Friday, November 29, 2019

Re: Concert Proclamations

"Holy Spirit" is a "DRUG OF CHOICE", relegated  to be mentioned alongside other CHOICES, of DRUGS or ALCOHOL?!?!

People don't get to choose to USE God's Holy Spirit - which is HIS ACTIVE FORCE - unless Jehovah grants it to them; and He only does that for people being righteous, honest-hearted, faithful, loyal and true to Him, which includes being obedient to the scriptural truth one has learned (and owes God to keep on learning and obeying- John 17:3;11;   4:24).

Holy Spirit CAN'T be purchased at a pharmacy, liquor store, etc.

Its a gift from God, described in His words. It produces fruitages in those receiving it, of love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control. (Galatians 5:22)

To grieve God's Holy spirit is to be violating of God Himself. (Hebrews 10:26-31)

To tell someone/people/ masses of people that they are more desirable, more valued/ valuable [in so many words] (even temporarily) than God's Holy Spirit (His active force) - which keeps all of the universe and the people in it going - is a blasphemous/ idolatrous folly; and doesn't really help, spiritually set straight, or encourage anyone to that which is faithful, holy and true to God.


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