Saturday, October 08, 2005


It is amazing watching prophecy unfold. Just a few days ago, October 5th, I watched a dirigible circle the dome of the Cathedral of Saint Paul, with its cross on top; against the blue sky....The good-sized red and white blimp said:



The night of October 5/6, 539 B.C.E., Babylon, the great city of spiritism and oppressor of God's people fell to the Medes and the Persians. Though the Babylonians were aware that forces were building outside the wall against them, they thought that their victory was impossible - so they ignored them; mocked them; and blasphemed and mocked their God, Yahweh. They feasted; they overdrank to their gods - they slurped out of cups stolen from Yahweh's temple; and they partied to instrumentalists and vocalists....

God's personal name, naturalized into the languages of the world - Yahweh, Jehovah, Ieova, etc., is a treasure. So are his words. Like the holy utensils of his temple, however, they have been taken and misused - so, stolen - by those without appreciation for their value. People have used these utensils to dishonor, self-servingly misrepresent, and mock Yahweh-Jehovah and Christ. They have used these holy utensils to, in truth, serve other gods - who are, really, merely puppet manifestations of Yahweh's adversary: Satan the Devil.

Today, most religionists continue to spiritually party, without real regard for Yahweh-Jehovah and his words, in what may seem to be "rich", strong, stable, undefeatable entities - the various sectors of the prophesied "Babylon the GREAT": The Satan-fueled world empire of all false religions, typified by ancient Babylon.

They are so wrapped up in themselves and so confident that "everythings okay" that they can't even relate to God's already described outrage over their conglomerate wrongdoing, community bloodguilt, spiritism, and blasphemy. They pay no mind to God's SPIRITUAL forces building against their "great city." The Medes and Persians had even managed to divert the waters of Babylon in preparation. Today, the resources of good-hearted people are being diverted away from Babylon the Great, in preparation for God's Great Day of Vengeance using his unstoppable heavenly-only army of Jesus Christ and other spirit beings. People are being warned to get out of modern day spiritual "Babylon":

"Get OUT of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues. For her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice to mind." (Revelation 18:4,5)

(There are some similarities between this song and Isaiah chapter 21, which prophesies the fall of ancient Babylon as well as "Babylon the Great" which exists - in an even bigger way than ancient Babylon - today.) Read Isaiah chapter 21, Daniel chapter 5, and Revelation 17-18. And more. Hurry. The hour is getting late - hear the wind begin to howl.)

"October, when kingdoms rise
And kingdoms fall..."
(From "October", by U2)

Fall, 2 C.E. - An estimate of the time of Jesus' birth.

About October 4/5, 1914 - The end of "the appointed times of the nations" - God's enthronement of his Son Jesus Christ as Messianic King in the heavens - also, the re-establishment of a Kingly representative of God-rule towards the earth in the line of David. The beginning of Christ's presence in Kingdom rule, his invisible rulership over the earth being respected, obeyed, and hailed by loyal human subjects who can "see" him with scripturally-trained eyes of faith and honest hearts and minds moved by God's spirit. The beginning of "the last days" of this spiritually corrupt, unjust, and hurtful world system currently manipulated by Satan.

October 5/6, 539 B.C.E.

HANDWRITING ON THE WALL, drawn by a "finger of God"
interrupts the drunken pagan party put on by Babylonian coregent Belshazzar, during which Yahweh and his people were mocked. (See above). It read,




which, as God's prophet Daniel related to King Belshazzar, meant that the days of his [spiritistic, spiritually oppressive] kingdom were numbered; that he [and his rule] had been weighed in the balances and found deficient; and that his kingdom would be divided and given to the Medes and the Persians.
Belshazzar's kingdom fell that night. Belshazzar also died that night. (Daniel, Chapter 5)

Just as condemnation - unmistakably from God - was made plain to those with Belshazzar in ancient Babylon that night; so today, those still in "Babylon the Great" (in all parts of the earth) are being served obvious scriptural warning from God through his faithful servants, to GET OUT of all false religious entities of Babylon the Great before God soon has that entire world empire also suddenly "crash." The religious, political, and commercial systems of man have been weighed in the balances and have been found deficient. God will soon remove them and replace them with his own perfect heaven-based Kingdom government for earth.


"ON THE WALL" - everywhere.

Fall, 2370 B.C.E.

The Great Flood/ global deluge of Noah's day. The earth had become "ruined" in the site of God - it was full of spiritism, sexual deviance, and violence. (Genesis 6:1,2,4-11,17,18,22; 7:1) People mocked God's warning messages from Noah, "a preacher of righteousness." (2 Peter 2:5) Out of all the people alive at that time, God found only eight of them who cared enough to rightfully obey him. By justice, he saved only those eight.

Bad conditions in our world parallel those of right before the Flood. As prophesied, again, however, most people prefer to not let this knowledge effect their everyday life and decisions: Most choose to "take no note" - to not put time and effort into learning and then obeying God's scriptural requirements for survival past the end of this messed-up system and into his new world of righteousness here. God and Christ prophesied repeatedly that people would be this way in the time of the end. Also, many mock God's warning messages and messengers because they don't want to deal with God's moral and other standards for unselfish behavior, etc., - just like God said they would. Armageddon, like the Flood, is coming too though - just like Yahweh-Jehovah and Jesus said it would. (Matthew 24:37-39; 2 Peter 3:3-10; Revelation 11:18)

Maybe the end of Babylon the Great and Armageddon won't happen in an October....We know that the "day" and "hour" of these events will be a surprise (though we can discern the "season" of them, like Jesus said)....Not everything happens in October....We'll just have to wait and see....


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