Saturday, November 23, 2019

Comment I Left Under a Sydney (2) 2019 Video, After Reading the "The Devil Inside" was Snippetted During the Song "Vertigo"

Speak for yourself, about "the devil inside." Its a LIE - and it glorifies and condones Satan and every sort of spiritual LIE and evil associated with him - to mass media that "every single one [of you] has the devil inside." No - only those who have wrongfully allowed themselves to be alienated from Jehovah the Creator and His scriptural truth (usually for the sake of sinful desires and practices) have "the devil inside": Such persons allow themselves to be at least somewhat mind-controlled by Satan and his world-ruining spiritual LIE propaganda. "The whole world is lying in the [power of the] wicked one." (5:19) IN GREATEST CONTRAST, those who learn (John 17:3,17); hold on to, practice/ live-by and preach the Creator's scriptural truth do NOT have "the devil inside", but have Jehovah's own holy spirit (His active force) with them, in them, and about them. Those being TRUE to God DON'T HEDGE - we draw close to God, but OPPOSE the Devil; and so that is why he flees from us. (James 4:7,8) Those being TRUE to God are NOT spiritually "indecisive", but HONEST-HEARTEDLY seek scriptural truth and apply it/ obey it/ stand up for it as they learn it and live it. Need it be said that Michael Hutchence committed suicide; which is something that Satan tempts many people to - its a trademark move of the Devil and his demons/hordes, to goad humans on to suicide, when they are weak. Imagine if that singer rejected the false religious/ teaching of demons LIE that "everyone has the devil inside"; had OPPOSED Satan and his spirit; had learned PROTECTIVE scriptural spiritual truth against giving in to such evil temptations, and had learned the scriptural truth from God regarding his self worth to God and the true value of his life to God - how our lives really don't belong to ourselves; we were bought with the price of the shed blood of the Son of God, so that we could LIVE, not die, and someday starting soon, be able to live forever. Righteous GRATITUDE to God and Christ then, for our HOLY gift of LIFE - life we even owe to God and His Son - gratitude that could be developed from learning and appreciating Jehovah's globally given scriptural truth - could have saved this man's life and that of countless others. Satan is NOT glamorous, and has NOTHING to offer anyone, of ANY spiritual truth or worth - its all about slandering and inciting rebellion against God; and causing as much harm, ruin, death, evil, and suffering among humankind before God's Armageddon Day soon shuts down the entire world-wide humanity-destroying and God-blaspheming "show" of Satan and his hordes. THEN there will be TRUE peace on earth. (Psalm 37:10,11)


(Follow-up, as my comment [above] was censored) -
(There are ongoing unrighteous censoring issues, with YT and others) - 

Of course my comment was censored - it didn’t sit well with U2 idolatry. I guess it’s true then, what the man in the video is singing to you, censor-ers of Divine scriptural truth and warnings - in your cases, for consciencelessly violating God’s laws that way, just as prophesied, in Romans chapter 1 verses 18 through 32, it’s true of you - you DO have the Devil inside. I spoke of scriptural truth that is reassuring, that acts as a preventive to suicide. But that post was erased from the view of others. So - don’t pretend to CARE about other people - just collect your $$, throw back your beer, and chat shallowly and meaninglessly about this performance too.


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