Friday, November 11, 2005

Exploding ALL Ideas of God to Make Way For "World Peace"?

(Comments updated from August 9)

This is what the "Yahweh" video indeed seems to suggest

towards its end....

"God" AND "god" are blown up in the sky,

And then banners of "WORLD" and "COEXIST" appear -

As if the "WORLD" and mankind themselves

Should REPLACE GOD - should BECOME GOD in people's minds,

As if man should re-invigorate his efforts

To do as Satan stirred our first parents in Eden to do -

To be their own gods,

And WORSHIP THE CREATION, even worship each other

Rather than the One who made them;

To re-kindle the desire

For self, NOT God-rule


Than man's wrongful experiment

Of choosing "independence" from the Maker



(including everyone who has died so far).

(Satan successfully tempted Adam and Eve

To join him in unrightfully prideful,

Insolent and ingrateful rebellion

Against their Heavenly Father,

For them to ignore His commands,

And assert through defiant disobedience

That they should be able to make up

Their own rules for their existence

Rather then have to obey their Creator.

Satan also gave them "reassurance"

That if they rejected God-rule,

Everything would be fine,

Even better for them,

And that no one would die.


comes a lot of scuffle of mankind,

That impression coming from a "messy" section

Of line drawings, which include TOKEN

Sayings of "LOVE and "PEACE",

And a disregarded "YAHWEH".

After the scrambled "confusion" comes a "city"

It seems as though PEACE and order have been achieved,

And that "all is well."

There are no crosses on top of any of these buildings,

There are no mosques, cathedrals, etc.

Instead, there is a large sign,

After the exploding of the ideas of "God" and "god,"

Which proudly proclaims this:


Does it seem like all is good,

Like the world will now thrive

On "LOVE" and "enlightment"

From man rather than God,

As portrayed by a "living", "tree of life"

Sprouting heart, with (Egyptian, Sufi) "wings"

Shooting up victoriously in the sky,

Busting out into an "eternal flame"?

Will the world thus be "saved"?


All you would be seeing is a predicted FALSE PEACE.

A "sacred heart" is shown,

But this has NOTHING to do with Jesus,


For here, as held up high on a building

In the background

Remains a PENTAGRAM,

A sign that Satan still rules,

Spinning almost gleefully

In a most deeply evil celebration

Of the tribulation that has occurred,

And the domination of his "air",

His spirit, in the world,

Which is in his power.

Some people think and teach

That this is the last page

Of man's story of intense strife,

A nice okay-ever-after page,

Depicting the "dawn" of a better day,

Even with Satan in charge.

However, those who do think so

Are missing vital chapters and lines,

And are believing

And/ or preaching

FATAL LIES, inspired by DEMONS.

This is NOT the "ending" reality.

It is, however, similar to

The PRE-ARMAGEDDON situation

Prophetically described in the Holy Bible,

When the ungodly will think that they

Will achieve "peace and security"

By the destruction of religion.


And worshipers WILL REMAIN

Intact as One, true,

Global religion - brotherhood, however;

Obedient and loyal to God Almighty first and foremost

Rather than to men;

Under the heaven-based Kingship

Of Jesus Christ, and by the power

Of Jehovah/Yahweh himself.

God thus provides direction

To his earth-wide true worshipers

Through his exalted and unvanquishable

Wife-like, organization of loyal spirit beings,

HEAVENLY Zion/Jerusalem,

Down to his and his "woman's"

"Children", Christ's "brothers"

And their close companions

On earth.

Satan and his forces, spirit and human

Will move to attack God's peaceful people then.

God will respond by unleashing Armageddon.

He will call to his Commander-in-Chief, Christ,

To ride forth with his HEAVENLY army of spirit beings.

Jehovah/Yahweh will miraculously

Protect his own then, everyone who is

Written down in his "book",

"Everyone who calls on the NAME OF JEHOVAH/YAHWEH"



(NOT profaning his Holy Name).

Instead of this world ending up

With ALL religion done away with -

and with Satan left as its god;

The one true religion

That is the will of the Creator himself

Will remain forever.

