Saturday, November 19, 2005

Vertigo Tour Teaches Death-Futured False Religion to More Than 3.5 Million So Far

As of 11-19-05, a report from says that 3.5 million people have attended "Vertigo" shows.

That's 3.5 million that have listened to anti-scriptural, spiritually deadly lies; and have witnessed and/ or partaken of a sell-out to the Devil in exchange for what does seem to be the "glory" of all the kingdoms in his power.

Again, a couple of specifics are that at each show, Bono features a headband with pagan/ spiritistic symbols utilized by the big, common false religions of this world - formed into the word "coexist." In contrast, and very pointedly, Yahweh/Jehovah and Jesus Christ's message is for people to act with urgency to GET OUT OF (cut ties with) those and all other FALSE RELIGIONS IMMEDIATELY, since they are condemned as spiritistic and bloodguilty in God's eyes, and since he will soon have them all destroyed by Divine intervention. (Revelation 18:4,5,8,21,23,24)

Bono claims that the religions symbolized on his headband are "the three great Abrahamic religions" - in other words, all three would be acceptable to Abraham and God. The truth is, however, that NONE of them, as they are - including FALSE "CHRISTIANITY" (Christendom) - are acceptable to God. Also, when Abraham is resurrected back to life on earth after Armageddon and hears about how he was misrepresented, he will likely be appaulled ("oops" - "typo").

Abraham WORSHIPED YAHWEH/JEHOVAH ONLY. He absolutely never did and never would worship any other god, including "Allah."

Muhammad did not worship Yahweh for who he is, and according to his own terms. Therefore, he didn't even qualify to be one of Abraham's sons in the spiritual sense - the one that matters.

Jesus and his earliest faithful followers came OUT OF the Jewish nation. Yahweh/Jehovah STOPPED WORKING WITH that nation as his organization on earth by the time that his Son Jesus Christ was nailed to the torture stake. The Jewish nation was therefore LEFT BEHIND, and those that CAME OUT OF that arrangement and moved forward with God, to faithfully follow his Son the Messiah, formed a NEW SPIRITUAL NATION. They were promptly joined by right-hearted people regardless of their national origin. This one true religious organization on earth,(REAL) Christianity, still exists today, now globally. It includes people from every national group, race, tribe and tongue. It is unified by love and possesses peace. (John 13:35) It has NO "sibling" religion.

It is to this one organization that all peoples must come (Isaiah 2:2) in order to learn God's requirements and to serve him unitedly, "in spirit and truth," as he wishes, "shoulder to shoulder." (John 4:24; Zephaniah 3:9)

The "coexist" headband is also featured on the cover of this group's newly-released live concert DVD.

Whether it was intended to be or not, it is a "666", "mark of the beast" headband, since it serves the interests of Satan - promoting spiritual lies and therefore dis-service, disinterest, and disobedience towards the Creator and his Son and God's true Kingdom and purposes - in order to "benefit" Satan's world system.

Long ago, Yahweh decreed that the high priest of Israel was to wear a HEADPIECE with that would put THESE WORDS UPON HIS FOREHEAD: "HOLINESS BELONGS TO YAHWEH [JEHOVAH]" (see Exodus 28:3-38)

Furthermore, Yahweh/ Jehovah's TRUE worshipers are to keep his words in front of them as if they are "A FRONTLET BAND [A HEADBAND] BETWEEN [THEIR] EYES," and also as if they are tied upon their hand - so that they effect everything they think and do. (Please see Deuteronomy 6:6-9)

Those choosing to serve Satan's world system instead of obeying Jehovah [Yahweh] let it effect what they think and do too. However, by following along with the will of the Devil, it is as though his mark - "the mark of the beast"/ "666" - rather than Yahweh/ Jehovah's praise or words is UPON THEIR FOREHEAD. (Revelation 13:16-18).

This same slogan-icon is lit up in huge symbols during performances; and photos of these ordeals have shown up on printed pages and the internet, expanding exposure of these ideas to more than those who have watched U2's show live.

At many, if not most of the shows, pagan/ spiritistic symbols - besides the "coexist" icon - have been displayed during the singing of "Yahweh."


