Wednesday, December 28, 2005

"Yahweh" used as Tool to Blaspheme Him

Throughout the Vertigo Tour, the song "Yahweh" has been used as a tool to blaspheme him. Performances of it have been accompanied by huge lit-up pagan and spiritistic idol symbols. This directly and intensely violates what is widely known as the 1st Commandment (Exodus 20:1-7), in which Yahweh himself commands that: "YOU MUST NOT HAVE ANY OTHER gODS AGAINST MY FACE"; and that his name must not be taken up in a worthless way. Singing Yahweh to masses while showing them many symbols of idolatry is taking up the name of God in a worthless way to an extreme magnitude. God states in Exodus that he would not leave someone unpunished for breaking this command - which is repeated in principle throughout the Bible. How much more so will someone be accountable who chooses to do this - teach this - to 3.5 million people and counting?

This spiritual serial crime seems to be motivated by what can be found in the lyrics of the Tour's theme song, "Vertigo": "All of this, all of this can be yours/ All of this, all of this can be yours/ All of this, all of this can be yours/ Just give me what I want/ And no one gets hurt." That is a paraphrase of Satan offering to hand over "the glory" of the nations of the world to Jesus Christ, if Jesus would bow down and do an act of worship to him - if Jesus would disobey God, in disloyalty. (Luke 4:5-7) Jesus also was concerned about the suffering from oppression he saw, especially spiritual oppression - but he knew that these troubles would be solved, God's way, in time; and that Satan's offer was merely a trap to get him to be disloyal. Anything Satan could produce would only be faulty and temporary at best.

If Jesus had given in, that would likely have been the end of everyone. Satan's interest wasn't in preserving people. It was - and is - in hurting Yahweh and his Son, Jesus. Satan wants to taunt Yahweh by being able to say to him, "See- there's another one that would not stay loyal to you."

"Vertigo" is played at the beginning of shows - a sort of invocation and reinforcement-reminder of the underlying purpose of this Tour: Give Satan "what he wants" - defame Yahweh and Jesus, blaspheme them and teach the masses spiritual lies against them. Then, Satan may deliver the "glory" of the nations under his control ["All of this...]: He may manuever the political, false religious, and commercial elements of his world system to provide "reward." That reward may SEEM like a hopeful victory - one full of promise.

The "reward" that I believe I've observed for u2's linking up with and promoting false religion and blasphemy - some financial relief; and funding for drugs from one country for one-half of a million Africans with AIDS - is small, a mockery, compared to what is really needed to bring relief to these people. (What about the other 10 and a half million?)

Jesus knew that Satan has no concern for the welfare of humans. Satan does not use his power over the nations to bring an end to poverty, end war, stop terrorism, and provide food, housing, and healing for everyone. That is because Satan is a MANSLAYER. His sole interest with humans is to GET THEM TO NOT WORSHIP YAHWEH "IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH", or, even better, >>> GET SOMEONE LOYAL TO TURN AGAINST HIM - its more hurtful to taunt God with.

Selling out to Satan - LIKE JUDAS DID - will not bring adequate or NEEDED LASTING HELP to humans. (Also performed during the Tour is the song "Until the End of the World", which is supposed to be Judas speaking to Jesus - and which, during earlier shows, started out with , "Jesus, this is Judas.")

The relative few who have received AIDS help are in the same boat as everyone else in this world: All still dying, with their continued life - their prospect for eternal life - completely dependent on their relationship with their Maker. U2 has taught/ reinforced spiritual lies which alienate people from God and divert them away from learning and following his scriptural requirements for continued life past Armageddon: They have preached and encouraged acceptance of anything but Yahweh/Jehovah's one vital body of his own established truth. That is his own stated terms, commands, principles, explanations, and purposes.

Further, and this is a stinger, the "One" Campaign is working AGAINST God's commands as well. We are living in the time in which God says it is imperative to cut ties, cut membership, and cut spiritual support and association with all entities of Satan's world empire of false religion. (Revelation 18:4,5,8,23,24) Bono has directed millions to do the OPPOSITE. The One Campaign markedly incorporates religious groups, and ironically, agnostic-athiest ones as well. Satan is not interested in truth or lack of hypocrisy, however - so any which way to draw people in to stand "united" against God is fine with him. But such people are standing on one sinking ship. Relief work COULD have been done WITHOUT the involvement of organizations of false religions, including the agnostic-atheist-secular human ones.