Ungodly humans choosing to live by

And put their trust in the unrightful

And unjust lies of Satan and men

And their FALSE peace

Based on rebellion towards the Creator

Will be removed from this earth

By Jehovah/Yahweh's Armageddon;

And they will never again

Be allowed to live

For their unrighteous choices.

Fair warning against the lies

Is being given by God to the world

Through his loyal human messengers.

Satan will NOT end up being the final ruler

Of this earth.

Instead, at Armageddon,

He and his demons will be abyssed.

Then, after 1000 years,

They will be permanently annihilated by God.

After all opposers of the True God

Have been removed from this earth;

Jehovah/ Yahweh's TRUE worshipers

Will finally get to live here in paradise;

In TRUE global peace, in REAL love

- Which we LEARN from the True God -


This being the true, Scriptural future then,
Why not scrap the unscriptural and blasphemous
Display and performances.
Start fresh
With what is REAL and life-saving;
Rather than deliver images and messages
That convey what has popular appeal,
But yet are false and deadly,
Elevating no one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even though I really like U2's music, I've been thinking about this for 5 years: is bono the antichrist?

11:54 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

There's more than one antichrist...

"Young children, it is the last hour, and, just as YOU have heard that antichrist is coming, even now there have come to be many antichrists; from which fact we gain the knowledge that it is the last hour." (1John 2:18)

Antichrists/the antichrist (as a class of people) work against Christ.

As of last weekend, during "Bad", Bono sang, three times in a row (at least) for emphasis: "Let it go! Revelation..."

The Bible book of Revelation is Yahweh's and Jesus' Christs words that they want all humans to hurry up and learn and follow; in order survive Armageddon (God's removal of the wicked) - which is fast approaching:

"A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things that must shortly take place." (Revelation 1:1)

So, in singing to the masses that they should let God and Jesus' words go (and listen to the social, political, and anti-scriptural/pseudo-spiritual philosophies of man instead); yes, indeed, Bono is working against Christ (and Yahweh).

Calling on Jah during "Mysterious Ways" did NOT bring God's blessing to this show either.

Yahweh will never give his spiritual backing to those teaching religious falsehoods. Each show of the Vertigo tour has featured false religious ideas that put down God's truth (John 17:17); idolize other gods and political institutions of man; and put down God's Son - earth's Highest King, the Ransomer of Mankind, and the Prince of Peace - as being merely part and parcel with the trouble-making false gods, false prophets and false religionists of this world.

Is this antichrist? Absolutely.

The result has been, in some people's words, the [God and Christ irreverant, absolve-yourself-of-your-own-sins-as-you-
do-and-think-what-you-feel-like ("Grace"!!!) ] "Church of Bono."

Remarks such as the following have been made:

This is how Church should be!

I pray to God, then pull down the shades and have sex with my boyfriend.

The feeling is so positive, you only need to go to church every four years!

He speaks to millions as a singer-preacher, but, like the mainstream false religious teachers of Christendom, he is not teaching life-saving scriptural truth. He is NOT holding the Bible as the Authority for what he says. He is steering great masses of people away from paying attention to what God REALLY says, who God REALLY is, and what people REALLY should be putting FIRST.

Is this working against Christ - is it antichrist?

Of course it is.

Finally, think about who it is that you see fulfilling these prophecies:

(Of false religion - Revelation 18:23)

"...and no light of a lamp will ever shine in you again, and no voice of a bridegroom and of a bride will ever be heard in you again; because YOUR TRAVELING MERCHANTS WERE THE TOP-RANKING MEN OF THE EARTH, for by your spiritistic practice all the nations were misled."
"And I saw three unclean inspired expressions [that looked] like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the wild beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and perform signs, AND THEY GO FORTH TO THE KINGS OF THE ENTIRE INHABITED EARTH, TO GATHER THEM TOGETHER to the war of the great day of God the Almighty." (Revelation 16:13,14)

8:17 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

Think some more about this repeated bit, too - also performed last weekend (I attend these shows as an observer-protester, and as someone who once knew nearly every word to nearly every song they did, by heart - and who now is more than disappointed as to what has transpired):

"Jesus, this is Judas."
(At the beginning of "Until the End of the World.")

