Saturday, July 10, 2010

At the End of the World

Once upon this time, at the end of the world So many prophecies came unfurled And satellites, networks and such Showed it so...... To the Whole Wide World. Rich media-man made up ten new commandments Bibles were replaced by celebrity quotes True religion on God's own terms Is scrapped for whatever "floats" people's "boats" And gathers them "together" To serve The Liar and The LIE. See people mock Jah with a fake new "Ark" The "covenant" inside made to false gods To blaspheme Yahweh to the maximum, And raise the Devil on high. To serve the Liar and the Lie And it just keeps coming - (SARCASM) "Everyone ACCEPT CREATION WORSHIP, But everyone reject God's truth That would, yes, condemn the LIES We and Satan want to put on you." (SARCASM) "Disobey God, hail the Devil as right And you'll have all you want - A 'peace and security'-filled world, Where sicknesses and poverty are not." (This from the Liar with his LIES.) (SARCASM) "So hail Satan, Satan-Gog Mass together as ONE Against the Creator, his truth and Son" See Psalm 2 (and more) begun. But also see VINDICATION Of God's words being fulfilled For having come true And proving true AND BEING TAUGHT THROUGH ALL THE WORLD.* Matthew twenty-four, Everything Jah warned From Genesis through the last page Is preached planet-wide now, JUST IN TIME For this end of the world - In this globalized, Information, The-truth-WILL-be-made-known Age..... But even if you shut down every T.V., The web, radios and phones There's nothing that any men can do To stop God's truth From being told. * "And this good news of THE KINGDOM WILL be preached in ALL the inhabited earth for a witness to ALL the nations; and THEN ~THE END~ **WILL** come." (Matthew 24:14) Nothing can stop Word of mouth All around you, The truth goes out.


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