Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Time's Up: Another Post that was Not "Accepted" for "Print", Re: "40"

[Unlike some FALSE "Christian", my post (on a popular lyric/ lyric meaning message board/forum) did NOT adulate and exalt Bono as being someone whose "eyes have been opened", by "the Lord" -  as someone who has been singing the "new song." Bono idolatry is more favored than God or Christ-loyalty and scriptural, spiritual truth by many though; so, my post did not show. But HERE it is...]

NO - The Scriptural "New Song" is FAR DIFFERENT than What this Idolized Rock Star and Many of his Fans Have Promoted!

NO. David's Psalm 40 is OF GOD. Those who sing "a new song", scripturally, are those who are unhypocritically, genuinely speaking/singing out TRUTH and praise to Jehovah [Yahweh] based on His known own words, his truth. On earth, it is sung ONLY BY those who worship Jehovah "with spirit and truth" (John 4:24); and it is similar to what is sung by Christ's brothers, "the holy ones", who have been resurrected to heaven already (and the few who are yet on earth)[Revelation 14:1-3]. So, there is a grand, harmonious, universal anthem and chorus of praise going to Jehovah, continuously, from all of his faithful servants, including the angels.

NO - no one still associated with Christendom, secular humanism/ "social justice" as "WORSHIP" - or other ANTI-scriptural FALSE religion of "Babylon the Great" - atheism, or any other form of spiritism or God-fighting disloyalty sings Jehovah (Yahweh/Ieova/Geova/Exhoba's etc.) "NEW SONG".

IF people DO want to BE IN HARMONY with those who ARE UNIVERSALLY UNITED in PURE WORSHIP of the CREATOR, the ONLY TRUE and LIVING GOD, THEN THEY *DO* have to FIRST bring their hearts, minds, and lives into HARMONY with Jehovah's will - his own scriptural, spirit-backed TRUTH-purposes-principles-commands-requirements. They must "repent and turn around" (Acts 3:19) and then REMAIN obedient and loyal to Him and his Son. (UNLIKE FALSE "Christianity" bloodguiltily teaches, OBEDIENCE IS REQUIRED to be part of "the Way" [John 3:36]. "All you have to do is beLIEve in the Lord and you are saved", and other such sayings are LIES which are merely modern revampings of Satan's original lies from Eden, wrapped up in shiny-white packages [FALSELY] labeled "Christian".)

Otherwise, as has been done, to MIX God's holy words - HIS PSALM (even a "paraphrase" of a piece of it) or HIS scriptural terms (even allusions to them) - in with SPIRITUAL FALSEHOOD is BLASPHEMY, in the scriptural, true spiritual sense.

No, no, NO: Internationally mass-media chanting (through concerts and other media) "Jesus, Jew, Muhummad, its true...all sons of Abraham" as anything true in the scriptural spiritual sense; hyping religious ecumenalism to service "social justice" and as the way to "peace" ["and security"]; and MASS-BLASPHEMING GOD'S HOLY NAME IS as ULTRA-GRATE-INGLY OUT-OF-HARMONY, lyric, tune, rhythm, and sense as possible with either "the Way" or the scriptural "new song."

Those TRUE to Jehovah and His Son, preach and teach God's words to this world with so much zeal that it is similar to singing, powerfully; and because it is done with God's backing, his words of truth and his spirit - and also out of love for God, Christ, and "neighbor" - it is MELODIOUS. This preaching, teaching, obeying, being loyal to, putting hope and confidence in, praising, and showing love for God and his Son - and urging others to do the same - is how those of the global "great crowd, which no man is able to number" [Revelation 7:9-14], who will "possess the earth" (which WILL become a truly united, peaceful paradise [Psalm 37:9-11]) DO "SING...A NEW SONG":

"SING to Jehovah A NEW SONG. Sing to Jehovah, all [you people of] the earth. Sing to Jehovah, bless his name. From day to day tell the good news of salvation by him. Declare among the nations his glory, Among all the peoples his wonderful works. For Jehovah is great and very much to be praised. He is fear-inspiring above all [other] gods. For all the gods of the peoples are valueless gods; but as for Jehovah, he has made the very heavens. Dignity and splendor are before him; strength and beauty are his sanctuary. Ascribe to Jehovah, O you families of the peoples, Ascribe to Jehovah glory and strength. Ascribe to Jehovah the glory belonging to his name; Carry a gift and come into his courtyards. Bow down to Jehovah in holy adornment; Be in severe pains because of him, all [you people of] the earth. Say among the nations: "Jehovah himself has become king. The productive land also becomes firmly established so that it cannot be made to totter. He will plead the cause of peoples in uprightness." Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be joyful. Let the sea thunder and that which fills it. Let the open field exult and all that is in it. At the same time, let all the trees of the forest break out joyfully Before Jehovah. For he has come; For he has come to judge the earth. He will judge the productive land with righteousness And the peoples with his faithfulness. (Psalm 96)

"SING TO JEHOVAH A NEW SONG, for wonderful are the things that he has done. His right hand, even his holy arm, has gained salvation for him. Jehovah has made his salvation known; in the eyes of the nations he has revealed his righteousness. He has remembered his loving kindness and his faithfulness to the house of Israel. All the ends of the earth have seen salvation by our God. Shout in triumph to Jehovah, all [you people of] the earth. Be cheerful and cry out joyfully and MAKE MELODY. MAKE MELODY to Jehovah with the harp, with the harp and the voice of melody. With the trumpets and the sound of the horn Shout in triumph before the king, Jehovah. Let the sea thunder and that which fills it, the productive land and those dwelling in it. Let the rivers themselves clap their hands; and together let the very mountains cry out joyfully Before Jehovah, for he has come to judge the earth. He will judge the productive land with righteousness And the peoples with uprightness. (Psalm 98)[Caps mine.]

Other than that, the actual Psalm 40 needs to be re-read in its entirety, and LIVED UP TO - not paraphrased in part to the masses, but yet "undermined", exploited, extorted, "used", and abandoned.

A key to doing justice to Psalm 40 is found in verse 4: "Happy is the able-bodied man that has PUT JEHOVAH AS HIS TRUST and that has not turned his face to defiant people, nor to those falling away to lies."

And, indeed, that "NEW SONG" emphatically includes URGING PEOPLE to also PUT THEIR TRUST for mankind's salvation in Jehovah (see the ACTUAL verse 40:3 - "MANY WILL SEE [it] AND WILL FEAR, and they WILL TRUST IN JEHOVAH"), the Creator and Sovereign of the Universe. They will put their TRUST in HIM - NOT "science", ecumenalism of FALSE religions, "social justice", the UN, Satan's world political system, philanthropy, or any other conglomeration, work, or design of men.

So yes - do sing a NEW song, please.


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