A lot of false religionists still believe Judas was a hero; and that he was "predestined" to do the bad he did. According to the Bible, both of those ideas are FALSE.

Does Bono figure it is his "predestined role" to act as some [faultily-contrived] "hero-for-mankind" Judas towards Yahweh (i.e., showing pagan-spiritistic symbols while singing his name); Jesus Christ (i.e., demoting his role and his global congregation to the level of false prophet and modern false religions during the "CO-EXIST" show number); and God's faithful human messengers of HIS SCRIPTURAL TRUTH to this world?
Would acting as Judas in this way ever bring any good to anyone, or ever be approved of and rewarded by God?

Judas sinned against the holy spirit; and the Bible indicates that he was "destroyed", was "the son of destruction", and will not be resurrected - he will be dead forever on account to being such a traitor to God and Jesus Christ. (John 17:12)

It is impossible, by God's justice, that he would "predestine" anyone to sin so severely, only for God to then punish them with everlasting death. No one in particular was set to fulfill the prophecy that someone would betray Jesus. Judas, by his own free will, CHOSE to be low, corrupt, evil, and to act despicably towards the Greatest Man Who Ever Lived. Judas has, and anyone like him will, reap "everlasting shame."

[Those who believe in "predestination" do so by way of manmade doctrines and pseudo-biblical "reasonings": They FAIL to use the whole Bible; and they warp interpretations of out-of-context verses in order to support what is a horribly wrongful self-pride serving philosophy. (Do any of these people ever figure THEY were "not meant to be saved"? I doubt it.)
This lie philosophy would mean that Jesus and God were liars when they said that the benefits of Jesus' sacrifice were available to any who would "exercise faith." (John 3:16,36)]

So, again, Judas is not a hero - he is a disloyal coward - and he is one of the last persons, besides Satan, that anyone should emulate.

8:27 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

It's really too bad that Bono et al didn't just appeal to the "kings" for financial help for Africa; but instead chose to give Satan what he wanted (re:Vertigo lyrics) by UNLOVINGLY working AGAINST God and neighbor, promoting life-destroying spiritual lies and false religious involvement to "advance" their "cause" - really too bad.

Soon, everyone found still going along with the anti-scriptural teachings of the nick-named "Church of Bono" (or any other false religious mindset or entity) instead of worshiping Yahweh "in spirit and truth" (John 4:24) will die, by God, at Armageddon, for their unrighteousness choice. (2Thessalonians 1:6-8)

That might be a LOT of dead people. During this tour, I've turned around and observed MASSES of people - even tens of thousands of them at a time in European stadiums, singing, "But I still haven't found what I'm looking for" - with Bono's encouragement. The feeling is gut-wrenchingly chilling and alarming each time; because the track record is that Bono then feeds them religious lies that are likely going to end in their deaths soon, with Armageddon being so close.

This feeling is the opposite of an Elevation show I went to May 1, 2001. Then, the feeling was POSITIVE - I felt like I was viewing a field ripe for harvesting...all those people... (John 4:35)

2:38 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

Here's a recent wrong bit out of "Ode" magazine, November, 2005 (ironically sub-titled: "For intelligent optimists"):


"And yet, along comes this idea called Grace to upend all that 'As you reap, sow you will sow' stuff."

Well, Bono, "Grace" is an anti-scriptural, man-made (though spiritistically-based), popular-sham philosophy that has been designed to urge the populace to feel excused from obligation and accountability to God and Christ for their choices of whether or not they OBEY God.

It therefore hardly "upends" what Yahweh/Jehovah himself has said, which, of course, holds true:


RE:Regarding "intelligent optimism":

"The fear of Jehovah[Yahweh] is the BEGINNING of wisdom." - The Creator, recorded at
Psalm 111:10.

So, if someone wants to be TRULY wise...and HELP others...

3:10 PM  

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