Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bono "Talks" with "Faith Leaders" at the UN; This Comment of Mine was DELETED from his and Sachs MDG Blog - It was TOO INCONVENIENTLY TRUE

(With slight editing) -

For 7 years, I have watched this develop: Bono IDOLATRY along with the exploitation of people’s spiritual sentiments and drive to serve social-political monetary-material goals.

Now, QUIT with the DEADLY DUNG, Bono. UN = "image of the BEAST." "Faith leaders" supporting it = the main sector leaders and more of "Babylon the Great." [Satan's world empire of all FALSE religions.]Seriously consult the book of Revelation rather than "Let it go."

Those who would DRAW PEOPLE or reinforce them to spiritually SUPPORT (IDOLIZE) the UN, FALSE religious entities, and SATAN’S WORLD political and corrupt commercial/big business systems as being what people of the earth should look to/ trust as "world saviors" ARE FALSE - REPEAT - FALSE PROPHETS.

So, again, you conference with "faith leaders" at the UN….You’re a song-writer/ poet, so you understand WHY I want to repeat this - for strong emphasis, right?….YOU CONFERENCE with "faith leaders" at the UN…….ha. Yes.

"And I saw three unclean expressions [that looked] like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the wild beast and out of the mouth of THE FALSE PROPHET. They are, in fact, EXPRESSIONS INSPIRED BY DEMONS and perform signs, AND THEY GO FORTH TO THE KINGS OF THE ENTIRE INHABITED EARTH TO GATHER THEM TOGETHER to the war of the great day of God the Almighty." (Revelation 16:13,14)

Tell me, tell me - did you also dare PRAY with the World Council of (FALSE, spiritually adulterous-to-God, UN/ "image of the beast" IDOLIZING) Religious "Leaders", whose practice has been to pray together for the success of the UN before its yearly fall opening of the General Assembly? If so, how did that spiritual adultery feel? Spiritually filthy and demon-applauded? Since that what it would be, if you did that, that’s exactly what I hope you felt.

Conferencing with them, and reinforcing/ supporting their spiritual adultery and deadly idolatry is also spiritual adultery on your part - a poorest, most deadly (come Armageddon Day, soon) example to throngs of your fans and admirers of all sorts worldwide. (Why don’t you just start distributing free 666 stickers to go along with the invisible, spiritual marking of slavery to Satan/ being an Armageddon-Day doomed enemy of God that this would lead people to?)

Do you REALLY THINK that any prayer made by that World Council of [FALSE] Religious "Leaders" was "listened to" or accepted by God Almighty???


"And when you spread out your palms, I hide my eyes from you. Even though you make many prayers, I AM NOT LISTENING; with bloodshed your very hands have become filled." (Isaiah 1:15)

[P.S. Don’t be taken by the Isaiah 2:4 quote carved in stone on the UN plaza’s wall either - its hypocritical and BLASPHEMOUS there.]

Yes, hypocritical, spiritually adulterous, idolatry-associated, blood-stain handed prayers are REPUDIATED by the One Creator God Jehovah that is certain.

Soon, the "image of the beast" will suddenly turn on and destroy the world’s FALSE religious entities, which it - and "the kings of the earth" - now enjoy a corrupt, mutually "beneficial" spiritually ADULTEROUS relationship with. (Revelation chapters 17 and 18).

So…..are you going to be found among them, holding their hands and still trying to get such persons to stay joined together, united in effort, to "end poverty" when that "hour" (of Divine vengeance) soon comes? Is that the deadly position you would put any of your friends or family or fans - or even the poor persons of the earth that you say you want to help - in either???

How many warnings will a man shun

Before God pours out his rage?

The answer, my friend

Is looming overhead

Where angels hold back 4 winds.


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