Sunday, August 22, 2010

Re: Attack by an Anglican Idolater, Re: U2's "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"

"Now come, write it upon a tablet with them, and inscribe it even in a book, that it may serve for a future day, for a witness to time indefinite. For it is A REBELLIOUS PEOPLE, UNTRUTHFUL SONS, sons WHO HAVE BEEN ##### UNWILLING TO HEAR ##### the law of Jehovah; who have said to the ones seeing, 'YOU must not see', and to the ones having visions, 'YOU MUST NOT ENVISION FOR US ANY STRAIGHTFORWARD THINGS. SPEAK TO US SMOOTH THINGS, ENVISION DECEPTIVE THINGS. Turn aside from the way; deviate from the path. Cause the Holy One of Israel to cease just on account of us.' " (Isaiah 30:8-11)

After going on 9 years now of observing/ experiencing the reactions of FALSE "Christian" Bono/ U2 IDOLATERS to God's own words - which clearly CONTRADICT and correct the mass-media-ed "spiritual" teachings of Bono, U2, and their large host of fervent and/ or "status-ed" IDOLATROUS fans (including political, celebrity, and [FALSE] religious "leader" fans) - their also PROPHESIED-type responses are VERY PREDICTABLE. (Psalms 5:9,10; 10:2-4; 59:6-13; 64:3-9; ***John 8:43-47***; John 15:18-20; 17:14; Romans 1:18-32; 2Timothy 3:1-9, 13; 4:3,4; 2Peter 3:3,4; JUDE; Revelation 12:17; and more.)

For (at least) that span of time, Bono/ U2 IDOLATERS - especially FALSE "Christian" Bono/ U2 IDOLATERS - have made very documentable public (fit) displays of HATE, slander, ridicule, DISOWNING, shame, DENIAL, disbargement, etc. towards the WORDS, WILL, and PERSONS of God Almighty and Jesus Christ themselves; as they have thus-attacked GOD'S OWN SCRIPTURES, God-willed WARNING MESSAGES solidly based on them (Ezekiel 3:17-21; Matthew 28:19,20), and messengers of the Creator's words - words that such IDOLATER-types (as prophesied) ### DO NOT WANT TO HEAR ###

Certainly, when making their assaults upon messages of Jah's own words - in order to "defend" their IDOLATRY and false-prided, sinful desire-serving, man and demon-made religious/"spiritual" LIES - FALSE "Christians" do #EXTORTIVELY# quote (out of context, etc, like Satan) some Scripture BITS as convenient-though-FALSE SUPPORT for their actually ANTI-[WHOLE]SCRIPTURAL, ANTI-GOD, ANTICHRIST wicked agendas (i.e., those related to money-greed, "power", fame, politics, "social Justice"-as-Savior crowd-gathering) and God-condemned teachings and behavior (such as idolatry, spiritism, slander, blasphemy, oppression, greed, drunkenness, fornication in different forms [including that engaged in by homosexuals] [1Corinthians 6:9,10], etc.)

That FALSE "Christian" IDOLATER-FAN behavior of Scripture-BITTING (but DISREGARDING other Scriptures, as "convenient") has been internationally mass-media demonstrated, encouraged, and reinforced by Bono/ U2 songs and performances, and by Bono's mass-media-ed speeches to world "leaders"; FALSE religious "leaders" (i.e., the World Council of Churches [which gathers before UN General Assemblies, to pray for their "success"]; the Willow Creek Association [which requires beLIEf - for its tens of thousands of religious "leader" members - in a (bloodguilt-dripping, pagan/demon-origined) triune idol godhead]; those at a "National Prayer Breakfast"; and more); and others of this [demon-run] world system with "power" - and MULTITUDES of other persons ########LOOKING FOR######## an EASY-GOING, NON-OBLIGATORY form of PSEUDO-"WORSHIP" which does not "impose" upon (with discipline or warnings from God) whatever it is they DESIRE.