This travesty - this collosal level of violation of the principle of keeping God's personal name holy and separate from false religion and idol gods - is so great, its a wonder Yahweh/Jehovah hasn't lightening-bolted the entire operation so far. Like so many vestiges of spiritistic false religion though, God is probably planning to do away with such things all at once - soon. (Exodus 20:1-7; Revelation chapters 17 -19; Psalm 92:7)

Armageddon is on its way. It's main purpose is to clear God's name of all that has wrongly been brought up against him and his righteous purposes.

Everyone found "liking and carrying on a lie" instead of obeying Yahweh/Jehovah's scriptural truth will pass away with this old world system - they will not be saved through Armageddon to have a part in God's global paradise here on earth. (Revelation 22:15; 2Thessalonians 1:6-8; Psalm 37:10,11)

3.5 million people (minus at least one individual) so far have clapped for idolatry, blasphemy, and other spiritual lies. (They are conditioned to be receptive to these spiritual lies by a group song-chant of "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For.")

Thus, so far, the Vertigo tour has given Satan what he wants, in satisfaction to the theme song's lyrics, "All of this, all of this can be yours/ All of this, all of this can be yours/ all of this, all of this can be yours/ Just give me what I want, and no one gets hurt." (Compare Luke 4:5-7; GENESIS 3:4)

As always, however, what Satan really gives in exchange for loyalty to God and his purposes ends up being a very bad, bad deal.


Blogger Theresa1 said...

More spiritual falsehoods will do nothing to stop religious violence. They might, however, further alienate people from the Source that can and will make real peace.

Yahweh/Jehovah's own scriptural truth has the power to CHANGE the HEARTS - of those who let it - to become so strongly righteous and peaceable that they would rather go to jail as conscientious objectors than do the common thing of picking up "a sword" to perhaps go kill their fellow man.

(Those who have been TRUE Christians "obey God as ruler rather than man." [Acts 5:29] FALSE religionists, including false "Christians", on the other hand, do the opposite - they give spiritual and even physical support to the wars of their respective nations.)

What Bono has referred to as the three great Abrahamic religions are not spiritually Abrahamic at all. Abraham worshiped Yahweh/ Jehovah, faithfully and loyally obeying whatever God asked of him. Today, none of the three religions Bono has highlighted worship the God of Abraham, according to Yahweh/ Jehovah's own words - his terms of worship in his Bible. Instead, these three religions, along with the rest of the world empire of false religions have disobeyed the commands and principles of the God of Abraham, and have again and again filled the world with violence, bloodshed, distress, and life-ruining injustices of every kind. They show that they put their trust not in Yahweh, his guidance and his promises; but in military, monetary, and political strength.

Why does this terrible situation exist? People have liked spiritual lies promoted by Satan and his demons more than they have cared to learn and follow Yahweh/ Jehovah's truth.

(From the concerts...)

"Father Abraham, what have you done?"

Abraham lived loyally, self-sacrificingly, obediently, bravely, and hopefully towards his God. The Bible says he was God's friend. Abraham has set an example of what it really means to live "by faith." (Hebrews 11:8-10, 17-19; 12:1)

"Father Abraham, speak to your sons."

Abraham is dead, which means he can't speak to anyone until God Yahweh/Jehovah resurrects him back to life, here on earth, after Armageddon, which is soon. If you would like to listen to Abraham speak; obey Yahweh/Jehovah too, to get to that other side, to hear his stories, live and in person.

The "Greater Abraham", who is Yahweh/Jehovah - the One whom Abraham prophetically typified, however - is indeed most alive. He has already spoken to his "sons." Of mankind in general though, most have chosen NOT TO LISTEN. An answer the "Greater Abraham" has to that is: "The defect is their own." God doesn't force anyone to worship him.

"Tell them NO MORE."

No more what? No more reaching for a greater truth - yes, one truth from One True God with a name, Yahweh/Jehovah - to elevate men out of the mode where they can be talked into slaughtering one another, be it by common spiritual lies, the religious fervor of NATIONALISM, or a spirit of service to a multi-national political idol of false peace?

It's not letting God's TRUTH - his IDEAS - be "more important than people" that's the problem -

Its when people let their human ideas in conflict with God's words become "bigger" than what God says.

