Saturday, May 28, 2011

Improved Show, but STILL...Take the [Blasphemous] "U2 Yahweh" Videos DOWN, etc.

Planet Earth is blue, and we know what we should do ~

I sold my guitar to go on this trip/ And, look! I come home with a pick!
It's ironic, but it's okay/ The ways we have to move these days. :)


Blogger Theresa1 said...

And still -

An ecumenalized, FALSE religious "'faith'-based" social justice group is NOT okay.

This is the time - pre-Armageddon - when Jehovah, his Son, and his people are working, very urgently, to get people to COME OUT OF the FALSE religions of the world - before God soon destroys them.


Again, promoting that so-called "faith"-based social justice organization is persuading people to come IN to that ["Babylon the Great"] which God himself says he will soon suddenly bring to permanent ruin - and which will result in casualities for those still found within/tied-to/still clinging to Satan's world empire of [spiritistic/injustice-producing/bloodguilty]FALSE religions. REVELATION 18:8,21-24.

P.S. The "rapture" is NOT a Bible teaching.

And, yes - most of those whom God finds worthy of everlasting life (for obeying him) will live forever HERE, on this Earth transformed into a total paradise.

PSALM 37:9-11

9:09 AM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

...And so now, I've got a better guitar - at least, for the moment! lol

4:47 PM  

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