For such persons, who want the ESTEEM and "credentials" of APPEARING to be in spiritual association with the Creator-Universal Sovereign and his powerful, Ransomer-Savior/Highest King Son - BUT WHO ##REALLY## DO NOT WANT TO ##OBEY## THE SCRIPTURALLY-GIVEN STANDARDS OF JEHOVAH/YAHWEH OR HIS SON - speech of God's scriptural TRUTH, words, and warnings is BOTHERSOME, ANNOYING, HATED.

It is UNWANTED ###NOISE### (or gonging or clanging or clashing) or thumping to EARS which have become STOPPED UP - made disfunctional by their own CHOICE - in their ability to "HEAR" God and Christ's words and warnings. (Even, in reality, silent-lettered, written "speech" of them has been FALSELY interpreted as "screaming" by some with that intense of an aversion towards scriptural messages of TRUTH that they do NOT WANT TO HEAR, and that they do NOT WANT others to LEARN of.)

In the same way, as also prophesied, they "BLIND" their own "EYES", so as to become unable to "SEE", recognize God's scriptural truth when it is before them. Their perceptive power to discern God's truth becomes disabled - by their own choice.

"And he went on to say, 'Go, and you must say to this people, 'HEAR again and again, O men, but do not understand; and SEE again and again, but do not get any knowledge.' Make the heart of this people unreceptive, and make their EARS UNRESPONSIVE, and paste their EYES together, that they may NOT SEE WITH THEIR EYES and with their EARS THEY MAY NOT HEAR, and THAT THEIR OWN HEART MAY NOT UNDERSTAND and that they actually may not turn back and get healing for themselves." (Isaiah 6:9,10)

"and toward them the prophecy of Isaiah is having fulfillment, which says, 'By hearing, YOU WILL HEAR BUT BY NO MEANS GET THE SENSE OF IT; and, looking, YOU WILL LOOK BUT BY NO MEANS SEE. FOR THE HEART OF THIS PEOPLE HAS GROWN UNRECEPTIVE, and WITH THEIR EARS THEY HAVE HEARD WITHOUT RESPONSE, and they have SHUT THEIR EYES; that they might NEVER SEE with their EYES and HEAR with their EARS and get the SENSE of it with their HEARTS, and I heal them. (Matthew 13:14,15)

Further, FALSE religionists - and very much so, FALSE (whole-Scripture-disbarging, Christ-DISOBEYING and disowning) "Christians" - add spiritual DRUNKENNESS (for consuming demon-origined spiritual LIES) onto their already-impaired spiritual senses. (Isaiah 29:9-13)

In their sleepy, altered-from-right state of mind/heart/soul then, FALSE "Christians" and others STILL NATURALLY SEEK (by conscience/ built-in spiritual drive) SPIRITUAL FULFILLMENT/ IDENTITY/ FORTIFICATION/ SPIRITUAL "FELLOWSHIP", etc. - but, again, THEY DO NOT WANT TO BE "DISTURBED" or "hampered" by the Heavenly Father's own scriptural REQUIREMENTS, principles, commands, and disciplining or warning words.

So, just like the Scriptures have prophesied, they ###TURN THEIR EARS AWAY### FROM GOD'S TRUTH, but ###LOOK FOR### FALSE STORIES, and SEEK OUT TEACHERS of what is SCRIPTURALLY-SPIRITUALLY FALSE, but which does "SUPPORT" THEM in their SINFUL desires and God-condemned, spiritistic LIE wishes/ beLIEfs and wicked practices.

"For there will be a period of time when they WILL NOT PUT UP WITH the healthful teaching, but, in accord with THEIR OWN DESIRES, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled; and they will TURN THEIR EARS AWAY FROM THE TRUTH, whereas they will be turned aside to false stories." (2Timothy 4:3,4)


They go ###LOOKING FOR### "forgiveness", exoneration, and RESOLUTION (of conscience/soul) for themselves and others; even while still DISACKNOWLEDGING that they've even VIOLATED God's GIVEN scriptural standards as much as they HAVE.



