Friday, November 29, 2019

(Edited) A Few of Comments I Wrote Under 2 "Ahimsa" Videos

Non-violence? A great idea. Burying it in anti-scriptural false religious teachings rooted in demonism and stamping a hamsa hand talisman on top of it all too? A net spiritually harmful production. Shall I count how many seconds until this is censored away? You're not going to meet anyone "in the air" (except in some transportation vehicle); and you were NOT around before the world was born. (Besides Jehovah the Creator, Jesus Christ [the firstborn of creation], and then the angels; no one else existed before the world [earth] was born. No man, besides Jesus Christ, when he was here on earth, had a pre-human existence.) I'm sure all the people on the paradise earth in the future will sleep peacefully when they need to; and everyday here will be great, like a dream come true. (Psalm 37:11,29) Why the other stuff in this song, I don't know - but according to the Creator's own globally-given, scriptural words of truth; the content of this song is NOT of spiritual truth. It's a big world, but one constant is known, globally-given, scriptural truth from the Creator. Everything else that presents itself as being spiritual needs to measure up to that. We're close to Armageddon Day from God now. The time for every human being on the planet to get themselves spiritually right with Jehovah the Creator and Universal Sovereign is NOW.


It's also an Arabic hamsa hand; with an odd but close substitute of something like a sun or CD(?) image in the middle instead of an "All Seeing Eye." Hamsa hands and their eyeballs are spiritistic - they're rooted in the teachings of demons. They are used as talismans - falsely protective images/ idol images that are said to protect the wearer from demons; but because they try to fight off evil/ demons, according to the lie teachings of demons and NOT the scriptural ways of God, the "protective" effect backfires. In some Arabic culture, it is thought that jealously towards a person can kill them - and by flashing/ wearing a hamsa hand - or even shaking ones hand towards those who might be emitting jealously; the person with the hamsa hand or jiggling their hand can ward off the effects of the evil jealousy vibes coming at them. However, those are all spiritistic beliefs, stemming from demonism. Their long-popular and widespread beliefs; but they're popularly WRONG and spiritually dangerous. The Creator God Jehovah does not accept anything of demonism being mixed in together with pure worship of Him.


I have studied with various Arabic/ Middle Eastern dance teachers, including one directly from Egypt who discussed the hamsa hand and Evil Eye issue in detail and at length. It’s also a longstanding and infamous, widespread idol image symbol, stemming from demonism and likely ancient Babylon, from which such teachings spread. As can be seen here, like the cross symbol, this one too is found in various religions. The same concept of a reflective curse being associated with such a hand symbol is even reflected in the chorus lyrics of this song, as translated by another in their post under this same video posted under the U2 channel.



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