Thursday, November 14, 2019

[Update] Re: At the Top of ["Our Highest Ideals"] to be "Faithful" and "Loyal" to Must be "Community" (IDOLATRY)?!

WHY, before the masses, as-if PRAY to "Doctor King"??

As-if to PRAY to a MAN, who is not even alive now, who is "sleeping in death",

To keep us "faithful" and "loyal" to "our highest ideals"?

"Ours"? Why not GOD's, as it should be, and NEEDS to be, for persons to be allowed by Him to go on living (John 17:3) ?

And why not be praying to the God who created that man - the God whom Dr. King's future life prospects (through a resurrection, back to life, by Jehovah) are completely dependent upon? 

"In a time of terror, keep us tolerant" -

Tolerant of WHAT? Terrorism; crimes against God and humanity; extreme violation of God-given human rights? Life-ruining and life-destroying injustices and EVIL of all sorts? These are what the POWER-ABUSING, BULLYING, SATANIC GODLESS and GOD-DEFIANT persons of the world are working upon their fellow human beings; feeling "ENTITLED" to do so, with their emboldened, haughty and conscienceless godlessness/ God-rebellion, and darkened-hearted FALSE "INTELLIGENCE" - all EXACTLY AS PROPHESIED IN TYPE. (Romans 1:18-32; Jude 7,10,14-19; 2Timothy 3:1-9,13;  4:3,4) It's all about preferring to LOVE and LIVE Satan's LIES, over the globally-given, scriptural truth and mandates of the Creator God and Heavenly Father Jehovah Himself.


Those evils deserve NO TOLERANCE. The Creator Jehovah Himself rightly HATES such evils and the evildoers behind them, and will NOT CONTINUE TO TOLERATE THEM indefinitely, as it goes against HIS standards; against HIS True Justice, which is motivated by His true LOVE for those actually scripturally loyal, true, and obedient to HIM.

The job of true, scriptural Christians is to preach Jehovah's scriptural TRUTH and WARNINGS to the WORLD. That includes BOTH "the Good News" of His incoming true (Heaven-based) Kingdom for earth (Matthew 24:14); AND, yes, AND His own already-made, scriptural JUDGMENT and WARNING messages over EVILS WHICH HE WILL SOON BE PUTTING MOST OF MANKIND TO PERMANENT ARMAGEDDON DAY DEATH FOR (EZEKIEL 3:17-21); for stubbornly continuing to practice, support, and promote; for FAILING to genuinely "repent and turn around" (Acts 3:19) from, in time enough.

"Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more." (Psalm 37:10)

And WHY is it that the spiritually flailing masses should be admonished to be FAITHFUL AND LOYAL to "our highest ideals" - albeit qualities and values of "justice", "compassion", "joy", "faith", "loyalty", and a certain amount of RELATIVE "tolerance" of others (as in waiting on/ letting God Himself take care of the vengeance any such persons are owed), [etc.]  are good, scripturally-recommended ways - but that THE "HIGHEST"/ "TOP" IDEAL SHOULD BE (as REPEATED now, in show after show) "COMMUNITY"?

What that is teaching the masses is a gigantic SPIRITUAL LIE. IT IS IDOLATRY.


"even those who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and venerated and rendered sacred service to the creation rather than the One who created."  (Romans 1:25)
It is teaching WORSHIP OF OTHER HUMAN BEINGS, INSTEAD OF WORSHIP OF GOD;  GIVING "COMMUNITY" TOP BILLING, TOP PLACE - IT IS PROMOTING IDOLATRY. That putting "COMMUNITY" FIRST (thus idolizing it, making it god) - ABOVE JEHOVAH ALONE, who is the only rightful Universal Sovereign and Only True God (the Creator) - also means PUTTING THE [track-recorded to be disaster-prone, and often wicked and life-hostile] TEACHINGS, PHILOSOPHIES and IDEALS of FAULTY MEN (and those of Satan also, the instigator and fomentor behind all of this God-rebellion) FIRST. This yields God-defiant, blasphemous, [God-given] human right-violating, evil-producing, harmful, deathful, and Satan-serving decisions and policies; from short-sighted, thought-stunted, future-blind, mind-controlled (by Satan - 1John 5:19) , LIE-believing/ wanting, self-assuming, merciless, animalistic, haughty and insolent, etc. FIGHTERS AGAINST GOD. (Re-read the above listed prophesies again - they are being EXACTLY FULFILLED-in-type NOW.)