IS THIS SONG NOT ###THE ANTHEM### for countless persons, in these ways (with "One" being another top choice for the same reasons [although it is also further-agenda-ed]) ???

This song is certainly NOT one person's quiet, private/ personal little "spiritual" doo-dah being "picked on".


This song makes about NON-STOP, plugged-in-ear-intimate, as well as public address system (i.e., store sound system, television, radio, etc.) CONTACT with the brains, hearts, and souls of people - continually. That, and more.

Have you ever stood down in the pit of a U2 concert, very close to the stage (including "on the rail") and TURNED AROUND, SCANNED THE ARENA, & LISTENED TO & FELT thousands and thousands and thousands (and more) of "fans" SINGING BACK, as BONO BECKONED THEM TO REPEAT/ ANSWER BACK/ FILL-IN, ######AFFIRM###### (repeatedly)


I HAVE seen, heard, and felt (first-hand witnessed and observed) that phenomena, in that way - and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again. That, and more.

Being as this was going on - and STILL IS GOING ON - at the SAME TIME Jehovah/ Yahweh/ Geova [etc.'s] OWN LIFE-and-FUTURE-VITAL scriptural words of HIS purposes, warnings, and REQUIREMENTS for SURVIVAL of Armageddon were going out and ARE going out ALL OVER THIS EARTH (by his TRUE, REAL Christian servants, just as he prophesied); IT OUGHT TO SCARE and CONCERN the THINKING SPIRITUAL PERSON that to COAX and REINFORCE the REJECTION of GOD'S OWN purposed, spirit-backed, life-bettering, and ***LIFE-SAVING*** messages then and now being delivered WAS and STILL IS being facilitated by the usage of this EXTREMELY POPular ANTHEM.

Really, as a message-memory device for the masses, has not the use of this song succeeded, for the goals of some, as much as "Be, all that you can __...." has succeeded for the goals of others (even though there is, ultimately, one behind both of those agendas) ?


ARE A POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE MEANS OF PERSUASION - for LIES or TRUTH, for GOOD or BAD, for DEMONS or GOD, for LOVE and PRAISE or for HATE and REBELLION.........FOR eternal LIFE, or for ever-lasting DEATH.

The FALSE [ANTI-whole scriptural, Christ-disobedient, and idolatrous] "Christian" churches (especially), and all other FALSE religions of this world STAND UNFORGIVEABLY GUILTY BEFORE GOD FOR THEIR CRIMES AGAINST HIM, AGAINST HIS SON, AGAINST HIS HOLY SPIRIT, AGAINST HIS HOLY ONES, AGAINST HIS OWN-NAMED LOYAL and OBEDIENT PEOPLE, and AGAINST MANKIND IN GENERAL. They have MISLED THE NATIONS WITH THEIR SPIRITISM - following the (POPular!) teachings of DEMONS, NOT GOD. IDOLATRY is central to that SPIRITISM. They are "ruining the earth" with the INJUSTICES and EVIL their SPIRITISM PRODUCES. Jehovah [Yahweh] charges them with ###BLOODGUILT### not only for the murder of his holy ones and other FAITHFUL servants throughout human history, but also for "ALL WHO HAVE BEEN SLAUGHTERED UPON THE EARTH." (Revelation 18:11; chapters 17 & 18, note 18:23,24)

For instance, is it not the actual ALIENATION from God, largely by way of beLIEf in spiritistic teachings - i.e., "immortality of the soul"; a mysterious and "unknowable" [pagan/ spiritism-templated] triple-personed godhead, ETC. - to blame for the blatantly ANTI-scriptural and antichrist practices of, for example, the Anglican and Episcopalian churches? Is that not why there are Anglican army chaplains who spiritually fuel the military and "bless" their "troops", "in the name of God", and "in the name of Jesus Christ"?

