Sunday, July 29, 2012


Not long ago, I found the wikipedia entry for "Yahweh (Song)". What appeared there - one of Jehovah [Yahweh's] own inspired songs, from His own Bible (with about one-tenth of the Holy Scriptures actually being songs)?

Oh no - not in this ultra-idolatrous and blasphemous age.

No, no, no. What was promoted there INSTEAD was the song, "Yahweh"  "by U2".

What else was included there, as "knowledgeable information" regarding this EXPLOITATION and CONTORTION of what "Yahweh" and "song" together should "mean"?

Well, there was a long garble of meaningless, incorrect, and TRITE banter that had VERY LITTLE AT ALL TO DO WITH RIGHTLY HONORING THIS ONLY TRUE GOD'S HOLY NAME - and nothing at all to do with explaining the scriptural, spiritual truth meant to go along with the proclamation of God's name.

INSTEAD, MOST FOOLISHLY, ALL OF THE FOCUS WAS PUT ON U2 - adulation of them, and/or how entertaining or platable this song and its performances have been for people. The comments VALUED by those of this entry's audience - from so-claimed "credible" sources - showed NO RESPECT OR ACKNOWLEDGMENT AT ALL ABOUT WHAT THE PRIMARY ISSUE IS WITH USING THE VERY  HOLY, PERSONAL NAME BELONGING TO THE CREATOR and UNIVERSAL SOVEREIGN HIMSELF as the title and repeated invocation-lyric of this internationally mass-media-ed song.

Yes, as has become so very typical (and very much so by [especially FALSE "Christian"] U2 IDOLATERS) the importance of and reverence to even the HOLY name and PERSON of God Almighty Himself was yet again DISREGARDED (trampled on); and what was banally mundane about the subject of a "Yahweh" song - "by U2" - was made the center of all exalted attention INSTEAD.

Quotes from "experts" and "pros" remain there, under that entry. One, in gross ignorance towards the meaning and eternal importance of God's HOLY NAME, paltered that, hmmmm......this song might BE ABOUT Bono and his wife and children. NO, person - THIS SONG, FOR WHAT IT IS TITLED WITH, and the NAME it repeatedly CALLS ON, SHOULD RIGHTLY *ONLY* BE ABOUT GOD and HIS PURE TRUTH; or CALLING ON GOD "with spirit and truth" - and associated with NOTHING UNHOLY or of SPIRITUAL LIES. It is a song - for the distinct name it does use - THAT ADDRESSES GOD HIMSELF. Therefore, the Creator is the SUBJECT of this song.

Also, UNLIKE an "expert" also claimed, for the unique and distinct NAME this song uses - which belongs ONLY to the CREATOR/ Heavenly Father/ Universal Sovereign Jehovah [Yahweh] - and NO ONE ELSE - this song does NOT address Jesus Christ (God's SON, who purposely has his own, God-given, DIFFERENT name).

Other dribble-some comments from persons negatively chawed about the song being "boring", dud-ish, and that Edge's guitar playing for it was unexciting to them.

Clearly, whoever put together / contributed to this "piece" - portraying, to the world, what the importance and significance of the combined terms of "Yahweh" and "song" is and should be - did NOT HONOR the GOD whose NAME THIS IS.

Further though, is this: I made my own simple edit-addition into this article. (It also CORRECTED the entirely WRONG [completely anti-scriptural] mass-media-promoted-by-Bono ["pop"] idea that the name of God is not to be spoken.)

The babble-ish comments of the importance-of-God's-name-IGNORING "experts" quoted, kept, and upheld in this article cited their "references" - which were writings as unauthoritative to the subject as the comments themselves proved to be.

This was my completely objective edit/addition, CITING THE VERY WORDS OF THIS GOD, YAHWEH, AS MY AUTHORITY and REFERENCE:

"Despite "interpretations" of this song, or opinions as to its musicality or entertainment appeal, however, a fact remains: This song IS TITLED with the holy, personal name of God Almighty. Whereas it is Jehovah-Yahweh's own express will that his name (and scriptural truth meant to go along with the proclamation of his holy name) be made known, spoken, praised, and sung throughout all the earth; it must never be associated with that which is unholy or spiritually false - or that association constitutes blasphemy, which this God says he will soon punish persons for. (Psalms 83:18 and 96; Exodus 20:2-7)"

But, do you think that FERVENT FALSE RELIGIOUS U2 IDOLATERS (NOT actual, scripturally-obedient worshipers of  the God Jehovah/Yahweh, OR "followers"of Jesus Christ whatsoever) could possibly LET THAT TRUTH FROM YAHWEH, that WARNING, be made known - along with a SONG TITLED WITH and USING His NAME put out by their rock gods (whom, as many are aware, actually grossly long-term mass-media BLASPHEMED this God's holy name by their USE of this song [with the spiritually BAD things they associated it with, in front of millions or billions of people])???????!!!!!!!!!
Oh, absolutely NOT. TRUTH FROM JEHOVAH/YAHWEH IS *NOT* WHAT such U2 IDOLATERS ARE "LOOKING FOR", and, like those of that prophesied-type, THEY CERTAINLY DO #NOT# WANT OTHERS TO KNOW THE ACTUAL SCRIPTURAL, SPIRITUAL TRUTH ABOUT GOD YAHWEH/JEHOVAH and His Son, JESUS CHRIST EITHER. NO - God-FIGHTING U2 idolater internetees, as publicly demonstrated over the past going-on-11-years - have been much about trying to crush and smother messages of scriptural, spiritual truth (and warnings) FROM THIS GOD; and EXALTING THE SIN-"PERMISSIVE", EASY-GOING god and loose form of "worship" they have created with their Bono-idolatry - in the names of "God" and their "Lord Jesus Christ" as covers though, of course.

So, my "edit", my "addition" stayed up for only several days, but then was removed - by one or more persons showing HATE and DISRESPECT to THIS GOD, YAHWEH-JEHOVAH; His Son, and their fellow man.

How wonderful it is that Armageddon Day, from Jehovah/Yahweh, is rushing on - and mainly to clear his name from the damage done to it by idolaters and blasphemers, from those DISRESPECTING HIM and HIS HOLY NAME (and that of his Son's also.)

How good it is to know, too,  that by DIVINE justice, people WILL soon reap what they sow. Amen.


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