenians and the foreigners sojourning there would spend their leisure time at nothing but telling something or listening to something new. 22 Paul now stood in the midst of the Ar·e·opa·gus and said:

“Men of Athens, I behold that in all things YOU seem to be more given to the fear of the deities than others are. 23 For instance, while passing along and carefully observing YOUR objects of veneration I also found an altar on which had been inscribed ‘To an Unknown God.’ Therefore what YOU are unknowingly giving godly devotion to, this I am publishing to YOU. 24 The God that made the world and all the things in it, being, as this One is, Lord of heaven and earth, DOES NOT DWELL IN HANDMADE TEMPLES, 25 neither is he attended to by human hands as if he needed anything, because he himself gives to all [persons] life and breath and all things. 26 And he made out of one [man] every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth, and HE DECREED THE APPOINTED TIMES and THE SET LIMITS OF THE DWELLING OF [MEN], 27 for them to seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him, although, in fact, he is not far off from each one of us. 28 For by him we have life and move and exist, even as certain ones of the poets among YOU have said, ‘For we are also his progeny.’ "


Wednesday, November 06, 2019

2 of the 3 Posts I Left Under the "American Soul" (New York) Video. My Second Comment was CENSORED.

["1 week ago"] -

"There's a moment in a life where the soul can die/ In a person in a country when you believe THE LIE." One facet of "the lie": The lie that the public should have injurious and potentially deadly vaccines mandated onto them and their children. These are violations of God-given human rights. But there are power-abusing (and evil and stupid) persons who want to see the earth's population reduced by 90%, in a hurry. Many, young and old, have been deviously injured/diseased/sterilized and/or murdered by these propagandized, coerced, and/or forced bio-weapons already. Armageddon Day, from an angry God, is NEAR. (Psalm 37:10)


[Post Written 11-6-19 CENSORED before I could copy and paste it elsewhere.]


[11-9-19] -

Okay - you censored that one? Of course you did, someone/persons of the 16-years of being problematic and UNJUST as to censoring U2-PR world? That was too much hard-hitting truth - truth from the Scriptures and keen observations related to them, which is just too much for U2 IDOLATERS?...Or is the scrappy graphic and faultily piece-meal/ slanted video above to be the last word on a subject much bigger than itself? When did SMALL-MINDEDNESS and HATE for scriptural truth EVER really HELP or SAVE ANYONE? ANSWER: NEVER. Or did I hit too close to home, with mention of the UN, New York, California, the Anglo-American power, power abusers, crimes against God and humanity, violations and threats of violations of God-given human rights, Big Pharma, and the de-population agenda. Or was it mostly a HATE for the Scriptures issue again? Or is it the fault of YouTube again, with its own evil censoring against scriptural truth but allowance of hate speech against it ? Is the  AI so Satanically programmed to censor posts containing Scriptures from the Creator/ Universal Sovereign Jehovah? And/or is this censoring being worked from Saudi Arabia or other mostly Muslim countries? YouTube is filled with anti-God TRASH and LIES of ALL sorts (as have been many scriptural truth-bullying U2 fan posts, on this and many sites over the years). In contrast, NOTHING I just posted was a lie AT ALL. Even though I spent time on it, to write a thoughtful post on life-or-death urgent matters, it was censored away - it disappeared before I could even copy and paste it elsewhere, where EVIL and UNJUST, grossly small-minded, and truth-oppressing (Romans 1:18,32) censorship is NOT worked. Hideous, like I said. Answer to God. You will.


UPDATE: I just deleted my above "accepted" comments under that YouTube video, since a hard-worked on, important post I wrote was CENSORED. LET the UNJUST PEOPLE WHO CENSORED MY COMMENT JUST DWELL IN THE DEEP DARKNESS THEY LOVE. Let them deal with the God whose Scriptural truth they are GUILTY of "SUPPRESSING IN AN UNRIGHTEOUS WAY." (Romans 1:18,32)