An effect of the evil, corrupt, and deathful, rotten "fruitage" that results from DISPLACING Jehovah God and His Rightful Rule and scriptural mandates as Creator with WORSHIP OF MEN/ "COMMUNITY" and their ideas, values, standards and policies instead is the SATANIC notion (plot) that its "okay", for the so-called "greater good" (of the "community") TO WAR AGAINST EVERYTHING SACRED/ HOLY, SCRIPTURALLY-SPIRITUALLY TRUE, RIGHTEOUS, INNOCENT, and OF-GOD (such as the SANCTITY OF LIFE; the God-ordained FAMILY UNIT and PARENTAL RIGHTS; freedom of speech to speak the Creator's life-vital scriptural truth and warnings to others; freedom to live and worship by scriptural commands, principles, and a Bible-trained conscience; etc.) There are corrupt and evil, Satanic godless and God-defiant persons who, in their God-fighting, demonic delusions, feel "entitled" to regard their fellow human beings as animals - a "herd", to be controlled, managed, and killed off by them as they seem fit, "for [the Satanic lie of] the greater good."

Armageddon Day, from a rightly angry, fed-up Creator God, is soon; to END the spiritual LIES and END the EVILS they have been producing. Humanity (especially godly persons) are under threat by the wicked ones - who are pridefully letting themselves be led along by Satan, to do his will - like never before. Armageddon is soon. Then, there will be true peace on earth. (Psalm 37:10,11)


THE LIE and DECEPTION of "Community", When the "Community Standards" Include Godlessness and God-Defiance -

In the "social tests" of our time (and in the past), what has PROVEN TO BE, again and again, is that THOSE OF THE MINORITY OPINION - and IN PARTICULAR, those who uphold and speak of DIVINE SCRIPTURAL TRUTH - are FOUGHT AGAINST, CENSORED, SILENCED, EXCLUDED and BANNED, by the MOB MAJORITY; when the majority of the SO-CALLED  "COMMUNITY" consist of GODLESS, SPIRITUALLY APATHETIC, and/ or GOD-DEFIANT INDIVIDUALS.

Repeatedly, the prophetically warned-of situation with most individuals in this world in general is proving to be accurate and true: MOST people harbor and/or exhibit at least some HATRED for Divine, globally-given SCRIPTURAL LAWS from the Creator - especially His laws relating to SEXUAL MORALITY. For this rejection, hatred and aversion to SCRIPTURAL laws and principles from God Himself; most persons are AT LEAST somewhat under the MIND CONTROL of SATAN the Devil (1John 5:19); because they have opted for his sin and evil "permissive" and "excusing", ANTI-SCRIPTURAL and anti-God spiritual LIES instead,

AND SO THIS IS THE DOMINANT STANDARD of "COMMUNITIES" in general today: REJECTION, REBELLION and AVERSION of life-vital Divine scriptural truth from Jehovah God the Creator and Universal Sovereign and those who speak of this popularly HATED truth.