So, when Bono pulls the "COEXIST" headband over his eyes and stumbles around, suggesting that ALL religion makes people blind - even Yahweh/Jehovah's true one, with Jesus Christ, his Son, as its uniquely exalted King/ High Priest/ Leader/ Ransomer - he really is letting himself be spiritually blind, and encouraging crowds to do the same.


8:53 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

Re: Northern Ireland. (I live in the U.S.) I DID walk some streets of Belfast last summer, talking to people at their doors, in a coffee shop, and the streets - any good chance I got - to share with them the TRUTH of the God of Peace, and his Son, the Prince of Peace. The best thing about that, besides knowing it makes Jehovah/Yahweh happy, is SEEING TRUE HOPE DELIVERED.

By the way, the lady who was my partner for the day - someone I had never met before - was a black sister from South Africa. Because we are united through Jehovah/Yahweh's truth and love, however, we spoke the same spiritual "language."

Outside of this, back in Dublin, I did listen to a NON-worshiper of Jehovah/Yahweh ramble on about how those of his "enemy" faith should be killed by other people.

There will be no REAL, lasting peace in Ireland, geographical Jerusalem, or anywhere else on earth until God has it filled exclusively with those who let him train their hearts to be truly peaceful, righteous, and loving.

The global brotherhood-sisterhood of those who worship Jehovah/Yahweh "in spirit and truth" (John 4:24); and who thus have love among themselves, as Jesus said his true followers would (John 13:35); is PROOF that God's scriptural truth and his spirit can create real peace and love among diverse though godly people on this earth. It is a foregleam of the peaceful paradise - the real "Kingdom come" - that Jehovah/Yahweh will set up over the whole earth, soon.

9:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

as you call yourself a poet, a songwriter and what not else i would have expected a better artistic interpretation of the very words you keep quoting from Bono

literally nothing would make sense

see his artistically formulated lyrics in the light of his confessed believe in the Son of God and it will take away all this anger you have against U2

11:00 AM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

Again, NO ONE has poetic license to adulterate God's words with anything anti-scriptural and pass it off as God's teachings. People owe to be "handling the word of truth aright" (2 Timothy 2:15), and making sure of God's scriptural truths; so that what they preach and lead people to follow are not any wrong personal ideas of theirs; but are all things in harmony with what God wants taught.

The whole "coexist" thing was extremely anti-scriptural because, for one thing - again - God wants people to "get out" of and have nothing to do with those or any other false religions. Yahweh is NOT EVEN going to allow false religions to continue EXISTING at all! They are already judged and condemned by him as bloodguilty, spiritistic, and misleading - unholy, unacceptable, and fraudulent in their grotesque misrepresentation of the True, Holy God. Again, rather than support any false religion in any way, it is absolutely - definitely - YAHWEH's will for people everywhere to LEAVE their churches of false "Christianity" and other false religions BEHIND, NOW, and to help others see the need to do so as well. (Revelation 18:4,5,8,21,23,24)

No one belongs working against God's will and spirit. People's lives are at stake over their spiritual choices right now. God is purposely having his scriptural messages of truth go out over the whole earth now in these last days; in order to spiritually gather good-hearted people together for survival through Armageddon. People will need to learn and follow God's scriptural requirements if they want to be part of God's post-Armageddon new world system.

Satan knows these are the last days too. He has fueled many false teachers to try, every which-way, to COUNTERACT the life-saving, truth teaching work Yahweh/ Jehovah and Jesus Christ are having done.

Do not be misled. The only thing that makes things right is to continue putting God's will first and seek his direction more than our own self-comfort and self-desire. If people do not do that, they can be easily seduced by the "god of this system of things" (Satan), through any of his purposely attractive devices. (2 Corinthians 4:4)

9:07 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

And one more time?: Satan BELIEVES in Jesus Christ. He fights him constantly, with what he works through humans.

It is in no way enough, therefore, for anyone to say they are a Christian just because they believe in Jesus Christ. Only those who obey him can truly call themselves his followers. The benefits of Jesus Christ's sacrifice will only be fully applied (for everlasting life) to those who EXERCISE faith in him - those who obey him. (John 3:16 AND 3:36)

9:17 PM  

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