In SHARPEST CONTRAST, HOWEVER, CLEARLY, GOD ALMIGHTY SAYS that those persons TRUE to HIM would "beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears"; and would "NOT lift up sword", or even "learn war anymore." (Isaiah 2:4) Also, his Son - Commander-in-Chief of the Creator's heavenly army of spirit beings/angelic forces - has (by God) COMMANDED all human beings to "LOVE [THEIR] NEIGHBOR" (see Matthew 22:39); "LOVE [THEIR] ENEMIES" (Matthew 5:44); "NOT MURDER"; and to heed this: "RETURN YOUR SWORD TO ITS PLACE, FOR ALL THOSE WHO TAKE THE SWORD WILL PERISH BY THE SWORD." (Matthew 26:52)

Is not ALIENATION from God, very much so by spiritistic LIES, also the reason why the Anglican and Episcopalian churches have shown themselves, before the world, to be outstandingly given to U2/ Bono IDOLATRY?? Why else would they have spear-headed the trend of teaching-of-God-REPLACING, CHRIST-DISPLACING, and [TRUE, scriptural] Kingdom-of-God-DISLOYAL #### "U2-CHARISTS/ "U2 EUCHARISTS"????!!!!!!!! ####

With such a TOTAL JEZEBELLIAN GLUT-OUT of transparent and grotesque IDOLATRY being worked in that sector of so-called "Christianity", what Bono/ U2 IDOLATER would not be "in love!" with such a church?

Also, the teachings of the Bono god (in CONTRADICTION TO the God of the Bible, and his Son, Jesus Christ) have supported the homosexual and other forms of fornication likewise NOT decried, but, rather, exemplified [by the ordination of gay clergy], defended, and reinforced by those churches. Those churches (among many others, however) also teach that those who practice these ways are "covered" - by ##### the [sin against the holy spirit-promoting] LIE of "GRACE" - that "grace" also being even a CURRENT, world-media-ed [via concerts and more], FALSE religious/ FALSELY spiritual (ANTI-Creator God, antichrist) featured teaching of the Bono god (with his band and "people" supporting him in that holy spirit-grieving OUTRAGE - "in the name of God"/ "Jesus" and "I believe in the kingdom come"). So, for these reasons and others (such as praising those of the military for being "brave" during the last tour, etc.) Bono is letting himself be a good posterboy/ hero-spokesperson/ idol image-guru for such churches and their people.

So no wonder those U2-Charists are so loved and promoted by those churches. Wouldn't they be like an all-inclusive IDOLATRY resort "religious experience" for many FALSE "Christians"? Indeed, these U2-charists/ U2 Eucharists have spread - have festered in - other nominal [FALSE] "Christian" churches too: Catholic, Lutheran, Unitarian Universalist, Baptist, and Methodist churches (at least) have also held these U2 "worship" services.

During these U2-Charist "WORSHIP services", those arranging them make sure to meet the U2 organization's original stipulation for U2's songs to be used in these services - which is that a focus be put on the United Nations Millenial Development Goals (which Bono once called "the BEATITUDES for a globalized world").

WAKE UP, PEOPLE! WHY are you "applauding" a man for having the gross AUDACITY to DARE mass-media DISPLACE and BLASPHEME the very words of the Creator God Himself (through his Son, Jesus Christ) - the GOD-PURPOSED SCRIPTURAL "Beatitudes" - WITH THE WORDS OF imperfect MEN who are in conjunction with a prophesied-type, international, man-made entity which is hailed and regarded, as prophesied, as an idol/god with "saving" power and "ruling 'authority' " for and over mankind?!

Yes, as others have done too, Bono has called many (his throngs of fans, etc.) - "in the name of God", and in the name of their pooled/ecumenalized FALSE religions (via the "One" campaign) - to bow to and kiss the backside of Revelation's "image of the wild beast" (chapter 13)/ "scarlet-colored" "wild beast" (chapter 17). And so people do this, for their idolatry of Bono/ U2, right there in their various churches of FALSE "Christianity."