This is why I (and surely others) have been BANNED and CENSORED (which has the SAME EFFECT as being BANNED) on about 15 different sites and more - mostly MUSIC DISCUSSION SITES (and including U2's own Zootopia site), since 2004. All others were allowed to post spiritual and other trash, and basically discuss whatever they wanted to, FREELY. But, when I spoke UNWATERED-DOWN-TO-INANITY, CORRECTIVE and WARNING words of SCRIPTURAL TRUTH FROM GOD on various issues, that was treated with almost IMMEDIATE STRONG HATE, CENSORSHIP, and MOCKERY - ONLY SPIRITUAL LIES, RIDICULE, APATHY, CONVENIENT (for sales, fame, etc.) FALSEHOODS, and HATRED WERE WELCOME. Even DEMONIC and future-deathful, God-alienating  POSTS from demon worshipers/ spiritists were WELCOME. Similar posts from and entire groups of FALSE, anti-scriptural so-called "Christian" IDOLATERS of a rock star and a rock band - so-called "Christians" and FALSE religious leaders among them - including persons who had engaged in public LIES and SLANDER against Jehovah, His scriptural truth, and persecution and censoring/ banning persons who spoke His own scriptural truth - WELCOMED and HIGHLIGHTED, HOSTED by the IDOLIZED celebrities whom they SERVED and bolstered/ supported the fame and sales of.

On bigger-scoped "communities", these same problems are exacerbated even more, by the motivators of MONEY; and the intense, deathful EVIL agendas of Satanic godless/ God-defiant hordes of the Devil running these shows. LIFE-VITAL SCRIPTURAL TRUTH and PERSONS SPEAKING OF IT ARE CENSORED, SILENCED and/or  BANNED

Again, this is due to the FACT that, just as prophesied, the COMMUNITY of mankind, in general, harbors HATRED for scriptural truth; and operates by a PREFERENCE for sin and evil-convenient SPIRITUAL LIES.

This DOES NOT and WILL NOT make for any TRUE, peaceful, united, successful "COMMUNITY", EVER. It will ONLY make for temporary, God-rebellious and self-serving conglomerations, wherein members CANNOT BE TRUSTED to treat one another with even basic righteousness or Justice.

"Communities" which operate by standards of GOD-DEFIANCE will not last. They FAIL the known scriptural standards of the Supreme God; and the unrighteous "fruitage" of such "communities" is PROOF of their DEFICENCIES, for ignoring/ disbarging Divine standards. This goes for online "communities", groups big and small, the governments of this largely Satan-run world; the UN and other groups of international/ global "oversight" and operations, etc.

SOON, the ONLY "community" that will exist on this earth will be the supra-national global brotherhood/ sisterhood of TRUE, scriptural worshipers of Jehovah the Creator and Universal Sovereign.

Many TALK about and advertise vague and [God-given] human right-absorbing/ dismissing "communities"; and utilize MOB-FERVOR; [FALSE] GROUP PRIDE; LIE PROPAGANDA; FALSE PROMISES; and ABUSE OF POWER, by Satanic godless and God-defiant persons; to "FEED" and BUILD their "communities".

Altogether though, the God-dismissing and defiant "communities" of the world are forming one giant one, and NOT a good one, either: Satan (Gog's) community of MAGOG - fighters against God; who will soon find themselves foolishly facing-off AGAINST GOD, on His Armageddon Day. It will NOT go well, for that mass-community of fighters against Jehovah the Creator and Universal Sovereign, just as prophetically, globally warned. (Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39; Revelation 19; more.)

Indeed, there is no unrighteousness with God (or His Son). "Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more." (Psalm 37:10)

THEN, everyone on this planet will form one TRUE, global "community", under the One True God, living by HIS "community standards" (NOT those of Satan and sinful men). THEN there will be TRUE peace on earth, for everyone, permanently. All of mankind here will thrive, as one giant, loving family; under the One True Heavenly Father.

THIS is the TRUE hope - the TRUE FUTURE for God-obedient mankind and planet earth. (Psalm 37:11,29)

"Repent and turn around." (Acts 3:19)

Learn actual, whole-scriptural truth from Jehovah God the Creator Himself, and heed it - just as His Son Jesus Christ also told mankind to DO. (John 17:3,17; 4:24;  Matthew 4:4)


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