Add to all of this that it has been prophesied that, in the time of the end:

1.) False prophets would work to gather the kings of the earth together for Armageddon, against the True God Yahweh, with false expressions that are demonic. (Revelation 16:13,14)

2.) The spokesmen for "Babylon the Great", Satan's world empire of false religion, would be "the top-ranking men of the earth." (Revelation 18:23)

3.) Many people would hate God's words because of their moral restrictions and disciplining content; so they would look for those teaching lies in the name of God, which would at least artificially "fulfill" their inborn spiritual need and please them with their "ear-tickling", unoffensive pleasantness. (Jude, John 15:18-20; 17:14; 2 Timothy 4:3,4)

4.) A multi-national political creation of man would be set up (by Satan and his forces) as an idol to the world. (Revelation 13:14-18). It would claim god-like authority and saving power over mankind. People - false religionists/ agnostics/athiests would hail it as mankind's hope for global "peace and security" rather than Yahweh/Jehovah and Jesus Christ's Kingdom. U2, has highlighted this institution. The Human Rights affirmed by this institution in print, do not, in reality, exist for the peoples of this earth - injustices of poverty, fear, slavery, extreme oppression, etc. are everywhere. At U2 concerts, some of the Human Rights are scrolled, and people clap. Why? Should the UN rightly be credited as having firmly established these Human Rights for everyone, as if humankind now enjoys living under just conditions? That is not the reality; and yet, people clap - people hail the UN....and at the same time, partake of the running down - the blasphemy - of Yahweh/Jehovah/Ieova and earth's High Priest/Highest King/ Ransomer, Jesus Christ.

So, so far, the net "saving" of lives due to the Satanic sell-out of the Yahweh-blaspheming Vertigo Tour is HEAVILY "in the red."

Will you let Satan get "what he wants", in your case, through the antics of U2, or will you look up the given scriptures here, think on them, consider what has gone down, and see Satan's death filled lies for what they are?

Do not be fooled by this mass-marketed, mass-media-ed trap. Refuse to be "one" with U2 - so long as this is how they are - and their huge, fooled throng. Reject idol worship. Hate blasphemy. Repudiate anti-scriptural spiritual claims in the name of God.

Armageddon's coming, to clear Yahweh/Jehovah's holy name of all lies that have been put upon it. Everyone found "liking and carrying on a lie" will die then (Revelation 22:15) - they will have had their fair opportunity to hear and choose God's truth if they wanted it instead. (Matthew 24:14; 1 Thessalonians 1:8) Turn to worshiping Yahweh/Jehovah "in spirit and truth" (John 4:24) with his global congregation under Jesus Christ, and OBEY him, so as to keep on living.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

read 'vertigo' till the end

11:10 AM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

Did Bono's other words and actions during these shows give evidence that he was REALLY letting God's love teach him "how to kneel"?

No, as of the last show, for too much of it, they did not. God doesn't teach or support blasphemy of his own name (Exodus 20:1-7). God hates anti-scriptural teachings, false religions, and idolatry - yet these shows recommended involvement in all of those things. I'm sure Yahweh hated listening to someone demote his Son in front of masses of people too. I know he also hated hearing someone (Bono) tout (in an earlier show) that "ideas" (in reference to religious ideas in general) should not be "bigger than people": What about God's own scriptural ideas? They ARE "more important than people", because they are part of WHO HE IS.

IF everyone OBEYED God's ideas - his commandments - instead of disregarding them, THERE WOULD BE NO WAR in this world - then there would be REAL love and peace.

That's how it will be, someday, when the only ones Yahweh/Jehovah lets live on this earth will be those who chose to obey him.

6:10 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

Commentor, your very cliche hate post against Yahweh/ Jehovah and Jesus Christ's congregation has been deleted.

If you want to worship Bono above God, who can stop you?

There are quite a number of "fans" who have shown marked preference to the teachings of Bono above those of God Almighty and Jesus Christ, when what Bono says is in conflict with the Scriptures. (Examples of this are plentiful on web fansites. It is spiritually abhorent.) This means that these people are IDOLIZING BONO - giving him the honor, respect, and worship due God - by their choice to put faith in the words of Bono RATHER THAN IN THE WORDS OF YAHWEH/JEHOVAH and Jesus Christ.

If you want to follow the giant mass-blob of FALSE religionists of all sorts in this world (who are united in that they are all false towards God) who can stop you? Do what you want - the blob awaits you. However, if you ever (before the great tribulation, anyway) want to be DIFFERENT from that(dying) mass blob and wish to wisely turn to worshiping Jehovah/Yahweh "in spirit and truth" (as God said people MUST - John 4:24), you should know where to go.

9:50 PM  

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