Thursday, September 08, 2011

Censored "Tweet"

Although the public has been invited, by, to post "tweet" questions (on twitter) for Bono and Edge  - for them to mass-media chat their answers to tomorrow; mine has, apparently, been [yet again] censored. The most inane and shallow, but yet positive-for-PR (and sales, etc.) questions are being publically previewed, for all to see, cheer, and anticipate the answers to; but mine has not been acknowledged.

That is not surprising, though, since that same website ( banned me from their music message board in late 2004. I had written on their message board (zootopia), intensely, for nearly 3 years before that. I wrote MUCH about the holy name of God - JHVH/YHWH/Jehova/Yahweh - its vital meaning and importance, and other scriptural and spiritual truths meant to go along with the proclamation of that holy name. 

However, when it came time for U2 to put out their new album, "How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb", with its closing track, named, surprisingly, *** "YAHWEH" *** , it was the choice of U2 and their organization to market and BLASPHEME - EXPLOIT for THEIR OWN gain, fame, and purposes -  the HOLY NAME belonging to GOD ALMIGHTY; but also to CENSOR, DELETE, BAN, and allow grotesque persecution of scriptural truth Divinely-willed to accompany the use of the Creator and Universal Sovereign's own personal, holy name.

Yes, just as prophesied for these last of the pre-Armageddon days of this spirit-of-Satan-dominated world system, messages of whole-scriptural truth from Jehovah's words ARE NOT WANTED - they (and those speaking them) are shown HATE by the many. (John 15:18-20; 17:14-18; Romans 1:18; Revelation 12:17; more)

Certainly, for the past nearly 10 years, that behavior - replete with glaring, hypocritical INJUSTICE -  has been well-demonstrated by fervent U2 idolators/FALSE (ANTI-whole-scriptural, anti-Jehovah/Yahweh, antichrist) religionists (including worshipers of money, self, etc). Accurate, whole-scriptural messages - and messengers of them - which contradict (with needed strength) the mass-media-ed "spiritual" teachings of Bono, U2, and their idolatrous fans (including some religious leaders of Christendom) have been attacked relentlessly (even with outrageous slander and gang mischief/harassment/bullying), wiped-out (deleted/censored), and banned. 

Those party to that OPPRESSION of God-granted FREEDOM of SPEECH -
for those true to Him to SPEAK HIS TRUTH to their fellow human beings (*ESPECIALLY as regards HIS own HOLY NAME*)  -




Jehovah/Yahweh's own words and warnings,

and neither do they want others

to SEE or HEAR

those things either.....

even though it means their eternal lives.


This was to be my "tweet" - now called-out here, instead:


How do U feel about fans using U as 2Timothy 4:3,4 "support" 2 CHOP DOWN (censor, ban) speech of whole scriptural truth from Jehovah?

(In explanation, again, during the past going-on 10 years, fervent U2 "fans" have acted to have me banned from more than 13 websites - for speaking Jehovah/Yahweh's truth that corrected the teachings of their Bono god and the POPular FALSE [anti-whole scriptural] religious teachings he [Bono] in turn has supported/promoted/reinforced [much, it seems, for "the sake of"  "social justice" agendas].)

As for tomorrow's to-be-well-media-ed "chat", in all likelihood to be devoid of what is MOST IMPORTANT - but yet beloved for its pseudo-spiritual content; in U2's own famous "The Fly" screen message words,



Blogger Theresa1 said...

APOSTATE/apostate-spirited comments to try to silence or even squelch needed urgent WARNING WORDS (re: Ezekiel 3:17-21 and SO MUCH MORE) ARE NOT WECOME ON THIS BLOG. Comments in opposition to the working spirit of Jehovah himself and the drive of his own KNOWN words and purposes ARE NOT WANTED HERE.

Apostates and any who would "shrink back" [into destruction] to DEFEND and be party to CONTINUED MASS BLASPHEMY of Jehovah/Yahweh's own holy name can take their Satanic speeches to any of the many U2 IDOLATER-dominated message boards where Jehovah's words of truth are NOT TOLERATED unless they are WATERED-DOWN into ineffective, mockable inanity. There, such persons can enjoy the sin of "SITTING with men of untruth", if they so wish - and then they can answer to God for their crimes of being like everyone else of Christendom, etc., SELLING OUT HIS life-saving TRUTH for the cheap, filthy thrill of "getting along nicely with others" (the same FALSE "peace" illusion/delusion based on DISLOYALTY to God that SATAN holds out as "cake" to all men, if they will just yield to his wishes, to TURN AGAINST Jehovah and his KNOWN will and standards).

But this is NOT one of those spiritual ADULTERY, apostate speech tolerating-and-loving, and IDOLATRY and BLASPHEMY, etc.- supporting/coddling sites.

For that MIRE so many DESIRE, they can get it ELSEWHERE - there's PLENTY of spiritually lackidazical, lukewarm, and made sleepy/inebriated-by-the-dominating-spirit-of-the-world persons to go "sit" with ELSEWHERE.

I'll CONTINUE speaking Jehovah/Yahweh's URGENT TRUTH and WARNINGS AS I HAVE - including God's warning words of his hatred and rage against the "machine" of Satan's world empire of all FALSE religions (including APOSTASY); and Jehovah's SOON-coming Day of Destruction of "Babylon the Great".

Enoch. Noah. Jeremiah. Isaiah. Ezekiel. Daniel. AMOS. *JESUS CHRIST* Peter. John. Paul (the apostle). Jehovah's wanted me to take lessons for how to preach from these examples (and others of the same mind and heart) - especially his own Son. And so I have. And Jehovah, as promised, is completing my training Himself, by his spirit.

Authority to preach Jehovah's scriptural truth comes from heaven, NOT men; and those TRUE to HIM speak and act according to HIS known scriptural will and HIS spirit.


"GO AWAY, SATAN! For it is written: 'It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is TO HIM ALONE you must render sacred service.'" (Matthew 4:10)

3:44 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

There is NO EXCUSE - and neither can there be any APOSTATE, FAKE covering-over for the demonistic/demonized, grotesque persecution and injustice (against Divine, scriptural TRUTH and persons speaking of it) carried out by persons of those idolatrous and God-blaspheming websites. It is just SO GOOD to KNOW that [SOON] Jehovah/Yahweh HIMSELF will be exacting punishment, repaying tribulation, and delivering vengeance Himself against all such persons who have FAILED to GENUINELY repent of their high-CRIMES against God and humanity by their unrighteous oppression of freedom of speech of God's TRUE servants to tell others about Jehovah's own life-helping and life-saving spiritual truth.

2Thessalonians 1:6-8

Romans 1:18-32

Isaiah 54:17.

4:00 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

"God is dead"
"GOD's words are RUDE"
Both these things are said
By people being FOOLS.

4:23 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

All apostate/AGENT OF THE DEVIL comments will be deleted and dismissed; and the makers of them left to "deal with" Jehovah my God for their ATTEMPTED OPPRESSION and incidious and UNRIGHTFUL discouragement of my use of freeness of speech and freedom of speech GRANTED TO ME BY MY GOD, WITH HIS SPIRIT, to speak his scriptural messages.

It is GREAT that ARMAGEDDON is on its way.

In the meantime, I WILL CONTINUE to do my God Jehovah's will, AS I HAVE BEEN.

9:24 PM  

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