Yes, these "WORSHIP services" promote "Bono's" mass-media-ed philosophy-"movement" that what has been described as "social justice" IS "true religion"; and so support for the UN, with its "MDG's", should be - in other words - embodied within individuals as part of the essence OF THEIR WORSHIP (with their spiritual drive, goals, hopes and what they serve/ "obey" given over to "social justice" groups and efforts). And so too, their WORSHIP is DIVERTED AWAY FROM scripturally described and REQUIRED "exclusive devotion" and obedience to the Only True God (Jehovah/ Yahweh) ~TO~ worshiping MEN, their philosopies, and their "saving" entities (which are merely part of Satan's world system). Does that not indeed give people, even right in the "comfort" of their places of "worship", the warned-against invisible stamp-mark of "666" ?

Also, do not overlook Daniel 11:31 and Matthew 24:15.

Promotion of the UN, with its MDGs and "Bono's" "One"Campaign is also carried on - as A PART OF "WORSHIP" - in these houses of FALSE religions AS IF the Creator-Father doesn't already have HIS OWN, **TRUE** "KINGDOM COME" ARRANGEMENT [and requirements] FOR the TRUE and LASTING "SAVING" of MANKIND, for TRULY bringing an "END to extreme poverty" and all other high-level-crisis, life-threatening-and-life-taking PROBLEMS (caused by God-rebellious persons to begin with!); and AS IF material needs and concerns should supercede spiritual ones in importance or urgency - which is ###THE OPPOSITE### of what God Almighty had his Son teach the world. [Matthew 6:33 and more.])

Further, as part of these U2-Charist/ U2-Eucharist "services", the U2 song named with God Almighty's personal HOLY name, "Yahweh" [Jehovah] is also featured.

WHAT BLASPHEMY, however, to even use his name at all, within such soridly multipli-IDOLATROUS events. God does NOT want HIS NAME to be associated with that which is ANTICHRIST, such as a prophesied, MAN-MADE, multi-national, counterfeit "kingdom of God" entity.

Moreover, he does NOT WANT HIS NAME to EVER BE associated with ANYthing that is of spiritism or idolatry. He also requires that TRUTH about him - and NEVER religious LIES - be taught along with the proclamation of HIS HOLY NAME. Certainly, the FALSE religions and false religionists of Christendom FAIL to meet God's REQUIREMENTS in these ways - so they BLASPHEME him.

Jehovah/ Yahweh describes the multiple crimes of ALL such churches/ FALSE religions of the world as having "MASSED TOGETHER CLEAR UP TO HEAVEN."

He also adds that he has "CALLED HER [Babylon the Great's] ACTS OF INJUSTICE TO MIND." ("Babylon the Great" is the prophesied, spiritual harlot-like ["kings of the earth"-serving, NOT God-loyal], Satan-led conglomerate of all false-to-God religions. See Revelation chapters 17 & 18)

So, the time will be SOON, when the Creator, as promised, metes out everlasting punishment-destruction onto the demonic world of all FALSE religions. The ones who will RECEIVE that vengeance from God for all of the bloodguilt incurred and other crimes committed by all of those God-hated (and Jesus Christ-hated) FALSE religions of the world since Eden on WILL BE THOSE WHO, THOUGH HAVING BEEN WARNED, CHOOSE NOT TO LISTEN TO GOD'S WARNINGS TO

"GET OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE, if you do not want to SHARE with her in her SINS, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues. For her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice to mind..........That is why in one day her plagues will come, death and mourning and famine, and she will be completely burned with fire, because Jehovah God, who judged her, is strong." (Revelation 18:4,5,8)

During this new tour, this question has been asked of massive, international stadium audiences of U2 shows:

"WHAT TIME IS IT IN THE WORLD ? " (repeated)

It is high time (with TIME QUICKLY RUNNING OUT)

for all those TRULY *****"LOOKING FOR*****

Jehovah [Yahweh] God's approval - and also for Armageddon survival and everlasting life -
to "GET OUT OF" any and all of the world's FALSE religions; LEAVE all IDOLATRY BEHIND; and then LEARN the *WHOLE* OF and *****OBEY***** GOD'S SCRIPTURAL REQUIREMENTS (which also means OBEYING his Son). [John 3:36; 17:3]



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